PPG Meeting – Tuesday 7th July 2015

Present – JW (Jill Woolridge) / PB (Pam Bryan) / KS (Kay Shaw ) AB (Angela Boote) AN (Angela Noblett)
Apologies - Geoff Dale / Eileen Dale / Barry Attwood / Susan Stepek /Janet Henderson/ Melanie Farnell /Howard Bayley / Janis Bayley
Minutes - KS – Kay Shaw
Chair – PB (Pam Bryan)
Agenda Item – / Action
Minutes of last Meeting – The minutes from last PPG Meeting were discussed and no points were raised. All members agreed with the minutes and were signed for accuracy by Kay Shaw
Matters Arising –
Compliment for Willow Bank Staff– AN requested that it be noted that she was impressed with the staff and how helpful they were and for JW to pass this on to the Staff
Management App – This was discussed and the PPG requested that EE come to next PPG Meeting to explain how to access this in a way for everyone to understand,
Friends and Family Test – JW provided members with the data sheet for the last 2 months FFT. On the whole quite positive and numbers of returned forms quite high
Cluster group Meeting – PB still trying to find out the practices that have been invited and they to invite diabetic patients. Patients are requested to book a place via reception.
Priorities for forthcoming year - topic deferred as only a small group in attendance
Updates on external meetings - Step Up/Down, intended to keep people in their homes and out of hospital. In essence, the group thought that the idea was great put putting it into action, remains to be seen. / EE
7 day working – JW advised that this was recently discussed at Britannia at an event that all practices were invited too, general consensus is that the majority of practices don’t want 7 day working
Meir 93 GP appt and 72 Nurse appts
Longton 66 GP app and 88 Nurse apps
The group thought that it would be helpful to advertise these figures, although JW advised that they are already running on envisage and on FB pages.
JW advised the group that Kathy (NP) and Dr Kalsi (GP) were both leaving the team
Next Meeting – 1st September then 10th November 2015