Willow Springs Elementary PTA

Celebrating 18 years of

Auction Tradition

The Willow Springs Elementary Silent Auction is one of our largest fundraisers. We owe the success of the event to the many corporate and community sponsors and donors who donate their goods and services, not to mention the hundreds of auction bidders and attendees. Last year the auction raised $10,000 in one afternoon. Please help us this year by volunteering your time, ideas and/or donations.

OK, so you’ve decided to donate an item……

What should you donate?

Think outside the box ! Do you have an ‘in’ for tickets to the Kennedy Center, or even on Broadway? Does your company own sports tickets or other ’perks’ that you could pass along? Do you frequent a certain restaurant or get your hair done at only a certain salon?

Think fun! Own a vacation house in a fabulous location? What about making it available for a long weekend or a week? Do you create jewelry or art? What about donating an original piece?

Think big! Previous year’s big items included a private wine and cheese boat cruise on the Potomac, a pool party for 10 people including dinner and dessert, a private guided tour of the National Zoo for up to 10 people, and several amazing vacation packages, including great ski destinations, Atlantic City, and St. Mary’s, MD.

Think small! Not everyone can afford an expensive vacation, but everyone still wants to be involved. Sometimes less expensive items generate the most bids. Some of our most hotly contested items have been themed gift baskets. Some basket ideas could include local wines, food specialties, or create a theme of your own……. a ‘diva’ basket, a ‘whine’ basket or what about a ‘girly’ basket?

Think tech! Popular tech gadgets could include iPods, cell phones, digital cameras, and educational toys and software.

Think creatively! Can you do a take off on Oprah’s ‘favorite things’? What about something that reflects a passion of yours, like a new golf bag stuffed with golf goodies, or a basket of your favorite gourmet kitchen tools? Do you have a close friend or relative who’s a professional chef, tennis pro, or accomplished poker player who would be willing to donate lessons? What about a gift certificate to a spa?

Or use your imagination……

Some of the best items for auction are provided by

Willow Springs Elementary families & staff each year.

We truly thank all of our generous donors.

We couldn’t do it without you!

If you have questions or need additional information please email

(Nayyiara Siddiqui at , Rowena Askins at , or Heather Rupp at .)