MINUTES of the meeting held on 28.06.2010 at the Christian Family Church, cnr Olive & Fergus Street, Valhalla, Pretoria.

PRESENT: 63 (13 newcomers!!!)


ColonelLukas RamangwaWierdabrug Commissioner

Warrent Officer van SchalkwykWierdabrug CPF Sector Commander

Capt MolepoSAPS Sector 1 Commander - and Domestic & Business Forum

Lt. Colonel PhogoleSAPS Social Crime Prevention - and School Safety




Andre van Zyl Chairman (082-554 9494)

Peter Moore Treasurer (072-227 4693)

Jackie Lincoln Secretary (W: 012-452 0677)

Louis Fourie Call-Centre & CPF Executive Chairman (083-566 7653)

Shelley White Call-Centre Volunteers (084-565 1203) & Fundraising

Frank Smook JnrOperations (Patrols - 082-650 0860)

Alan LuckOperations (012-651 5698; 082-457 9218)

Albert Jovner Marketing (083-289 5450)

Alan HolmMarketing (082-373 1336)

Chris WehrmannHuman & Public Relations (082-499 5448)

Jenny van Zyl Domestic & Business Forum (072-262 2735)

Pastor Noel Brinton Youth Work & Valhalla Residents Association(083-340 4300)

Natanya van ZylYouth Work (072-677 5228)

Bryan Griffiths School Safety (083-276 0969)

Andries HerholdtFundraising (083-825 9797)

Chris McDonaldChairman Fundraising (082-557 6013)

David TwissFundraising (082-370 8644)

Nadine CelliersFundraising (082-344 7220)

Raymond RichFundraising (073-501 4564)


Merle & Doug Munday, Noel Brinton, Ray & Ursula Fleming, Hannes Bezuidenhout, Nadine Celliers, Col. Alida Esterhuisen, Charl & Natanya van Zyl, Brigitte mauch, Chris Wehrmann, Marcel van Schalkwyk, Johan van Deventer


At 7.10 pm the Chairman opened the meeting and Rev. Bothaopened in prayer.


The Minutes stand as readand were confirmed by Peter Moore.





  • Louis reported thatthe Call-Centre now had an LCD screen which was donated by Gerhard Kuhn, and made it possible for volunteers to watch TV while on duty. There are, therefore, no more reasons NOT to volunteer, and volunteers are always needed. The more jump on board, the less shifts each individual will have to do.
  • A safe for the CC has also been donated, but not yet delivered.
  • Werner has been employed and trained by Louis for the night shift. David, the second "nightwatch" found a job in Polokwane.
  • Of the six new volunteers to be trained, only two pitched-up for training. This is particularly frustrating, as six volunteers had to leave due to illness and several others are unable to do their shifts because of the school holidays. As a result there are many blanks in the roster.
  • He also mentioned that although crime had gone down during the initial World Cup, it has been picking-up again since Bafana was out. Furthermore the planned xenophobic attacks have been confirmed, and the SAPS are aware and alert. It is therefore all the more important that the CC is manned without interruption - even though the cellphones are diverted when no-one is around. Based on this, he encouraged all present to speak to neighbours and inform them about the CPF and the CC.
  • He further reported that he was handed the New Constitution by the SAPS and it was now up to the CPFs to set-up a contingency operation within this new constitution.
  • Efforts to set up more cameras in Sector 1 are at an advanced stage.
  • First Aid courses and fire training is also planned.
  • It was mentionded that Werner does not enter his shifts in the CC operations book.

Housewives, unemployed youth (over 18) or anyone elsewanting to volunteer 2 hours of their time on a weekly basis - or as a reserve volunteer - should please contact Shelley on 084-565 1203.

You can, of course, also join up with friends and take turns at one shift, which then won't make it a weekly issue. Alternatively, you can patrol on your own whenever it suits you, but please inform the Call-Centre beforehand, otherwise patrollers could report your car as a suspicious vehicle!


