225C, AJC Bose Road (2nd Floor), Kolkata-700 020
Phone: 2289-2842/43, 22812878
E-mail: , Website: www.mstcindia.co.in
Fax: 91 33 2290 7211, 2247 8547/4915
Tender No: MSTC/ADMN/06/02(02)/2016-17
Annexure / Description / Page No.NIT, Eligibility Criteria/Evaluation Criteria,
Terms and Conditions, Tender Submission, etc. / 2-9
I / Format of Covering Letter / 10
II / Pro forma for Technical Bid / 11
III / Pro forma for Price Bid / 12-13
IV / Format of Integrity Pact / 14-17
Last date for bid submission:
Time: 14:30 hrs. on 01.10.2016
Dear Sirs
SUBJECT: Notice Inviting Tender for outsourcing of Watch & Ward services for our office located in Kolkata.
Tender No: MSTC/ADMN/06/02(02)/2016-17
a) MSTC Limited, a Government of India Undertaking invites Tender from reputed Private Security Agencies (PSAs) for outsourcing of Watch & Ward (W W) services for our offices in Kolkata.
Date of Obtaining Application forms / 09.09.2016Last Date of submission of Tender / 14:30 hrs. on 01.10.2016
Date of Pre-Bid Meeting / 15:00 hrs. on 19.09.2016
Date of Opening of Technical Bid / 15:00 hrs. on 01.10.2016
Date of opening of Financial Bid / 15:00 hrs. on 05.10.2016
b) Scope of work:
Offices of the MSTC, HO & ERO comprises 6 (six) floors in 2 (two) adjacent buildings at Kolkata. Deployment of watch and ward in the said offices would be as follows:
1. 1 watch and ward on 5 floor on all working days and Saturdays in 2 shifts i.e.:
a. 6.00 A.M - 2.00 P.M
b. 2.00 P.M – 10.00 P.M
2. 1 watch and ward on 1 floor on all working days and Saturdays in General shift i.e.:
a. 10.00 A.M - 6.00 P.M
3. 1 watch and ward in each building on all working days and Saturdays in night shift i.e.
a. 10.00 P.M – 6.00 A.M
4. 1 watch and ward in each building on all closed holidays in 3 shifts i.e.:
a. 6.00 A.M - 2.00 P.M
b. 2.00 P.M – 10.00 P.M
c. 10.00 P.M – 6.00 A.M
The Private Security Agency (PSA) shall deploy watch and ward for the jobs described above for round the clock manning of the offices and opening and closing of all floors as per requirement of MSTC Ltd. Rate should be quoted on per deployment basis as per format enclosed at Annexure – III. The total rate would be multiplication of no. of persons required). However, the requirement for deployment of W&W may vary from time to time depending upon need of the Company.
c) Payment Terms:
Payments of bills to be claimed by the agency will be submitted to the company on monthly basis and MSTC Ltd. will release payment within 21 days. Bills should be raised on per deployment basis as per formulae given below:
No. of W & W deployed during the month X monthly rate quoted per W&W
However, the disbursement of wages to its employees by the Agency will not be linked to payment of bills by MSTC Ltd. The monthly bills are to be submitted by the agency in triplicate, duly certified by the administration In-charge. The bill shall be paid on presentation after due verification, subject to submission of proof of having made the PF and ESI, challans along with a certificate list of its employees deployed for which the dues have been deposited by the 15th (fifteenth) of each month have to be submitted.
The deduction of income tax and other statutory deductions as applicable shall be made from every month bill at the rate applicable at the time of making the payment.
2. Award & Validity of Contract
The contract shall be valid for a period of 3 (Three) years from the date of award of contract. However, the performance shall be reviewed on yearly basis and the contract is liable to be cancelled in the event of unsatisfactory performance and/or violation of any term and condition of the contact.
The contract can be extended for a further period beyond 3 (three) years on the same terms and conditions on mutual agreement by both parties.
3. Eligibility Criteria
a) PSA should be either registered company or registered partnership firm or a reputed proprietorship concern for providing security guards services.
b) PSA should have obtained a license in accordance with section 4 & 7 of the Private Security Regulation Act 2005 issued by the state of West Bengal.
c) PSA should have Income Tax return of last three years.
d) PSA should have Audited Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Accounts for the past three years.
e) PSA should have Registration under Shops & Establishments Act.
f) PSA should have a valid certificate from ESI Corporation and should have been allotted with a code number by the ESIC.
g) PSA should have a valid certificate under EPF & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and the PSA should have been submitting EPF contribution online.
h) PSA should have copy of labour license in Form VI as per Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.
i) Documents proving compliance with Minimum Wages Act 1948 and other labour laws and rules to be submitted.
j) PSA should have their office at Kolkata with telephone connection and e-mail facility.
k) PSA should submit satisfactory service certificate from two Public sectors or Public sector Undertakings where it is presently providing security services.
l) The average turnover of the PSA during the last three financial years should not be less than Rupees Fifty lacs.
m) PSA should have Registration with appropriate authority for Service Tax.
n) PSA should have valid Professional Tax Payment Certificate (PTPC).
