Will of Nicholas Millington of Yoxall, 11th April 1673
In the name of God Amen I Nicholas Millington of the parish of yoxall in the County of Stafford Dishturner being weake in Bodey butt of Sound & perfectt Memorey praysed be god Do Institute or Dayne & make this my Last Will & testament in manner and forme as followeth First I Commend my Speritt in to the hands of god through fayth in the Resurrecttion of Jesus Christ from the Dead to be kept by the power of god Into Salvation and for my Bodey to be Decently Intered at the Discrestion of my Executrix here after mentioned, Item I give & bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife & Francis my Sonn one halfe Acker of ground Lying in Northcrofte to have betwixt them & affter her Decease to his Sonn Francis & his heires for ever Item I give to my wife three Melch Kine & to my Sonn Francis & his wife the Cow Called fayer head & the heifer in Calef unto my Daughter in Law Elizabeth Millington Item I give unto my Sonn Francis and his wife the new bed stead the feather Bed the Boulster tow pillowes tow Blankets and one Coverled with one in the new Chamber Item fouer pewter Dishes tow of them I give unto my wife & tow I give unto my Sonn Francis & his wife Item I give unto my Sonn Francis & his wife the greate Brass pann & the Brass pann which is the Leser unto my wife Elizabeth Duering her Life & after her Decease to my Daughter Margerett Dunn Item I give unto my wife the grate Brass Pott & after her Lyfe to my Sonn Francis and his wife Item I give unto my wife the oulde Baye Mare the Baye filley & one other filley Item I give unto my Sonn Francis one Mare & tow Coltes Item unto my Saide Sonn all my workeing tooles Item I give unto my Saide Sonn one Ewe & one Lambe Item I give unto my wife A mow Carte & all the geayers with a new ploweh & a new harrowe for her use Deuring her Lyfe & after her Decease unto his Sonn Francis and his wife Item I give tow floge Bottomed Chaires the Biger unto my Sonn Francis and the Leser unto my wife Item I give unto give unto my wife one halfe heded Bed in the Chamber & after her Decease to my Sonn Francis Item I give & bequeath unto my wife and my Sonn Francis all my Corne growing upon the ground Item I give unto my Daughter Margerett Dunn five shillings Item I give unto my three grand Children each of them tow shillings & six pences a peece Item unto my god Daughter Ann Hinkley one Shilling & Sixpences Item I give unto my Sonn in Law Anthoney Dunn my second suite of Aperall Lastley I ordayne & make my Deare & well beloved wife Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament giveing her all the rest of my goods not mentioned Revoking all other Wills and Testaments what So ever by me formerly Devised In token here of I have here unto Sett my hand & Seale the Eleventh Day of Aperill in the five & Twentith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles the Second etc. Anno Domini 1673
Signed Sealed & published
in the presences of us
Francis Coke
Francis WrightNicholas Millington
William Heathcot X marke
his marke