WIA Data Element Validation Instructions

Validation Instruction: These instructions present the data elements, reference numbers, formats, element definitions, federal sources, and validation rules needed to perform data element validation. The federal sources are the generic, federally recommended source documentation. The "State Version of Sources" column can be used to enter state-specific versions of the federally approved documentation.

Two types of validation rules exist:

1. If the validation instruction says MATCH: Enter a checkmark in the box in the pass column if the data on the worksheet match the data in

the source documentation. Enter a checkmark in the box in the fail column if the data on the worksheet do not match the data in the source

documentation or if no source documentation is found.

To match, the data on the worksheet must be the same as the data in the source documentation. For example, if the worksheet says a

participant's date of birth is July 1, 1975, then the source documentation must also have July 1, 1975 as the birth date.

2. If the validation instruction says SUPPORT: Enter a checkmark in the box in the pass column if the data on the worksheet are supported by the data in the source documentation. Enter a checkmark in the box in the fail column if the data on the worksheet are not supported by the data in the source documentation or if no source documentation is found.

To support, the data on the worksheet must be similar to the data in the source documentation. This instruction is used when information

must be interpreted or processed before it can be applied to the participant's records. For example, source documentation can support basic skills deficient.

State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Individual identifier1Numeric:An identification number Social Security Card; DD-214; Match

XXXXXXXXXassigned to each person.passport; Database assigned

number from state

management information

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Date of birth2Date:Date on which the individualCopy of ID; Baptismal Record;Match

YYYYMMDD was born. Birth Certificate; DD214,

Report of Transfer or

Discharge Paper; Driver's

License; Federal, State, or

Local Government

Identification Card; Hospital

Record of Birth; Passport;

Public Assistance/Social

Service Records; School

Records/Identification Card;

Work Permit; cross-match with

Department of vital statistics;

tribal records

Individual with a disability3Numeric:An individual with any Letter from Drug or Alcohol Support

1 = Yesdisability as defined in Rehabilitation Agency; Medical

2 = Yes and section 3 of the Americans Records; Observable Condition

disability results with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Applicant Statement);

in a substantial(42 U.S.C. 12102).Physician's Statement;

impediment Psychiatrist's Statement;

to employmentPsychologist's Diagnosis;

3 = NoRehabilitation Evaluation;

School Records; Sheltered

Workshop Certification; Social

Service Records/Referrals;

Social Security Administration

Disability Records; Veterans

Administration Letter/Records;

Vocational Rehabilitation Letter;

Worker's Compensation


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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Veteran status4Numeric:A veteran can either be: an DD-214; Cross-match with Support

1 = Yes <= 180 individual who served in the Veterans Data; Cross-match

daysactive U.S. military, naval, with Wagner-Peyser; state

2 = Yes > 180 or air service for a period management information

daysless than or equal to 180 system.

3 = Nodays, and who was

discharged or released from

such service under

conditions other than

dishonorable; or, an

individual who met the

above conditions for more

than 180 days.

Employment status at 5Numeric:Whether an individual is Case file notes showing Support

registration1 = Employedemployed or not employed information collected from

2 = Not employedat registration.registrant at registration; pay


Unemployment compensation6Numeric:An eligible claimant is an UI Cross-Match; state Support

programs (U.I.)1 = Eligible individual who has been management information

claimant referred determined to be monetarilysystem; WIA application form;

by WPRS eligible for benefit self-attestation.

2 = Eligible payments under one or

claimant not more State or Federal

referred by unemployment

WPRS 3 = compensation programs and

Exhaustee whose benefit year or

4 = Neither compensation, by reason of

claimant nor an extended duration

exhausteeperiod, has not ended and

who has not exhausted

his/her benefit rights.

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Low income7Numeric: A registrant in one or more Alimony Agreement; Applicant Support

1 = Yesof the following categories:Statement; Award Letter from

2 = NoVeterans Administration; Bank

(A) receives, or is a Statements; Compensation

member of a family which Award Letter; Court Award

receives, cash payments Letter; Employer

under a Federal, State or Statement/Contact; Farm or

income-based public Business Financial Records

assistance program;Housing Authority Verification;

(B) received an income, or Pay Stubs; Pension Statement;

is a member of a family Public Assistance Records;

that received a total family Quarterly Estimated Tax for

income, for the six-month Self-Employed Persons; Social

period prior to registration Security Benefits; UI

for the program involved Documents and/or Printout;

(exclusive of state management information

unemployment system; case notes; written

compensation, child supportstatement from an individual

payments, payments providing residence; written

described in subparagraph statement from a shelter;

(A) and old-age and written statement from a social

survivors insurance service agency.

benefits received under

section 202 of the Social

Security Act (42 U.S.C.

402)) that, in relation to

family size does not

exceed the higher of:

(I) the poverty

line, for an equivalent

period; or

(II) 70 percent of

the lower living standard

income level, for an

equivalent period;

(C) a member of a

household that receives (or

has been determined within

the 6-month period prior to

registration for the program

involved to be eligible to

receive) Food Stamps

pursuant to the Food Stamp

Act of l977(7 U.S.C. 2011

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

et seq.);

(D) qualifies as a homeless

individual, as defined in

subsections (a) and (c)of

section 103 of the Stewart

B. McKinney Homeless

Assistance Act(42 U.S.C.

