Start with the Identify the Doctrine part of the Primary outline:

IDENTIFY THE DOCTRINE(singing a song): Display a picture of a temple and write on the board "The temple is ______."Invite the children to sing the first verse of "Ilove to see the temple" (CS, 95). Tell them to signal when they sing the phrase that completes the sentence on the board by folding their arms. Ask them what the temple is (a house of God). Help the children look up"temple" in the Bible Dictionary(pages 780-81). Help them find statements explaining that a temple is literally a house of the Lord and that God has always commandedHispeople to build temples.

Play a game: Who am I?

items needed:

-print out statements about prophets

-print out two of each prophet/temple picture card

How to play- Pin the pictures up on the board so the kids cannot see the pictures. Have a child come up and pick two pictures to try to find a match. If they find a match have the child read the statement relating to that prophet. If they don't find a match have another child come up and have a turn.

Taken from this sharing time: (I changed the statement about Spencer W Kimball to be one about Gordon B. Hinckley)


I directed my people to build a temple like Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, even though the land in which I lived was far from Jerusalem. We did not have as many precious materials to use for our temple as Solomon did, but we used the best materials we had and worked hard to make the temple as beautiful as we could. Who am I? (See2 Ne. 5:16.)

Joseph Smith

The Saints were living in poverty, but the Lord commanded me that we should build a temple; we knew that we would be blessed to do the difficult task. Our women helped by supplying food and clothing for the temple workmen. The women also donated their fine china to be ground up and added to the plaster for the outer temple walls. The sparkling plaster made the temple even more beautiful. Who am I? (SeeD&C 95:preface,D&C 95:11.)


My father, King David, had a great desire to build a temple for the Lord. He collected many materials for the construction of it, but the Lord told him that he was not to build the temple because he had been a man of war and had shed much blood. I was given the honor of building the temple, instead. Who am I? (See1 Chr. 22:6–11.)

Gordon B. Hinckley

When I was the prophet I presided over the dedication of 85 temples and the rededication of 13 temples!In June 2000 I dedicated 4 temples in one week. They was one in Japan, two in Australia, and the last one was in Fiji. It was an exciting week Who am I? (Info taken from )


Because my people were traveling in the wilderness, I was commanded to build a portable temple, which was called a tabernacle. In the most holy part of the tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant (Testimony), in which were the two tables (tablets) of stone that God gave to me on Mt. Sinai. The Ten Commandments were written on the tables of stone. Who am I? (SeeEx. 25:1–2, 8–9, 16, 22;Ex. 31:18;1 Kgs. 8:9.)

Brigham Young

A few days after my people reached the beautiful valley that was to be our new home, I saw the spot where the house of the Lord was to be built. This temple took forty years to build. It helped fulfill the prophecy that “the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains,” as Isaiah foretold (Isa. 2:1–3). Who am I? (SeeEnsign,July 1988, pages 6–13.)

Bear Testimony:

After the game ends or if you run out of time, bear your testimony about God commanding us to build temples.