A webquest designed for Physical Education and Health students (9th-10th grade)Designed by Jim Hyder Newport High School Health and Physical Education teacher
Win a million! No, not money, but you will feel like a million bucks when you decide to take charge of your life and live a healthy and fit lifestyle. Here is your chance to be a real reality hero. You can do this by helping others eliminate those dreaded enemies called obesity, overweight, and just plain out of shape.The challenge of getting fit and in shape is a commitment that involves education, nutrition, and fitness principles. This commitment needs to be turned into a habit with young and old alike. You and your team are going to get a chance to turn a commitment into a habit for two individuals.
There is no wealth but life
John Ruskin
Laura and Bob have won a contest along with ninety-eight other individuals for a chance to win one-million dollars. All they have to do is run and win the Sedentary Million Dollar 5-Kilometer Challenge. They have come to your Fit for Life team for help. Your Fit for Life team consists of an educator, nutritionist, and a personal trainer. The race will be taking place in six months. Your job is to transform these two sedentary individuals into the best shape of their lives. Remember, fitness involves more than just training. Education and nutrition are just as important. My hope is that you and your group while researching and designing a fitness program will also learn valuable information for your own lives and apply it to your own individual fitness program.
Laura is a thirty-two year old mother of two. She is 5’ 5” and weighs 110 lbs. In high school, Laura participated in running the mile in track. However, she has done nothing in the way of fitness for the past 15 years. She is a non-smoker and drinker. Laura loves to cook, and hardly ever eats out. Her body type would be considered ruler shape. Can you help her out?
Bob is a twenty-nine year old single male. Bob loves his job as an insurance agent, but it keeps him behind the desk and on the phone all day. Bob works long hours and rarely has time to cook. Bob is a fast-food junkie. Bob never met a sweet he did not like. He is 6’0’’ and weighs 295 lbs. Bob is a non-smoker and drinker. Bob was and is about as non-athletic as they come. His body type would be considered spoon shaped with large saddle bags protruding from the outside of his thighs. Can you help him out?
The class will be divided into groups of three to complete the project. Each member of the group will have a specific role to fill in the Fitness for Life team. After completing the individual assignment, the group will come together and finalize their report. After the team finalizes their report, they will present it to the rest of the students in the class through a power point presentation. Each individual will be responsible for a complete description of their portion of the project. The last assignment for this project is for each individual to write a two page conclusion paper about the role each played on the team, and reflect on how they can use this information to apply it in their own lives.
Personal Trainer- The duties of the personal trainer are to formulate the best workout program possible for the clients based on their goals. The program you put together should include all components of fitness, overloading principles, training programs for speed and distance, training techniques, and training tips.
Educator- The duties of the educator are to formulate a plan of fitness learning for the clients. This plan needs to include cardiovascular and muscle endurance, flexibility, body composition, muscle strength, intensity, duration, frequency, training effect, recovery, target heart rate, and body mass index.
Nutritionist-The duties of the nutritionist are to formulate a healthy diet for the clients based on their fitness goals. They need to educate clients on nutrient intakes, daily caloric intakes, meal planning, fast food, and performance nutrition. They also need to plan one week of meals in which the clients can prepare the meal, and one week of meals in which the clients can eat from fast food restaurants.
1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Group power point presentation / Power point presentation is incomplete. It lacks analysis of each clients program, and lacks parts of nutrition, fitness education, or training principles. / Power point presentation lacks organization. Analysis of each clients program is vague but covers nutrition, fitness education, or training principles. / Power point presentation is organized. Analysis of each clients program is developed. Nutrition, fitness education, and training principles are well developed. / Power point presentation is very well organized. Analysis of each clients program is well developed. Nutrition, fitness education, and training principles are developed in depth.
Individual role responsibilities of team / Student shows little effort to complete his/her individual responsibilities to research information as a nutritionist, fitness educator, or personal trainer. / Student shows some effort to complete his/her individual responsibilities to research information as a nutritionist, fitness educator, or personal trainer. / Student shows above average effort to complete his/her individual responsibilities to research information as a nutritionist, fitness educator, or personal trainer. / Student is very resourceful in obtaining in depth and excellent research information as a nutritionist, fitness educator, or personal trainer.
Conclusion paper / Student shows little effort in describing their portion of the project, and little effort in analyzing the application of new knowledge in their own life. / Student shows some effort in describing their portion of the project, and some effort in analyzing the application of new knowledge in their own life. / Student shows complete description of their portion of the project, and above average analysis in the application of new knowledge in their own life. / Student shows in depth and complete description of their portion of the project, and in depth analysis in the application of new knowledge in their own life.
It is my hope that each student will have a deeper appreciation and understanding of fitness education, nutrition, and training principles. The United States is fast becoming a country of overweight and obese individuals. Your generation has a chance to make a difference. I hope that you will not only apply this knowledge in your own life, but also spread the good news to your family and friends. So go ahead, turn the fitness and nutrition commitment into a habit for life.