--title caps > www.capitalizemytitle.com
--discrimination between 1st draft and final draft > indicate clearly
--double/triple highlighting of a title > no need
--contractions > avoid unless cited
--fragments > check S/V presence
--concord (of number/person/tense/general subject) > observe and maintain
--WO! (indirect questions and highlighted complements: Nowadays…)
--But/And > Yet/Still/However/Nevertheless/At the same time though, …etc.
--lists > use a conjunction (and/or) before the last item
--simple past vs. present perfect (when?)
--justification (to the right, to both sides)
--many/much in affirmative sentences (a lot of, a great number of, a variety of, a great deal of, etc.)
--thing(s) > specify
--On the other hand > check the logic
Monday class:
--How I Met Your Mother is the Best Sitcom Ever (title)
--the main character, Ted, is going to meet his wife at the end.
--Every character’s every moment is planned flawlessly, since the writers had known what is going to be the resolution of the story.
--There are only a few characters and locations, which makes the story easy to follow.
--The same goes for the men:
--One of the two women is a business-oriented and modern woman.
--There was very little information about the wife, so once her identity was revealed, we did not have enough time to get to like her.
--All things considered, it is a well-written and absolutely humorous masterpiece that I advise everyone to watch.
--You may not be surprised if I said that addiction is a serious problem and you may say that this is already a gnawed bone.
--but this is still quite interesting as it effects our lives in many ways.
--widespread among people around the world, that is why many of us take it for granted.
--the second most addictive thing in the world (after heroin).
--one of my acquaintances committed a suicide while she was drunken, and I am talking about a beloved mother of three children.
--when they are under the effect of alcohol.
--he jumped out of the window of a flat in the belief of he is a bird.
--We can read and hear a lot about the negative effects of smoking, but still more than two fifths of the testers become addicted.
--Passive smoking causes three times more deaths than traffic accidents in Hungary.
--Here raises the question: why should we tolerate something that can ruin our health?
--a little girl in Hungary was addicted to a computer game called Minecraft so that she could not help playing it.
--Addictions can be treated so that these people may return to their original personalities, but we need to recognize them first.
--Game of Thrones is one of, if not the most popular TV shows of our time.
--Originally he planned the story to take up 7 books and managed to complete 5 of them so far.
--The sudden interest and success was inevitable since there weren’t any exciting fantasy shows at the time and what caught the attention of millions of people, including me, is that it offered a very much different experience than past titles in this genre.
--And despite that it was never boring, thanks to Peter Dinklage,
--Because as the name suggests, Game of Thrones is about a game: such a political game that a minor slip up is enough to lose one’s head.
--I don’t know if it is for the best or the worse but
--Of course the acting, the music and the spectacle still makes the series quite enjoyable
--In some cases we work more than twelve or thirteen hours a day watching the time pass by sitting in front of a computer, or a book, or behind a desk.
--Eating whole foods are essential since we live in a „fast world”
--Accordingly to studies, Hungary is the fourth on the list considering obesity.
--A couple of consequences that can happen to us,if we do not pay attention to what we put into our bodies.
--In these products there are much sugar than people would think.
--Why is that we do not care about ourselves?
--We buy the best furniture in our houses,
--Considering dairy, there are already plant pased dairy product.
--without using too much pesticides
--Our cells made up of the food we eat so eating right is vital to proper body functions.
--For example, when teachers remember only my name in the class and they just ask me for answers.
--My least favourite parts of my case are the jokes and puns about my name.
--Kids usually bullied and made fun of me, especially in primary school.
--That is how an ordinary day looks like in our family.
--Moreover our car went wrong a few months ago.
--As I mentioned, on Mondays I have to go to the university early so one of my friends takes the girls to school.
--So I make notes, otherwise I would forget everything.
--But I would never change my life with anyone else’s.
--This argument placed into different context make no sense, so why video games would be an exception?
--Esports have an enormous follower base, millions watch it over a year.
--This mostly unknown space is known for hosting terroristic communication, gun and drug trafficking, child pornography and many other illegal activities.
