Wind Player Performance Assessment

Playing Test
59 pts / D
69 pts / C
79 pts / B
89 pts / A
100 pts
Note Accuracy / F
Student has not mastered the notes and therefore, has numerous errors. There are multiple restarts / D
Student has some notes correct but needs to work on greater accuracy There are multiple restarts. / C
Student plays some wrong notes. There is a restart. / B
Student plays with minimal wrong notes. There is no restart / A
Student is able to play without any wrong notes. Student has clearly mastered the material. There is no restart
Rhythm / F
Student has not mastered correct rhythms and therefore, has numerous errors. / D
Student plays some of the rhythms correct but needs to work on greater accuracy. / C
Student plays some rhythms incorrectly. / B
Student plays with minimal rhythmic errors. / A
Student is able to play with correct rhythms for the style of music. Student has clearly, mastered the material.
Tone / F
Student plays with uncharacteristic tone. There is only blasting, squeaking, cracking. There are problems with air utilization to support tone production. / D
Student plays with intermittent uncharacteristic tone with many cracked or squeaky There are frequent problems with air utilization to support tone production. / C
Student plays with inconsistent or unclear tone. There are some squeaks, cracking, fuzzy, or weak tone because of the lack of breath support. / B
Student plays with minimal cracking, squeaking or weak air. Tone is clear with minimal problems. Extremes in range cause tome to be less controlled / A
Student is able to play with characteristic sound on the instrument. Tone is consistently focused, clear and centered throughout the range of the instrument
Articulation / F
Student plays with none of the articulations or there is no attempt. There are no secure attacks. Markings are not executed accurately / D
Student plays with some secure attacks. Markings are sometimes executed. / C
Student plays with more frequent secure attacks. More of the markings are executed. / B
Student plays with mostly secure attacks, though with some isolated errors. Markings are mostly executed properly as directed by the music. / A
Student is able to play with secure attacks. Markings are executed accurately as directed by the music.
Dynamics / F
No dynamic levels observed during the playing of the music. Attention to dynamics needs to be reviewed / D
Few dynamic levels are not obvious during the playing of the music. Attention to dynamics needs to be addressed. / C
Most of the dynamic levels are accurate and characteristic of the style of music / B
Dynamic levels are typically accurate and consistent with few errors in interpretation. / A
Dynamic levels are obvious, consistent, and an accurate interpretation of the style of music.
Posture/Breathing / F
Student does not display proper posture. Appropriate breathing technique are not utilized or no attempt was made. / D
Student is able to play with mediocre posture and plays with some breathing technique. / C
Student is able to play with satisfactory posture while utilizing better breathing technique some of the time. / B
Student is able to play with correct posture with good breathing technique most of the time. / A
Student is able to play with correct posture and demonstrates excellent placement of breaths.