  • Peter Moore reported that the CPF Sector 1 & 3 funds available on 26.06.2010 amounted to R 14,521.03
  • Louis commented that, although this sounds like a lot of money, costs for the Call-Centre cellphones will use most of it, if another sponsor cannot be found.
  • Kerry Botha asked for a monthly budget to which Louis replied that the CPF lives by what it has, so there is no fixed budget, only a lot of wishes like more cameras.
  • Andre mentioned that certain members were planning an IT network which would make it possible for residents to have IP phones in their houses.
  • Chris McDonald is to organize a date for a jumble sale when the temperatures are somewhat warmer.
  • David Twiss mentioned a stand (for R800.00) at the upcoming Airshow to inform people of the CPF, and possibly get debit orders signed by them.
  • Another suggestion was to sell fridge magnets with the CPF details at the Airshow.
  • Those present were asked to put forward ideas on how to market the CPF at the Airshow.


  • Due to the World Cup, the CPF had not received any stats from the SAPS.
  • Andre reported that crime was down 70% in Valhalla, but had apparently moved to Wierda Park.
  • He also said that as Italy had now gone home, the Wierda Bridge SAPS had a few more cars available.
  • Furthermore, he was impressed with Col Alida Esterhuizen and especially Col Lukas Ramangwa, who made no promises, but was doing his job.
  • Johan Kotze mentioned "African signs" in front of properties or on bushes, gates and fences, and cautioned all to remove anything they see, if it wasn't there before. Even some plaited grass can be a sign.


  • Andre reported that the patrols were going well. He and Alan Luck patrol the whole Sector with individual patrols in nearly every suburb, except Eldoraigne who only communicate by radio.
  • He continued that, although many contribute to either the CC or patrols, more money and regular donations were needed to enable the CPF to improve its own security. Unfortunately though, most citizens want everything for nothing.
  • He made special mention of several CPF members who didn't just patrol or volunteer, but went the extra mile for the CPF
  • He continued that in one incident in Wierda Park, the patrol reaction was so fast, that the thief only managed to steal a microwave. The resident was so overwhelmed and thankful, that she promised to make a donation to the CPF. This, Andre said, often happens, but when it comes to actually doing so, apathy has already taken over again.
  • A big discussion followed about possible ways and means (some quite hilarious causing bouts of laughter) to get people who have been helped, to donate or become involved.
  • Frank Smook presented a roster for Valhalla and asked those present to take on a patrol shift as this really works. In a case of emergency, the patrols were usually on the scene first. This was confirmed by all.
  • On Thursday they caught cable thieves on the corner of Imatra and Meteor in Valhalla red handed - busy climbing down the pole.
  • Theunis Botha asked whether patrolling alone isn't dangerous? Frank agreed, but replied that - as was the case with Etienne Swart recently - once alerted, fellow patrollers were on the scene to help him within five minutes.


  • No-one present
  • Louis mentioned, however, that he had seen the metro patrolling in Valhalla to demonstrate their presence.


  • Domestic Forum: Jenny van Zyl urged those from suburbs other than Valhalla to arrange meetings with the domestics in the area possibly at 3pm in the afternoon. She is prepared to give information and further mentioned that although domestics can be a valuable source against crime, some are not willing to assist.
  • She informed the meeting about Kippersol, which is home to seven familes, but has no funds. She tried to explain to them how to manage their pension money. Natanya van Zyl was appointed youth leader at Kiepersol.
  • She ended by telling everyone that old people should also be involved in street committees.


  • Louis elaborated on the expected xenophobic violence after the World Cup, which is propagated in the townships to take place on July 13 at 3pm. He had prepared a print-out on behaviour during and after different emergencies - expecially as the SAPS would not be able to cope with large-scale attacks. Some copies were made available. The Secretary would copy more for the next meeting.
  • He also spoke about the new Google Earth, which he called "window shopping for criminals". Although one can - via e-mail - have one's house blocked-out, Jackie de Lange suspected that the criminals would then really think there is something to fetch at that address.
  • Mary-ann Buchanan circulated a collection box for Barking Mad and also distributed pamphlets. An amount of R237.80 was collected. This is enough for a 20kg bag of dogfood.
  • In closing it was decided that everyone would try to bring a friend or neighbour to the next meeting.

The CPF meeting closed at 8.10 pm.


The next meeting takes place on Monday, 26 July 2010, at 7 pm sharp!Venue: Christian Family Church, cnr. Olive & Fergus Street, Valhalla.



Valhalla Residents:(still to be confirmed by Pastor Noel)

The next Valhalla Resident's Society meeting will also take place on 26 July 2010 at 6pm, i.e. before the CPF Sector 1 meeting - same venue.