Why Is Eye in the Sky Technology Making Such a Big Impact on Games Analysis?

Why Is Eye in the Sky Technology Making Such a Big Impact on Games Analysis?

What is the main purpose of data analysis and name some of the key items that need to be collected? Why doing an activity analysis on a year 12 students compared to an elite athlete may yield different results and the consequences of this.

Good - The main purpose games analysis is to determine how the performance might be improved either by a coach’s immediate intervention (using direct observation) or by the application of specific training drills and programs once the game or performance data has been considered. Main considerations include movement patterns, playing intensities, skill frequencies and work vs. rest periods

Better – A Games analysis is conducted by considering playing intensities, locomotor patterns, skill frequencies as well as work:rest ratios. This data is used to determine the specific energy system contribution, fitness components used and major muscles used to bring about skills in an effort to better select fitness tests used to assess where players are at and training methods that might be used to bring about improvements.

Comment : Both answers cover the essential elements that need to be considered when conducting a games analysis. The better response considers energy systems and muscle groups linked to the data which also need to be taken into consideration.

Why is “eye in the sky” technology making such a big impact on games analysis?

Good - Eye in the sky technology is allowing players to be viewed from many different angles and even allows footage to be taken whilst they are “out of play” This is important when considering energy system contribution and recovery strategies

Better - Cameras are able to view performers from multiple angles allowing picture-in-picture analysis of players even while they are off the ball. This can be used to improve their skill execution by allowing them to focus on specific body segments and limb movements, or to compare their own movements with those of performers who have been selected because of their high biomechanical efficiency. This is especially useful when looking to improve performance skills and team plays.

Comment: The big advantage they have both stated is the ability to have players monitored for the duration of the performance – not just when they are involved in main passages of play. This allows for better overview of physiological requirements, recovery as ell as better allowing coaches to investigate set plays and other playing strategies.

Why is digital recording a favourite amongst sporting clubs?

Good - Digital recording allows coaches to show players how they performed individually as well as a team. It is also used to collect information on opposing teams and game strategies can be prepared ahead of time.

Better – Digital recording allows data to be stored for future use. This can be used to show set plays or can be used in slow motion to consider biomechanical efficiencies. It can be referred to at any stage and act as a baseline to which comparisons can be made when looking at individual and team improvements as well as the development of set plays.