--Unlike “Child Pornography”.
--One reckless click from the user can lead to traumatizing pictures
--’Your value shape the world and the world and the world shapes you.’ (Safia Minney) The
--Everyday we have an impact on the planet.
--Wew have a huge power to change things fot the better, throught the way our shopping habits.
--I would like to mention that the new generation of designers are creators of sustainable products.
--People need to go back in time to realize what used to be important. I am going to give you some example.
Friday class:
--Yoga and friendship? It sounds interesting, isn’t it? Not for me.
--A good friend is always there for you; he/she helps you and supports you.
--It became one of my best friends.
--I suggest you to become friends with yoga.
--nuclear power can be very dangerous and produce long-term negative effects to people
--For the following years, there was an invisible conflict between the countries, which could have led to Nuclear War.
--such as nuclear winter, and anomalies but, thankfully, it did not happen.
--On June 1954 < in 16 April 1986
--That pumped radioactive core materials into the environment, and as a result 56 people died to high exposure of radiation.
--The Education is a Steadily Changing Challenge (title)
--attention should be focused on another educational aspects.
--that is to say when a new problem arises, they have to be able to identify, approach and tackle them to learn how to solve them under their own steam.
--which come together the above enumerated skills in the fast changing world of education plenty of challenges.
--International standardised test carried out in the country point to the fact that students are leading the way in reading, maths, and science.
--in the spirit of the equality, which is one of the most important thing for having access to the same quality education.
--education should have to keep up with new developments
--What it’s functions is to carry one from a place to another
--The first of its aircrafts took off in the year of 1985
--Ryanair became reputed as the cheapest airline in Europe, however it is also infamous of providing a low quality service as well, at least by two percent of its users.
--What this means is that whatever one does he is better of doing so on the website, as if not the individual faces huge fares, ‘taxes’, or even rejection of traveling.
--It wouldn’t be surprising if someday a customer would find himself purchasing laptops with airline approved batteries, so he can chase away boredom, while traveling.
--I myself am one of this noble company’s workers who have seen and sees things till this day.
--What I do is to do all what cannot be done, by all it can only be done by a certain number of peoples.
--if they have no idea how to solve a problem or are not in position of an information that is supposed to be.
--This is how it is my workplace became my home, even if my home was not the most welcoming one.
--Clothing talks (title) > idiomatic?
--All this information is coded in the clothes you wear. The meaning of the clothes we wear has changed
--some examples from traditional folk clothes to nowadays’ wear.
--every geographical region has its own special clothes, which was very colourful compared to
--We go shopping to the same shops, and everybody tries to follow the common trends.
--Of course, your outfit was more decorated, made from more special material if you were born in a rich family.
--this old woman keeps herself fit very well. She could deny a few years.
--Another funny example if you go to a funeral in Somogy region in black dress in the 19th century.
--At that occasion, white clothes were the dress code, so they wouldn’t understand your appearance.
--I often ask the question why can some culture still use, wear their traditional clothes, while other cultures only see their traditional clothes in museums.
--In England, no one stares at a woman, who wears full black materials and you can only see her eyes, because they know that she is a Muslim.
--The other thing is selecting. She likes throw out old clothes, unavailing things and the food from the fridge.
--Whenever you enter in my mother’s flat, everything is unchanged and you feel that she has tidied the rooms right before.
--Her first way leads to the fridge, to check what is throwable. (HUNGLISH?)
--And the pros and cons?
--But on the other hand, sometimes I feel like I overdo it.
--When if you cannot sleep, you may be wondering, if you have insomnia.
--Insomnia has two types. (HUNGLISH?)
--sleeping is a kind of a waste of time
--They are healthy. But not.
--Everyone is talking about a healthy lifestyle.
--everyone has to do so much with work and family, but improving your lifestyle with small steps in the right direction will have a big impact
--Developing a healthy eating habits is not easy for adults that’s why it should be start at young age.
--Habit of regular exercise has got numerous benefits. (HUNGLISH?)
--Most important you will be happy.