
Supporting young people’s participation in galleries and the arts

Tolbooth, Stirling, 26 November 2008

The morning session featured four presentations about working with young people in galleries and the arts, taking engage’s envision project and handbook as a starting point. The afternoon session was an opportunity for discussion of the issues raised and gave participants the chance to share their work with each other.

These notes reflect the discussions from the afternoon session.

Why did you want to come today?

1 – For inspiration from hearing about other projects working with young people

2 – For some answers about working with young people

3 – For tips of working with young people

4 – For affirmation that you’re not completely off the mark

5 – For Sharing your experience of projects

Why gather people’s experiences?

  • So that you can compare models of delivery (dependent to specific situation: building based, artist led, outreach, sustained)
  • So that people can learn from others’ practice
  • So that people can benchmark against others’ good practice
  • so that people can share and then develop what it is that they are already doing – rather than inventing new projects
  • See what affects/shapes the work
  • So people can be more aware of what shapes the work
  • To give people more ability to shape the work
  • To see how Engage can build on/develop people’s experiences within this work

Suggested ways to develop working

Develop blog – for people to comment

Develop blog - peer critique of case studies

Develop mentoring scheme

Develop research project

Provide Go-between service (as someone who knows both youth work and arts work)

Develop network – subgroup of engage?

Participants were asked to think about their most recent project working with young people and give their reponses to a set of questions. These responses are collated below:

What was your own professional/personal reason for being involved in working with young people?



For my own personal enjoyment

For excitement, adrenaline, and problem solving challenges

Personal development

To broaden professional horizons

To broaden my skills

Opportunity to work with young people arose

To experience delivery/direct contact

Responding to participant need (rather than demand)

Organisation- led

Because there was a pot of money

Responding to professional demand

To bring together and therefore further reach of resources

To develop a demand and respond to it


Shared research

To engage with collections

What was your role on the project?






Liaison/link between partners




Youth worker

Project manager


Youth arts worker

Fundraiser/Budget manager


Where did the idea for the project come from?

Bringing together a whole lot of ideas from different contacts

Saw a gap in provision (which happened to link with own interest)

Coming across new company, liking their work and wanting to use them to reproduce

Development from previous work

Within arts development plan, with further youth services input

Came from higher up the organisation (developed prior to employment – responding to a brief)

From the exhibition

From the collection

Civic driven


Local authority

Wider policy agenda

Who were the stakeholders?

Youth agencies

Youth workers

Young people

Arts development team (local authority)

Cultural co-ordinators

Secondary school


Gallery visitors

Education dept (local authority)

National companies

Funders (funding partners)


Arts workers

Wider communities


How long did the project last for?

10 weeks (y.p. came in week 3)

1 day (delivery point)

3 months

less than a day


2 years (one more to go)

14 months

12 weeks

10 months (y.p in from 5 months)

18 months (within first month)

24 months (y.p. came in from 3 months)

24 months (y.p. from beginning)

27 months (y.p. in from 4 months)

12 week block, but five years (4 months in)

How did you recruit the young people?

From exisiting youth groups

Idea was generated from youth group – they came to us first



From flyering at the bus stop

Agency referrals

Open advertising

What was the goal for the project?

Benefiting young people

Impart new skills

To provide an active creative learning experience

To develop literacy skills

Showcase young people’s potential/contribution

To help foster a positive national self-identity amongst participants

To encourage communication and confidence

To encourage further critical capabilities

Social imperatives (self confidence, self-awareness… “all the usuals”)

To find out if further arts provision is needed

Benefiting organisation

To engage an audience

To build relationships, from which to develop further work

To find/build new audience

To build confidence around visiting

Create a resource for a museum

To meet young people – for further consultation

Increase young people’s participation in the arts

Benefiting wider culture

To create oral histories

To create exhibition piece

Make artwork

To facilitate intercultural dialogue

To have wider engagement with the arts

What were the challenges to this work?

Other professionals (in this case teachers) willing to work differently - outside their normal practice

Difficulties in partnership relations: creating demand on partners (in this case heavily reliant on volunteers)

Physical geography (which impacts on transport and time)

Personality clashes: within groups (group dynamics)

Personality clashes: with other professionals

Raising money once you have started (working developmentally)

Finding young people

My ability to cope with changing group

Maintaining/completing paperwork with partners

Audience development agenda impinging

Having the time to commit

Young people’s territorial issues

Having adequate funding

Finding the balance between artistic freedom and suitability of subject matter

Breaking into youthwork provision (potentially disrupting provision)

Inadequate lead-in time to dev relationships between agencies

Maintaining focus, interest and direction

Young people turning up

Having sufficient staffing cover (which might allow other professionals to commit time)

Countering young people’s formal education training/learnt approach

Stepping on people’s toes, when their work is particularly hard won (professional territorialism)

Suitable and affordable artist accommodation

Partners dropped out due to direction change – impact on providing adequate staffing

Maintaining young people’s interest

Maintaining the young people’s commitment as the direction changes

What were the main successes of the project?

Outcome – object based

A film made over short period of time, and shown to wider audience

Completion and hanging of artwork

Creating a resource which can outlive project

Outcome – experience based


Artist’s connection with young peopleSeeing participants’ enjoyment, leading to participant commitment

Seeing the children’s pride

Bringing diverse groups together

Outcome – person based

Sense of achievement in young people

Role models

Development of friendships

Outcome - wider

Ripple effect

Having core-group assist with wider delivery of workshops for other y.p. (peer education)

Community links being increased

Challenging audience perceptions

The dialogue witnessed in the group – and the potential for further

What prevents you doing more of this work?



Conflicting priorities

Suitable venues

Capacity to deliver




Shifting groups

Adults mediating relationships

Further questions


What did you think of the day?

What did you think of the speakers/presentations?

What do you think of the publication?

Are there any specific comments you wish to make on either?

Has either publication or seminar illuminated anything for you?


How do we work with young people to devise projects?

How might engage help you develop work in this area at your organisation?