Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:LoveGroup:Date:

National Curriculum Key Stage and Targets: KS1 RE/PSHE

Cross-Curricular Elements: Music, citizenship, belonging

Further Learning Opportunities

Timing / Teaching and Learning
Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, the standard at which they are working and write key vocabulary on the board. / By the end of the Lesson:
All students must; Understand there are many types of love
Most students should; Recognise different sorts of positive love
Some students could; Understand that love is part of forming relationships
Extend / Reinforce the Learning:
Homework: / SUGGESTION:
  • Draw a picture of the people you love (label it)

Begin the Learning - Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 10
mins / Sing a song- e.g. Magic Penny- Love is something if you give it away…
Settle for PowerPoint discussion
Continue the Learning - Activities: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review
New activity / Apply / Review / 30
mins /
  1. Title slide- Love
  2. Discuss love in many forms- e.g. Dad & son reading, football team/goal scorer etc.
  3. Acceptable ways of showing love- holding hands, kissing…
  4. Christian, Islamic and Jewish quotes on love
  5. Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu quotations- Love is spoken of in ALL religions
  6. Right love/wrong love- 10 pictures- talk about pictures with elements of love in them e.g. Holding hands= good and can be 2 girls/2 boys. Love is not about objects and material things e.g. Beer & computer games- N.B. Under Healthy Living choices some people would say they love things that are harmful.
ACTIVITY- Use worksheet & pictures from slide 6- cut them up and stick in heart only those that the group/individual think are Good Love
Supporting / Developing the Learning – Differentiation:
Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support and extension to be used. Include support staff meeting notes. / Students / Target groups likely to need support…
Some may need pre-cut pictures
LSA support with scissors/gluing / Students likely to need extension work
Label the pictures
Celebrating the Learning - Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / 5
mins / Show and tell pictures
Teacher to display work
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / IWB- presentation, Photocopied worksheets, left & right-handed scissors, glue- songs on theme of Love
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / Could bring in subject of kissing, hand holding, e.g. Continental kiss on each cheek- men kissing men see picture of Arab Prince and US President
Be aware of religious/cultural sensitivities around animals
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to bedone to ensure maximum safety. / Standard KS1 class risk assessments which should include use of scissors and glue