4. Terms and conditions
a) The MSTC reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
b) Deployment of ex-serviceman/ ex-para military force security guards as Watch & Ward is preferable. However civilian having minimum two years experience in similar work reputed organizations may also be deployed in exceptional circumstances with due approval of MSTC Management.
c) Deployment of Watch & Ward is to be completed within a period of 15 days commencing from the date of acceptance of the offer by the MSTC Ltd.
d) The job of deploying Watch & Ward in the above mentioned location will be given only to those Security Agencies having its office at Kolkata.
e) The PSA shall ensure that at no point of time during the prescribed duty hours, the Watch & Ward will leave their places of duty. The PSA shall arrange to send a relief wherever the regular Watch & Ward/ Watch & Ward is (are) absent or on leave.
f) The PSA shall maintain up to date record of every Watch & Ward as per the Shops & Establishments Act and will comply with & discharge all obligations under various Labor Laws viz. EPF Act, ESI Act, Bonus Act, workmen’s compensation Act, Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 etc. and or under any other state/ Union Legislation in respect of Guards engaged by PSA.
g) The PSA will change the Watch & Ward (men) immediately on instructions from the MSTC Ltd. if the performance of any particular Watch & Ward is not acceptable or found physically/medically unfit and decision of the MSTC Ltd. will be final in this regard.
h) The PSA shall be absolutely responsible for the payment of salary, all other statutory obligations for the Watch & Ward (or their dependent) employed on account of salary/wages, bonus, arrears, employment, termination benefit, compensation or other claim whatsoever and the MSTC Ltd. will not be liable in any manner for payment of any such charges.
i) In case of any mishap sustained by Watch & Ward of whatsoever nature (minor/major/ fatal including death during the course of their duty) the responsibility of granting compensation, if any on that count will be that of the PSA and not of the MSTC Ltd.
j) In the event of theft, burglary, robbery, dacoit or pilferage of the MSTC Ltd’s property or materials, the PSA shall actively assist the office (MSTC Ltd.) for the investigation of the case and if negligence/ collusion of Watch & Ward are established, such loss due to theft etc. is to be made good by the PSA.
k) The PSA should ensure the rotation of the Watch & Ward at the particular post at least once in three months with the prior permission from the office (MSTC Ltd.).
l) The PSA shall furnish to MSTC every month the proof of having paid the wages to the Watch & Ward engaged by them within one week of the disbursement of the wages to them.
m) The MSTC Ltd. will have the right to terminate the agreement at its sole discretion even without assigning any reason by issuing one month’s notice to the PSA during continuance of the agreement.
n) The Watch & Ward on duty should ensure that the outsiders visiting the office have genuine reasons to do so.
o) The Watch & Ward should ensure that no Arms and Ammunition are carried by outsiders visiting the office.
p) Watch & Ward should remain in proper uniform while on duty.
q) The Watch & Ward should not leave the place of duty unless properly relieved.
r) The rates to be indicated in the quotation are subject to change only due to the statutory rate increase/decrease with respect to the Minimum wages declared by the Government of West Bengal, directly affecting the subject item. The rate increase requests shall be considered to the extent/proportion of such increase only. However, submission of documentary evidence in support of the above is must. Accordingly the benefit of any decrease in price during the contract period should be extended to MSTC. It is also important to note that the compensation for the increases/decreases shall be made only for statutory increases/decreases in minimum wages, if applicable.
s) The PSA shall ensure that the Watch & Ward shall be deployed at MSTC’s Office located in Kolkata as per the duty schedule given by the competent officer.
t) The PSA shall ensure that the Watch & Ward shall wear proper uniform of the PSA with proper Photo Identity Card, name tab, baton, whistle etc. The Watch & Ward shall not take any alcohol or intoxicants and smoke during the duty hours.
u) The PSA shall ensure that the Watch & Ward shall be conversant with the use of the fire extinguisher and shall take necessary action in case of activation of fire emergency.
v) The PSA shall ensure that no familiarity develops between the Watch & Ward & the MSTC’s staff. Further, the PSA shall ensure that the Watch & Ward do not indulge in any activities including money transactions, which may tarnish the image of the MSTC Ltd.
w) The Watch & Ward provided by the PSA shall be medically fit, mentally sound and possessing good physique and not be suffering from any contagious/major diseases.
x) Force Majeure: "The parties to this agreement shall not be responsible for any failure of performance or delay in performance of their obligations hereunder if such failure or delay shall be a result of any Government directive relevant to this agreement or due to war, hostility, act of public enemy riots or civil commotion, strikes, lock-out, fire, floods, epidemic or acts of God, arrests and restraints of rulers and people, political or administrative acts of recognized or defector governments, import or export restriction compliance with orders of any governmental/local authority or any other cause or causes beyond their control."
y) Jurisdiction: Any agreement centered pursued to this tender shall be deemed to have been made in Kolkata and shall be construed according to the laws of India. Parties agree to the jurisdiction of the courts at Kolkata to the exclusion of all other courts.
z) If the PSA fails or neglects to render the services to the satisfaction of MSTC Ltd. or if the PSA commits any breach of any of its obligations, MSTC may get the job done through any other alternate source, the cost to which will be adjusted from monthly bill of the agency.
aa) Arbitration: All questions,, claims, disputes or differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with or concerning this contract at any time, whether before or after the determination of this contract (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for in the conditions referred to above), will be referred by the parties hereto for the decision by a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned.
i) The notice regarding the invoking of arbitration clause will be served by registered post and addressed to the CMD of MSTC Limited Kolkata.
ii) Matters in question, dispute, claim or difference in respect of this contract to be submitted t arbitration as aforesaid will be referred for decision to a Sole arbitrator to be appointed by the CMD of MSTC Limited(by whatever name he may be designated at the relevant time). However, before appointing the Sole Arbitrator, the CMD of the MSTC Limited will notify to the Agency three names out of which one can be appointed as the sole arbitrator.