Personal Education Plan
Meeting Agenda
This is only a suggested agenda for PEP meetings.
Timing of meeting: A meeting should be held when:
1) A child becomes looked after
2) A child changes educational placement.
3) At the start of a new academic year
4) After 6 months (review form used)
5) If the child is underperforming academically or displaying extreme behaviour
Invitations: Invitations should be sent to all those highlighted in the table on the front page of the PEP. In the case of 1 or 2 above the Social Worker should send out invitations, for 3,4 and 5 the Designated Teacher should send them out.
In most cases the DT will chair the meeting.
Agenda Items / Person responsible1 / Introductions: Check that all appropriate participants have been invited to the meeting and are in attendance. / Chair
2 / Section 1 and 2: This section must be completed prior to the meeting. Go through child/young persons views and if present and applicable ask him/her to expand on any points. Ensure points made are given due consideration and are referred to later during needs identification and target setting. / Young person or a nominated person.
3 / Section 3: This section must be completed prior to the meeting. Discuss the points made and allow for clarification from the Carer. / Carer or nominated person
4 / Section 4: This should be completed prior to the meeting, by the SW. Essential Pupil information – go through contact details, to check that everyone knows who should be contacted in different situations, how and when. Ensure that the legal situation is clarified, particularly with regard to parental responsibility. Clarify who can sign forms for school trips both one day and residential (if applicable) and how much notice is needed to get these signed. Lines of communication and contact details need to be clarified.
Strengths and difficulties questionnaire should be discussed and if necessary what actions need to be taken. / SW
5 / Section 5: To be completed prior to the meeting using up to date assessment data from all teachers involved in the pupil’s education. Discussion around how well child is performing compared to national expectations and then compared to prior attainment (5e) should take place and progress made should be identified. Discussions should explore whether expectations are high enough for the pupil, based on prior attainment and reasons for lack of progress or under attainment should be discussed. Not all children are able to achieve in line with national expectations, in these cases discussions must consider the pupil’s future and what can be put in place to ensure that they will not be NEET in later life. Attendance and exclusions should be explored and if interventions are needed in these areas this should be noted for use in section 7 (action plan) / Chair and All
6 / Section 6: Strengths and needs. This should be completed prior to the meeting and can be added to during the meeting with additional information. It should take into account the views of the child and carer and all those who work with the child. An example of this section can be viewed on the guidance document, showing how the behaviour can be identified and then the need uncovered through careful questioning. / Chair/Teachers
7 / Section 7: This action plan is completed during the meeting. The interventions chosen must meet a specific need. Discuss challenges in the near future. Look at what support can be offered to promote progress at school and at home.
Any actions that need to be taken must be listed in section 7b. / All those present
10 / Dates: Fix a provisional date for the next PEP meeting, to be in line with their next LAC Review. If the young person is struggling to settle, or where problems are anticipated this review should take place sooner rather than later. Targets should be reviewed regularly in school. Ensure dates of LAC Review, Statement Annual Review (as applicable) are recorded too. / Chair
When a child moves school a transition meeting must be held where the PEP is shared and actions from section 11 are carried out.
For PEP Review meetings, the separate review form must be used and a new action plan created.