Why wait in long lines?
Why get your cars dirty?
Why hurt your back?
Let us Deliver!!
Support Campbell County Athletics
Annual Mulch Sale
Saturday, April 19th 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Campbell County Middle School
Dark Hardwood Mulch 1.80(cubic ft bag) Absolute Red Mulch (2 cubic ft bag)
Pickup $4.00 per bag Pickup $4.50 per bag
Delivered (min 10 bags) $4.50 per bag Delivered (min 10 bags) $5.00 per bag
Will place bag throughout your landscaping for an additional $10.00
To place a pre-order (limited mulch will be available the day of the sale at Campbell Co Middle School), visit our website and complete the order form by April 10st or fill out the order form below and return by one of the following ways:
Fax to: 859-448-4895
Call: 859-743-2720 or 448-4896 and leave order on voice mail
Email to:
Or mail to: Campbell County High School- Athletic Dept
909 Camel Crossing Way
Alexandria, Kentucky 41001 ATT: Mulch Sale
Order Form
______Bags Hardwood Mulch – Pickup ______Bags Absolute Red Mulch- Pickup
______Bags Hardwood Mulch – Delivered ______Bags Absolute Red Mulch-Delivered
Name: ______Phone #: ______
Address: ______Cell Phone #: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Email Address: ______Give delivery directions on back of form.
Enclosed Payment Amount: ______