Wibsey Primary School

North Road, Wibsey, Bradford, BD6 1RL, Tel: 01274 678016/775545

Headteacher: Mr N M Cooper

16th October 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

As an integral part of Year 6 work in Science, it is planned to take the year group to visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Monday 6th November.

The visit will provide opportunity to study first-handCharles Darwin’s natural selection and how animals have evolved and adapted to survive in their habitat.Each class will attend an animal adaptation workshopas well as visiting the wildlife centre and animal enclosures.

In order to have sufficient time at the centre, we will need the children to arrive at8.00am for an 8.30am departure, arriving back at approximately 4.30pm. It is important that we make a prompt departure, therefore, we would be grateful, should your child be absent on the day of the visit, if you would inform the school office prior to 7.50 am. As we will be returning after school has closed, I would be grateful if you would indicate on the reply slip the arrangements you will make for your child on return to school at 4.30pm.

The cost of the visit is £10 per child (payable via Parent Pay), which covers transport, insurance and admission into the centre and educational workshop. This is the largest educational trip in year 6 and although we will be having more visits and visitors throughout the year, this will be the highest cost. Please note that school have subsidised the cost of the coaches to enable us to all travel together.

On the day of the visit your child will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no bottles please). If your child is entitled to a free school meal this will be provided by school (please supply your own drink). The children should wear school uniform and no sports drinks, sweets, money or cameras should be brought.

In order to confirm the booking and finalise arrangements please complete the attached slip and return it to your child’s class teacher by Monday 30th October. If there are insufficient voluntary contributions, the visit will have to be cancelled.

Yours sincerely

Mrs H Smith

Assistant Headteacher


Yorkshire Wildlife Park Permission Slip – Year 6

Child’s Name ………………………………………………Class …………………

I wish my child to visit the ‘Yorkshire Wildlife Park’ on Monday 6th November 2017

* I have paid a contribution of £10 via Parent Pay.

My child will be collected by *…………………………………………/ *will makehis/her own way home on return from the visit at approximately 4.30pm.

* Please delete as appropriate.

Signed …………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………..
