Wickham Market Town Health Check

Economy evidence base

1.0  Employment

1.1  Unemployment

2.0  Shops and services

3.0  Training and education

4.0 Tourism

1.0 Employment

The percentage of people employed both full and part time is lower that that for Winchester District, South East and nationally. The percentage of retired people is significantly higher than for the wider areas.

2001 Census / Wickham / Winchester / South East / England
People aged 16-74 / % / % / % / %
Employees Full-time / 39.07 / 41.55 / 43.22 / 40.81
Employees Part-time / 10.72 / 12.22 / 12.2 / 11.81
Self-employed / 12.33 / 10.9 / 9.58 / 8.32
Unemployed / 1.82 / 1.61 / 2.31 / 3.35
Full-time student / 2.19 / 3.91 / 2.71 / 2.58
Retired / 17.48 / 13.72 / 13.4 / 13.54
Student / 2.39 / 5.24 / 4.17 / 4.67
Looking after home / family / 5.78 / 6.16 / 6.55 / 6.52
Permanently sick / disabled / 4.89 / 2.45 / 3.45 / 5.3
Economically inactive: Other / 3.33 / 2.24 / 2.41 / 3.1

The 2001 Census shows that the majority of people travel to work by car.

Distance travelled to work Census 2001 / Wickham / Whiteley / Bishops Waltham / Alresford
All People / 1490 / % / 1438 / % / 3289 / % / 2919 / %
Works mainly at or from home / 229 / 15 / 151 / 11 / 373 / 11 / 413 / 14
Less than 2km / 198 / 13 / 211 / 15 / 511 / 16 / 586 / 20
2km to less than 5km / 274 / 18 / 73 / 5 / 135 / 4 / 105 / 4
5km to less than 10km / 379 / 25 / 189 / 13 / 404 / 12 / 205 / 7
10km to less than 20km / 335 / 22 / 458 / 32 / 1217 / 37 / 695 / 24
20km to less than 30km / 38 / 3 / 78 / 5 / 137 / 4 / 387 / 13
30km to less than 40km / 9 / - / 23 / 1 / 106 / 3 / 90 / 3
40km to less than 60km / 13 / 1 / 81 / 6 / 76 / 2 / 75 / 3
60km and over / 15 / 1 / 121 / 8 / 148 / 4 / 157 / 5
No fixed place of work / 41 / 3 / 164 / 5 / 202 / 7
Working outside the UK / 12 / - / 18 / - / 4 / -
0 / -

There are no up to date figures for the average household earnings but the WCC Issues and Options paper Dec 07 states on p 93 that the average gross weekly pay 2006 for Winchester District was £457.20 compared with GB average of £366.40.

National Stats March 04 VAT based local units by employment size band indicates 10 businesses employ 20 or more people.

(This is rounded to the nearest 5!)

1.1 Unemployment

Unemployment rates are low in 2001 rates were 1.82% compared with Winchester District 1.61%, south east 2.31% and national 3.35%

National Statistics
Benefits Data: Working Age Client Group
Unemployment figures February 2007
Rounded to the nearest 5 so treat with caution / Wickham / Winchester / South East Region / England
Male / Count / 130 / 2270 / 241525 / 2199060
Male / Percentage / ~ / 50 / 48 / 50
Female / Count / 105 / 2280 / 262385 / 2239855
Female / Percentage / ~ / 50 / 52 / 50
Aged 16-24 / Count / 25 / 555 / 70545 / 625325
Aged 16-24 / Percentage / ~ / 12 / 14 / 14
Aged 25-49 / Count / 140 / 2390 / 265755 / 2325220
Aged 25-49 / Percentage / ~ / 53 / 53 / 52
Aged 50 and Over / Count / 70 / 1605 / 167270 / 1485545
Aged 50 and Over / Percentage / ~ / 35 / 33 / 33

The number of Jobseeker’s allowance claimants has remained stable even though during the period 2001-2006 around 500 new homes have been added to the parish at Knowle including 70 ‘affordable’ houses.

