Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd
Review Draft Nominating Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date / October 17, 2013 (4:00pm Central)Present / Not Present
Committee members / Janice Hand (Chair), / X
Tim Lewis, / X
Kathy McDonald, / X
Karen Syverson, / X
Donna VanBuecken, / X
Reports to / Chair of Governance Committee
Committee Responsibilities
Per Wild Ones bylaws, Section 3, the purpose of the Nominations Committee is to:
- Submit a slate of director nominees to the Board of Directors no later than 120 days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. The Committee will develop a process for selecting the slate of directors with emphasis on people who are committed to the mission of the organization and who exhibit qualities that enhance the organization’s ability to achieve its mission.
- Submit a slate of officers for the Executive Committee that will be elected at the Board meeting preceding the Annual Membership Meeting.
Request for Action — Wild Ones Board
The Nominations Committee makes the following requests for Board guidance at the October 20 Board meeting:
- Guidance on the ultimate number of Directors for 2014. (Bylaws allow from 10 to 15.) The Committee prefers the Board be at 12 or 13 for the next few years, reducing the number to 10 as the Board strengthens.
- The Board’s “endorsement” of candidates. There are two methods from which to choose. We would like Board clarification on its preference.
-Approach A: The Board “endorses” a slate of candidates and that endorsed slate is presented to voters for an approval – in this case, 1] would voters be able to vote individually for their preferred candidates (regardless of whether the candidate is “endorsed” by the Board) OR 2] is the “endorsement” merely stating Board preference (and voters can vote for whomever they choose)?
-Approach B: The Board reviews the proposed candidates and approves (or disapproves) of the list of nominees. That list of nominees is submitted to the membership for vote.
- Guidance on requirements for the percent of votes required to be elected. The Committee is assuming that each Wild Ones member will have one vote for each Board opening. To be elected, nominees must get at least 51% of the votes. An example:
The ballot contains 6 candidates’ names, vying for 4 Board seats. Wild Ones members have up to 4 votes for their choices. To be elected, candidates must receive at least 51% of the votes possible.
The following simplified example shows our intent. It assumes that 100 Wild Ones members participate in the election. It also assumes that not every voter uses their allocated 4 votes. (Note: the assumption is that to calculate the percentage, divide the number of actual votes received by each nominee by the total number voting – e.g. Candidate A got 85 of 100 votes, or 85%.)
No. Votes
(out of 100 possible) / Result
Candidate A / 85 / Elected
Candidate B / 31 / Not elected
Candidate C / 68 / Elected
Candidate D / 55 / Elected
Candidate E / 48 / Not elected
Candidate F / 71 / Elected
Board Composition
Currently, six Board members’ terms expire after 2013; three are willing to remain on the Board. There are seven on-going Board members.
Status / StateLeaving the Board / Trish Hacker-Hennig / MI
Marty Rice / MN
Mary Ann Whitman / MI
Will stand for re-election /
- Katrina Hayes
- Jan Hunter
- Janis Solomon
Ongoing (not up for election) / 4. Tim Lewis / IL
5. Joe Powelka / WI
6. Bret Rappaport / IL
7. Dan Segal / NY
8. Bill Snyder / IL
9. Karen Syverson / WI
10. Richard Webb / PA
11. Steve Windsor / IL
Committee Discussion
Karen Syverson submitted three documents for Committee review: 1) a sample board prospectus, 2) application form, and 3) cover letter for interested applicants.
Agenda Item #1 - Select a Committee chair: Per Karen Svyerson’s request, Janice Hand agreed to chair the Committee. This is a two-year commitment.
Agenda Item #2 - Determine a process (and tasks) for Wild Ones Board recruitment: Committee members generally agreed on a process and materials needed to support the nominations process. Agenda Item #3 below provides an overview and timeline; additional information on relevant items:
- Board Member Prospectus (see draft attached) – lists expectations, time required, and reinforces the importance of the role.
- Letter to Chapter presidents –announces the nominations process, reinforces the importance of getting new Board members, and describes the process. Aprospectus will be attached.
- Emailed/online “poll” to Chapter presidents –asks for specific nominee names. This format allows us to track who has responded (and not). This communication will also include the prospectus and application form, as well as list the special skills needed on the Board.
Agenda Item #3 - Set a timeline for the process: Given bylaw requirements and the need to publish the nominees in the Journal, the Committee will operate on the schedule below.
Process / By whom / Completion by:Process and timeline drafted / Committee / Oct. 17, 2013
Board input from its 10/20 meeting / Karen Syverson / Oct. 21 (input to Committee)
Finalize documents:
- Prospectus
- Letter of application
- Letter to Chapter presidents
- Board skills analysis
(Janice coordinating) / Oct. 25
Mail Chapter presidents letter (via USPS) / Janice Hand / Oct. 30
Email “poll” to Chapter presidents / Donna VB/Jamie / Nov. 15
Follow up email to non-responding pres. / Donna VB/Jamie / Dec. 11
—If needed: Calls to target Chapters) / Committee / Dec. 20
Letter/email + calls to nominees (offering help with application and bio) / Committee / Jan. 7, 2014
Committee reviews submitted applications / Committee / Jan. 17
Committee phone interviews applicants / Committee / Jan. 31
Committee conference to finalize slate / Committee / Feb. 5
Proposed slate submitted to the Board / Committee
(Karen S.) / Feb. 7 (in time for inclusion in packet for Feb. 16 Board meeting)
—If needed: Get applicant bios and vision / Committee / Feb. 24
Nominees’ information in Journal / Donna VB/Jamie / March 1
Election / Donna VB/Jamie / July/Aug.
Post-meeting “To Do” List
Write Minutes and Board request for Committee review.
Draft Chapt. President letter for Committee review.
Send out Committee -approved personalized Chapter president letter with attachment.
Kathy McDonald
Review documents and provide input via email.
Get advice about Yahoo or other “poll” methodology.
Karen Syverson
Present Committee questions to the Board at its Oct. 20 meeting.
Review documents and provide input via email.
Donna VanBuecken
Send Janice letterhead and envelopes for Chapter presidents’ mailing (~50).
Email Chapter presidents’ names and mailing addresses to Janice (for mail merge).
Revise Prospectus and Application; to Janice so she can edit and send to rest of Committee.
Submitted on October 19, 2013 by Janice Hand