Willow Clinic Volunteer Application2016
Eligibility: To apply, you must be a current UC Davis student and must be enrolled at UC Davis for the 2016-2017 school year.
Submission: Email your completed application to by 11:59 pm onApril 23rd.
Please save your application as a PDF with the following file name: LastName_FirstName_2016Application
Late applications will not be considered.
- Attend 4 Saturday clinics per quarter
- Attend 4 Saturday clinics during the summer
- Attend mandatoryclinic meetings on Mondays from 7:10-8:30 pm
- 5-10 hours of clinic activities per week
- Tuberculosis (TB) Test (PPD test): 2 TB tests – one within the last 3 months, another no older than a year
Suggestion – if you can't remember when you last had a TB test, get
theinjection and have it "read" then retest a week later
- Rubella (German Measles): Proof of MR or MMR immunization or serology showing immunity to Rubella
- Rubella (Measles): Two doses of Measles Vaccine (or MMR) in a lifetime
- Chicken Pox (varicella): is REQUIRED for UCDMC. Vaccination (2 shots required – 4 weeks apart) or proof of immunity by serology test for chicken pox.
Note, there is no cost for registered UCD students with SHIP to receive varicella vaccinations at SHWC
- Hepatitis B Series: is recommended for UCDMC internships
Willow Clinic Volunteer Application2016
Name: Click here to enter text. Email address:Click here to enter text.
Expected graduation date (quarter/year):Click here to enter text.
Major: Click here to enter text.
Have you applied to Willow before? ☐Yes ☐No
If so, when?
Click here to enter text.
Are you in good academic standing with the university?☐Yes ☐No
Are you currently a member of another student-run clinic? ☐Yes ☐No
Are you able to commit to at least an entire year of work? (Summer 2016-Spring 2017)? ☐Yes ☐No
- Why do you want to volunteer with the homeless population?
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- Describe a time you took initiative.
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- What are your other commitments? How can you balance these commitments with Willow Clinic?
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- What personal attributes or experiences do you have that will contribute to Willow Clinic’s goal?
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- Think of an experience you had as a member of a team. What helped you reach your goals, and what did not?
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- Describe a time you encountered a problem, and explain the process you went through to solve it.
Suggested word count: 300
Click here to enter text.
- Please list any languages you speak other than English:
Click here to enter text.
- Please note if you have experience or a particular interest in any of the following:
Photography/Media ☐Yes
Dentistry ☐Yes
Wellness activities (art, yoga, meditation, etc) ☐Yes
Educational presentations ☐Yes
Explain any boxes you checked: Click here to enter text.