Jobseeker's Allowance Claimants, August 2001 - 2006
2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006
Total / 20 / 25 / 25 / 20 / 30 / 25
Claimants Aged 16-24 / 0 / 5 / 10 / 5 / 10 / 10
Claimants Aged 25-49 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 10 / 15 / 10
Claimants Aged 50 and Over / 5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 5
Male / 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 20
Female / 10 / 10 / 10 / 0 / 5 / 5
Figures are rounded to the nearest 5

Wickham has a higher population of retired, permanently sick and unemployed people over the age of 50 that Winchester District and the wider area:

2001 Census Neighbourhood Statistics all people / Wickham / Winchester / South East / England
All people aged 16-74 / Count / 1922 / 78174 / 5766307 / 35532091
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Part-time / Count / 206 / 9553 / 703347 / 4196041
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Part-time / Percentage / 10.72 / 12.22 / 12.2 / 11.81
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Full-time / Count / 751 / 32482 / 2492233 / 14499241
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Full-time / Percentage / 39.07 / 41.55 / 43.22 / 40.81
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Self-employed / Count / 237 / 8519 / 552238 / 2954988
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Self-employed / Percentage / 12.33 / 10.9 / 9.58 / 8.32
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Unemployed / Count / 35 / 1257 / 133481 / 1188855
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Unemployed / Percentage / 1.82 / 1.61 / 2.31 / 3.35
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Full-time student / Count / 42 / 3056 / 156330 / 917582
People aged 16-74: Economically active: Full-time student / Percentage / 2.19 / 3.91 / 2.71 / 2.58
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Retired / Count / 336 / 10722 / 772936 / 4811595
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Retired / Percentage / 17.48 / 13.72 / 13.4 / 13.54
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Student / Count / 46 / 4098 / 240554 / 1660564
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Student / Percentage / 2.39 / 5.24 / 4.17 / 4.67
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Looking after home / family / Count / 111 / 4817 / 377565 / 2316229
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Looking after home / family / Percentage / 5.78 / 6.16 / 6.55 / 6.52
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Permanently sick / disabled / Count / 94 / 1919 / 198886 / 1884901
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Permanently sick / disabled / Percentage / 4.89 / 2.45 / 3.45 / 5.3
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Other / Count / 64 / 1751 / 138737 / 1102095
People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Other / Percentage / 3.33 / 2.24 / 2.41 / 3.1
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Aged 16 - 24 / Count / 3 / 281 / 33626 / 305452
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Aged 16 - 24 / Percentage / 8.57 / 22.35 / 25.19 / 25.69
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Aged 50 and over / Count / 9 / 294 / 28840 / 221511
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Aged 50 and over / Percentage / 25.71 / 23.39 / 21.61 / 18.63
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Who have never worked / Count / 0 / 52 / 7710 / 110263
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Who have never worked / Percentage / 0 / 4.14 / 5.78 / 9.27
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Who are long-term unemployed / Count / 8 / 273 / 34767 / 359728
Unemployed people aged 16-74: Who are long-term unemployed / Percentage / 22.86 / 21.72 / 26.05 / 30.26
Economic Activity - All People (KS09A) / National Statistics

SWOT analysis / Conclusion
It's a Fact / Strength / Weakness / Opportunity / Threat / Need more info
Is unemployment a significant issue locally? / No
Are there are any recent trends in long term unemployment? / No
Is the town a dormitory town or has it a significant employment role? / Dormitory town with some local employment
Is local employment particularly dependent on specific industry sectors and /or on a small number of large employers? / Around half of the population works from home or travels less than 5km to work
Compared with 30% for Whiteley 31% Bishops Waltham, 38% for Alresford
Is employment growth within only some industry sectors, or spread more widely? / Local growth probably restricted to retail industry, restaurants/catering and self employment
How much confidence is there within the business sector? / Need more info
Is the number of jobs available locally increasing or decreasing / Jobs available increasing in the locality eg at Whiteley and Segensworth but only accessible by car
What opportunities are there for job creation from the expansion of existing local firms / Some opportunities for retail job creation eg expansion of the Co-Op. Few local opportunities for highly skilled professions
How vigorous is the local economy - based on new business start-ups / closures? / This information is not readily available


2.0 Shops and services

Wickham Square has a good variety of shops and services including a Post Office, solicitor, supermarket, convenience store, butcher, baker, two hardware shops, chemist, optician, dentist, drycleaners, several restaurants, cafes, gift, antique and craft shops, a traditional pub, fish and chip shop, Chinese takeaway, hairdressers, barber and estate agents

Close to the Square there is a primary school, church, community centre, doctors surgery, vets, two farm shops and a petrol station

Wickham’s local businesses are a vital resource for our residents and those in the surrounding rural and suburban areas. Wickham relies and welcomes its visitors who allow a much higher standard of shops and services for local people.