11302); or

(E) is a foster child on

behalf of whom State or

local government payments

are made.

Temporary Assistance to 8Numeric:Participants who were Case Notes; Cross-Match with Support

Needy Families (TANF)1 = Yesreferred by the TANF TANF; public assistance

2 = Noagency, who participated in records; state management

the TANF assessment information system.

program as a requirement

prior to opening a TANF

grant, and who received

support services from the

TANF agency.

General Assistance (GA) 9Numeric:A participant who receives Copy of authorization to Support

(State/local 1 = Yescash from one or more of receive cash public assistance;

government),Refugee Cash 2 = Nothe following sources: Copy of Public Assistance

Assistance (RCA), General Assistance, Check; Medical Card Showing

Supplemental Security Refugee Cash Assistance, Cash Grant Status; Public

Income (SSI- SSA Title XVI)Supplemental Security Assistance Records/Printout;

IncomeRefugee Assistance Records;

Case Notes; state

management information

system; WIA registration form;

cross match with Public

Assistance database.

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Highest school grade 10Numeric:The highest grade the Applicant Statement; School Support

completed00= No school individual completed at timeRecord; School Verification;

grade completed of enrollment.Transcript; Self-Certification

01-11 = Number

of elementary/

secondary school



12= High school


88= Attained

certificate of

equivalency for a

high school

degree (e.g.,


13-15= Number

of school years


16= Bachelor's

degree or


17= Education

beyond the

Displaced homemaker11Numeric:An individual who has been Self-attestation form; Public Support;

1 = Yesproviding unpaid services toAssistance Records; Divorce Not

2 = No family members in the Paper; Court Records; Bank Validated for

home and who-Records; Spouse's Layoff Youth

(1) has been dependent on Notice; Spouse's Death

the income of another

family member but is no

longer supported by that

income; and

(2) is unemployed or

underemployed and is

experiencing difficulty in

obtaining or upgrading


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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Date of actual qualifying 12Date:The last day of employmentSelf-Certification; Verification Match;

dislocationYYYYMMDD at the dislocation job.from Employer; Notice of Not

Lay-off; Rapid Response List; Validated for

Public announcement with Youth

follow-up cross-match with UI

Homeless individual and/or a 13Numeric:An individual who lacks a Applicant Statement; Written Support;

runaway youth1 = Yesfixed, regular, adequate Statement from an Individual Not

2 = Nonighttime residence; and Providing Residence; Written validated for

any individual who has a Statement from a Shelter; adults and

primary nighttime residence Written Statement from Social dislocated

that is a public or private Service Agency; WIA workers

operated shelter for registration form.

temporary accommodation;

an institution providing

temporary residence for

individuals intended to be

institutionalized; or a public

or private place not

designated for or ordinarily

used as a regular sleeping

accommodation for human

beings. Also includes a

runaway youth.

NOTE: Does not include a

person imprisoned or

detained pursuant to an Act

of Congress or State law.

Offender14Numeric:An individual:Documentation from Juvenile Support;

1 = Yes(1) who is or has been Justice/Criminal Justice Not

2 = Nosubject to any stage of the System; Documented Phone validated for

criminal justice process,Call with Juvenile adults and

for whom services underJustice/Criminal Justice dislocated

WIA may be beneficial; orRepresentative; workers

Self-attestation; WIA

(2) who requires assistance

in overcoming artificial

barriers to employment

resulting from a record

of arrest or conviction.

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Pregnant or parenting youth15Numeric:An individual who is under Copy of Child's Birth Support;

1 = Yes22 years of age and who is Certificate; Baptismal Record; Not

2 = Nopregnant, or a youthDoctor's Note Confirming validated for

(male or female) who is Pregnancy; Applicant adults and

providing custodial care for Statement of Pregnancy; dislocated

one or more dependents workers

under age 18.

Youth who needs additional 16Numeric:A youth, aged 14-21, who See State policy and State Support;

assistance1 = Yesrequires additional plan; individual service Not

2 = Noassistance to complete an strategy; case notes; WIA validated for

educational program, or to registration form; adults and

secure and hold self-attestation; state dislocated

employment as defined by management information workers

State or local policy. If the

State Board defines a

policy, the policy must be

included in the State Plan.

Education status at time of 17Numeric:Education status at time of Applicant Statement; ApplicableSupport;

registration1 = Student, H.S.registration Records from Educational Not

or lessInstitution (i.e., diploma, GED validated for

2 = Student, certificate, post-secondary adults and

attending enrollment, attendance record, dislocated

post-H.S.dropout letter or documentation workers

3 = Not attending from school); attendance

school; H.S. record; dropout letter or

dropoutdocumentation from school;

4 = Not attending WIA registration form; state

school; H.S. management information


Basic literacy skills 18Numeric:The individual meets the Standardized Assessment Test;Support;

deficiency (as defined in 1 = YesState or local level definition School Records; Case Notes; Not

2 = No of basic literacy skills state management information validated for

deficient.system. adults and



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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Date of WIA Title I-B 19Date:The registration date should Date of Application and Match

registrationYYYYMMDDbe the date of the first WIA Signature Date Signed; WIA

Title I-B service (other than status form; state management

informational or self-service information system.

activities for adults and

dislocated workers).

