Matthew 16:19-21
Bible Fact: Jesus expects all of His disciples to demonstrate the authority and power of His kingdom
as a witness to a weak and wicked world.
The Big Idea: To get Christian disciples to surrender their faith beyond the traditional to be offered the opportunity to engage with God without restrictions to do miraculous works that represent God.
I. The SOUL ONLY is the lone citizen that lives in the kingdom of heaven.
1. On the Cross Jesus suffered for me
2. In me Jesus saves me
3. Around me Jesus secures me
4. By my side Jesus sustains me
5. For me Jesus sanctifies me
II. 7 Keys to unlock kingdom authority and power within you:
III. Kingdom citizen rules Jesus taught that release His keys of authority to His disciples; Matthews 5:1, 2
A. Teaching (principles) and demonstrating (practice) what is learned is the beginning of authority.
AUTHORITY: The one officially in charge.
W. Michael Blumenthal, chairman of Unisys, talks about the mistakes he made in hiring: In choosing people for top positions, you have to try to make sure they have a clear sense of what is right and wrong, a willingness to be truthful, the courage to say what they think and to do what they think is right, even if the politics militate against that. This is the quality that should really be at the top. I was too often impressed by the intelligence and substantive knowledge of an individual and did not always pay enough attention to the question of how honest, courageous and good a person the individual really was.---Jerry Flint, inForbes.
B. RULES FOR KINGDOM CITIZENSHIP that release authority (official eligibility) of true Christian disciples: (John 3: 3,5) Are you official?
1. Rule #1 Jesus releases authority to His disciples that display an humble spirit;
2. Rule #2 Jesus releases authority to His disciples that take humility seriously with the attitude of one who visits a “shiva sitting”.
3. Rule #3 Jesus releases authority to His disciples that demonstrate meekness;
4. Rule #4 Jesus releases authority to His disciple that hunger and thirst after righteousness (the way or the lifestyle for the believer); Matthew 5:6; Isaiah 55:1-3
5. Rule #5 Jesus releases authority to His disciple that displays mercy; Matthew 5:7; Proverbs 3:3,4;14:21,22
6. Rule #6 Jesus releases authority to His disciple that act with a pure in heart; Matthew 5:8; Psalm 24:3-5
7. Rule #7 Jesus releases authority to His disciple that invest their energy in peacemaking; Matthew 5:9; Romans 12:17-21
8. Rule #8 Jesus releases authority to His disciple that endures adversity and opposition for righteousness’s sake and He blesses them with a kingdom of heaven behavior; Matthew 5:10; I Peter 5:10
· Jesus gives authority to withstand false accusations against Christianity; v.11
· Jesus gives authority to sustaining joy when things are negative and makes the reward great; v.12
9. Rule #9 Jesus releases power to disciples that are strong enough to value and have the desire and will to reconstruct human relationships; Matthew 5:22-24; 1:21
10. Rule #10 Jesus releases power to disciples that can display true humility expecting no gain or nothing personally in return but only to represent God; Matthew 5:39-42
11. Rule #11 Jesus releases power to disciples that can demonstrate perfect and pure love (mercy, honor, respect, etc.) to people that hate or oppose them; Matthew 5:43-48
12. Rule #12 Jesus releases power to His disciples that resist personally showing off in public and preferring preeminence over others. Matthew 6:1-8; III John 1:9,10
13. Rule #13 Jesus releases power to His disciples that visit with God the Father in prayer and use prayer as the Divine vehicle of communication to summon, invoke, expect, listen or talk to God; Matthew 6:9-13
14. Rule #14 Jesus releases power to His disciples that practice forgiveness; Matthew 6:14,15;
15. Rule #15 Jesus releases power to His disciples that take fasting serious and do not fast for the show of other people; Matthew 6:17,18
16. Rule #16 Jesus releases power to His disciples that are wise enough to know how to store and invest valuable treasures in their right places; Ecclesiastes 10:19; I Timothy 6:10-12,17-19; Revelation 18:1-20; Matthew 6:19-24
17. Rule #17 Jesus releases power to His disciples who learn not to make a habit of worrying and to display their day-to-day faith in God by allowing God to be the author of all of their blessings; Matthew 6:25-34
18. Rule #18 Jesus releases power to His disciple who do not practice injustice (personal prejudice) in their measurement and judgement of the character and actions of others or use double standards to classify other people; Micah 6:7-8; John 7:1-5;
19. Rule # 19 Jesus releases power to His disciples that exercise wisdom toward evil and wick people as they also protect the integrity of the principles and practices of living in the kingdom of the King of Kings; Proverbs 9:7.8; Matthew 7:6
20. Rule #20 Jesus releases power to His disciples that know how to exercise receiving and giving according to kingdom rule (kingdom secret of getting and giving); Matthew 7:7-11
21. Rule #21 Jesus releases power to His disciples that use the measure of their personal character as the measure of how they deal with or related to other people; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 7:12, I John 4:20, 21
8.25.15 lesson 30