The Parish Magazine has 112 local business advertisements from local businesses and those from outside Wickham looking to serve the community.

Wickham is fortunate to have opportunities for new businesses looking for small shop premises; Chesapeake Mill offers space for small retailers in a historic converted water mill.

The Square also offers small shop units in Bay Tree Walk and many of these businesses and those in the Mill are run by local people.

Wickham does not have a village manager – would this be useful to co-ordinate between the Traders / Community Association / Parish Council?

Wickham has had a Chamber of Trade in the past; it is not currently active although Carol Duckworth at Greens is an active Chamber spokesperson there is significant apathy among traders.

Broadband is available to Wickham traders.

There are IT training opportunities available at Wickham Community Centre.

There is no community conference / office facilities that home workers can access.

SWOT analysis / Conclusion
It's a Fact / Strength / Weakness / Opportunity / Threat / Need more info
Are there shortfalls in the range of services offered by local bank branches, financial institutions and other business support services? If so, what are they? / No obvious shortfalls in services / √
Are there any opportunities to expand support for local businesses? / Need for stronger Chamber of Trade but local support very poor / √
Is there is a need to create, develop and or fund business events? / As above / √ / √
Are there are enough business meeting and conference venues locally? / Community centre, New Place, Marriot Hotel offer facilities at various budgets. Could investigate demand for serviced offices/meeting facilities for self employed market / √ / √
To what extent are local businesses making use of Broadband and Internet technologies / Broadband widely available
Are there are technical or security concerns with remote broadband access to public sector ICT systems? / No

3.0 Training and education

There is a choice of pre-schools locally including Three Bears playgroup, and Wickham Montessori School in Wickham, Fairlands Montessori School in Shedfield and Waltham Chase pre-school

Wickham Primary School achieves below average results, aspirational parents seek places outside of the village at Swanmore and St John the Baptist Primary, to the detriment Wickham Primary.

Extract from 2007Wickham Ofsted report:

This single-form entry primary school draws its pupils from the local village, and the surrounding area which have a mix of private and social housing. The numbers of pupils entitled to free school meals is above average. The pupils come predominantly from a White British background; there is one pupil for whom English is an additional language. The proportion of pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) is above average. There are above average numbers of pupils who enter the school other than in Year 1, and this is increasing. The school has the Enhanced Status Healthy Schools

…Children enter Reception with below the expected levels of skills and knowledge

Additional accommodation built at Wickham Primary for Knowle children has not been taken up. % surplus figures from the 2007 School Places Plan reflect this.

2007 figures from DCSF website / Wickham / St Johns / Swanmore
Total number of pupils / 176 / 323 / 402
Pupils with statements / 9 / 17 / 14
Pupils with SEN supported at School Action no / 29 / 19 / 58 (this is REALLY high)
No of 11 year olds / 25 / 46 / 65
Key Stage 2 SATS results
No of eligible pupils / 24 / 47 / 64
Level 4 / 75% / 91% / 83%
Level 5 / 42% / 51% / 56%
Level 4 / 67% / 91% / 89%
Level 5 / 33% / 49% / 50%
Level 4 / 79% / 100% / 94%
Level 5 / 25% / 72% / 72%
Capacity / 315 / 314 / 420
No on roll / 176 / 323 / 402
% surplus places / 44% / -3% / 4%

Swanmore College is the catchment secondary school for Wickham, it has higher than average GCSE results but data specific to Wickham pupils is not readily available. The 2001 Census suggests that the population is less well qualified than that of Winchester District.