WSU Teacher Education

Elementary Seminar CI 431A

Wichita State University

College of Education

Course Syllabus

Department, Number, Title, and Number:

CI 431A Core 1 Seminar in Elementary Education, 1 credit hour

Instructor: Penny Longhofer

Office: Corbin South, 252A

Telephone: (316) 978-3542(w), (316) 634-1903 (h), Fax: (316) 978-6935 cell: (316)641-6529


Prerequisites: Accepted into Teacher Education

Catalog Description: This seminar is intended to help the elementary education major develop reflective practitioner and life-long learning skills. Reflection will focus on integration across curricular areas, dispositions, the conceptual framework, and technology. Additionally, this seminar will assist students to document their performance in the early to late childhood licensure program.

Textbook(s) and Related Material: Program and licensure materials and related readings.

Major Topics / Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework*
Professionalism and Reflection (PRR) / Human Development & Diversity (HDD) / Connections of teaching Experiences & Assessment (CTA) / Technology (T) / Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge & Alignment with Stds (CKS) / Collaboration(C)
The elementary education program / x
The professional education component / x
Conceptual framework / x / X / x / x / x / x
Professional dispositions / x / x
Technology integration plan / x
Learning environment: Contextual factors / X / x / x
Life-long learning / x / x / x
Self-evaluation and reflection / x

Technology Expectations: The use of technology will be a requirement for this course. At a minimum, students will have to be fluent in word processing, have access to a word processing program, a printer, and have Internet connectivity and access to email. All of the above are available in the COE Technology Center for students in the teacher education program.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The candidate will: / Related Assessment / KSDE
Professional Education Standard / KSDE Early – Late Childhood / Guiding Principles
1.  understand the Elementary Education program including the relationship to the Conceptual Framework, areas of specialization, and expectations of candidates in areas such as dispositions and technology. / Personal Plan of Study
Preliminary Resume
Online Reflective Journal / S2 - S13 / S7 / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS, T, and C
2.  recognize and use educational terms including those found in the news and those used in conjunction with Kansas Performance Assessment and/or Teacher Work Sample / Online Reflective Journal Final Examination / S2 - 12 / S7, S8 / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS, T
3.  identify characteristics of an elementary classroom associated with instructional planning and management / Online Reflective Journal / S7, S9, / S7 / PR, , HDD, CTA, CKS, T,C
4.  understand professional organizations in the teaching community / Online Reflective Journal / S10, S13 / S7 / PR, C
5.  identify strengths and weaknesses with respect to technology use and demonstrate minimum competencies. / Self-Assessment of Technology
Personal Plan of Study / S12 / S7 / PR, T

Description of Course Assessments/Assignments:

In-Class Participation: 10 points weekly (150 points)

Autobiography: 20 points

On-line course work 10 points per activity

Preliminary Resume: 15 points

Personal Plan of Study: 15 points

Final Examination: 50 points

Grading: This course is letter graded. The grade is based on attendance, participation and completion of class activities. The grading scale is 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, below 60%=F. Late work will be accepted up until 3 calendar days past the due date, however, for each day late (after due date), a 10% penalty will occur.

Attendance: Attendance is required for all in-person class meetings. If you are sick or an emergency arises, please email me as soon as possible, preferably prior to class time. In the event that an assignment is due that day, you will be given until the next calendar day to turn in the assignment without penalty.

Licensure Assessments:

Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation requires that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that students not only pass required courses/attain certain GPAs, but also receive satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments, many of those embedded within program coursework.

None of the required assessments occur in this course.

Students failing to attain a satisfactory rating on a required assessment may be provided special assistance. The university is not able, however, to recommend individuals for licensure who fail to attain a satisfactory rating on required assessments, even though they may receive an acceptable course grade or exceed minimum GPAs.

Academic Honesty (Wichita State University’s Undergraduate Catalog): A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students is essential to a learning environment. Students violating such standards must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated persons. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or university level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty constitutes dismissal from the University.

Special Needs: If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice phone 978-3309; tdd/tty 978-3067). ODS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary for you. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by ODS without your written permission.