Date of WIA exit20Date:The last date on which WIA Case notes; WIA status/exit Match

YYYYMMDDTitle I or partner services forms; state management

were received by the information system.

individual excluding

follow-up services.

Supportive services (except 21Numeric:For adults and dislocated Case notes; state managementSupport

needs-related payments) 1= Yesworkers, supportive information system.

received2= Noservices include services

such as transportation, child

care, dependent care, and

housing that are necessary

to enable an individual to

participate in activities

authorized under Title I of

WIA, consistent with the

provisions of Title I.

Supportive services for

youth, as defined in WIA

section 101(46), may

include linkages to

community services;

assistance with

transportation; assistance

with child care and

dependent care; assistance

with housing; referrals to

medical services; and

assistance with uniforms or

other appropriate work attire

and work-related tools,

including such items as eye

glasses and protective eye


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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Needs-related payments 22Numeric:This item only applies to Receipt of Services in Case Support

(Adults/Dislocated Workers in1= Yesindividuals who received File; state management

training services) or stipends2= NoWIA title 1-B funded needs information system

(Youth in training)related payments.

Date of first intensive 23Date:The date the individual Cross-Match between Dates of Match;

serviceYYYYMMDDbegan receiving intensive Service and Vendor Training Not

services.Info; case notes; state validated for

management information youth


Date of first training service24Date:The date the individual State management information Match;

YYYYMMDDbegan receiving training system; case notesNot

services.validated for


Established Individualized 25Numeric:The purchase of the Check account activity; case Match;

Training Account (ITA)1= Yesindividual's services utilizingfile; asset database; state Not

2= No an Individual Training management information validated for

Account established for system; WIA status form. youth

adults or dislocated workers

and funded by WIA Title I.

Adult education, basic skills 26Numeric:The individual received adultVendor Training Documentation;Support;

and/or literacy activities1= Yes education, basic skills Certificate; Case Notes; Not

2= Noand/or literacy skills.certificate; case file/notes; validated for

state management information youth


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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

On-the-job training27Numeric:Training by an employer Vendor Training Documentation;Support;

1= Yesthat is provided to a paid case notes; state managementNot

2= Noparticipant while engaged in information system; OJT validated for

productive work in a job master contact. youth


(A) provides knowledge or

skills essential to the full

and adequate performance

of the job;

(B) provides reimbursement

to the employer of up to 50

percent of the wage rate of

the participant, for the

extraordinary costs of

providing the training and

additional supervision

related to the training; and

(C) is limited to the period

of time required for a

participant to become

proficient in the occupation

for which the training is

being provided.

Occupational skills training or 28Numeric:An individual received Vendor Training Documentation;Support;

skills upgrading/retraining, 1= Yesoccupational skills training Certificate of achievement or Not

and/or workplace training2= Noor skills upgrading/retraining,credential; Case Notes; state validated for

and/or workplace trainingmanagement information youth

system; school records;


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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Occupational skills training 29Numeric:The 6 digit Standard State management information Match

code000000000Occupational Classification system; NAICS Code; O*NET

(SOC) code, 8 digit O*Net or DOT/OES code description

3.0 Code, 9-digit DOT code,of training occupation; case

the 5-digit OES code, or the

5 or 6-digit O*NET code

that best describes the

training occupation for

adults and dislocated

workers who received

on-the-job training or

occupational skills training

and youth who received

employment services

related to a specific

Occupational skills training 30Numeric:The type of code used to State management information Support

code type1 = 6 digit SOC report the OCCUPATIONAL system; O*NET or DOT/OES


2 = 8 digit O*Net

3.0 Code

3 = 6-digit CIP


training only)

4 = 9-digit DOT


5 = 5-digit OES


6 = 5 or 6-digit

O*Net98 code

0 = None

Educational achievement 31Numeric:Educational achievement Case notes; activity sheets; Support;

services1= Yesservices include, but are notsign-in sheets; attendance Not

2= No limited to:rosters; vendor contract; state validated for

Tutoring, study skillsmanagement information adults and

training, and instruction system.dislocated

leading to secondary schoolworkers

completion, including

dropout prevention

strategies; and alternative

secondary school offerings.

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State Version of Validation

Data ElementRef #FormatElement DefinitionFederal SourcesSourcesRules

Employment services32Numeric:Preparation for and successCase notes; activity sheets; Support;

1= Yes in employment services sign-in sheets; attendance Not

2= Noinclude, but are not limited rosters; vendor contract; state validated for

to:management information adults and

Paid and unpaid work system.dislocated

experiences, including workers

internships, and job

shadowing; and

Received summer youth 33Numeric:The youth received summerCase notes; activity sheets; Support;

employment opportunities1= Yes employment opportunities.sign-in sheets; attendance Not

2= Norosters; work agreement; state validated for

management information adults and