Abbey CE VA Primary School

Musical Instrument Tuition and Hire Policy

Date of Policy: June 2015

Date for Review: June 2018


This policy covers (1) tuition fees for services provided by Hertfordshire Music Service and (2) an instrument loan service for the instruments that are owned by The Abbey CE VA Primary School.

Abbey School strongly supports children to learn and develop their musical skills. Learning a musical instrument at Abbey School is a very popular choice and there are currently over 60 children taking instrumental lessons in school with 7 peripatetic teachers.

Part 1.Music Tuition

Instrumental provision at Abbey School

All tuition is provided by Hertfordshire Music Service.Waiting lists are kept in the school office for each instrument, and can be long, so parents are advised to join the list early.

Lessons are available on the following instruments:

  • Strings – violin, cello, double bass
  • Woodwind – flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, recorder, saxophone
  • Brass – cornet, trumpet, trombone, horn, euphonium
  • Guitar – electric, acoustic

Tuition is also available in Music Theory.We cannot provide lessons on piano, keyboard or drums.

Lessons must be paid for in advance. The fees for 2016/17 are:

  • 11 individual 30 minute lessons – £204 per term (£18.55 / lesson)
  • 11 individual 20 minute lessons – £134 per term (£12.18 / lesson)

Paired and group lessons may also be available, with the cost shared between pupils.

The invoice for lessons is sent to parents via pupilsand will be issued at the end of the previous term. Payment should be made through the SchoolComms gateway.Fees must be paid by the first day of term.If the fees have not been paid within 14 days of the start of term, alate payment fee of £10 per child per term per instrument is payable.

Terms of instrumental lessons

Fees for tuition are based on a notional 11 lessons per term.As the three terms are of different lengths, it is usual for some of the spring term lessons to be given at the end of the autumn or start of the summer term to ensure 33 lessons are given over the school year.

Any lessons that are missed by the Herts Music Service teacher will be made up during the year.Teachers will endeavour to rearrange lessons due to be missed by pupils (for trips, etc.) if they are given a month’s noticein writing by the parent.

The easiest way for parents to keep track of their child’s lessons is to see the lesson numbers in the Practice Book, which should be brought to lessons every week.This can also be used to communicate with the teacher.

If a child is ill or unable to make the lesson where insufficient notice has been given, the lesson is forfeited and will not be made up. It is the responsibility of the parents to contact the teacher and rearrange lessons when activities mean their child will miss a lesson.

Discontinuation of lessons

If you wish to discontinue lessons you must give Abbey School half a term’s notice in writing via the school office.To discontinue lessons at the end of term, notice must be given in writing to the office BEFORE the half term break.To discontinue lessons at half term, notice must be given BEFORE the end of the previous term.

Remission of fees

Families on low incomescan apply for remission of fees for lessons on one instrument from the Herts Music Service; where possible a group lesson of 30 minutes or an individual lesson of 20 minutes will be offered.Parents should telephone the county helpline on 0300 123 4048 if they think they may be eligible.Lessons cannot begin until remission has been confirmed.Under certain circumstances, the bulk of the fee is paid by the music service with a small termly contribution of £20 required from parents/carers for their child to access the scheme.Continuation of lessons is not automatic and is dependent on good attendance at lessons, regular practice and progress.

Practice Books

It must be understood that, to make progress, practising regularly is essential.Each pupil is given a Practice Book with details of the things s/he needs to practise between lessons.Parents should remind their children to practise and monitor when they do.Practice Books are provided in September at no charge, but cost 50p to replace if lost.The teacher will use the Practice Book to indicate what should be practised and to communicate with parents.Parents can also use the Practice Book to write notes for the teacher’s attention.


Children should be prepared to practise most days each week – at least five days – for at least 10 minutes, or 20 minutes and more for more established players.Younger children always need support at first, until a good routine is established.A few minutes each day, perhaps as part of their routine when they read each evening, or after cleaning their teeth each morning, is more useful than an hour the night before a lesson.Parents are asked to write the number of minutes in the boxes for each day.

Timetabling of lessons

Most lessons will take place during the normal school timetable, although some may be in break or lunchtime, or may be after school by arrangement.

Hiring and buying instruments

Parents are advised to hire or buy instruments once availability of lessons is confirmed.Local shops provide hire services and the county operate a VAT scheme for new instruments. Further details are available at Abbey School also has some instruments available to hire – please ask at the school office.

Ensemble work

It is expected that pupils will take part in School Orchestra once they reach Grade 1, as this is extension work for those with a gift or talent for music.Supporting school groups in this way is important, as well as beneficial for their playing.Joining the School Choir is also a good idea, as singing helps greatly with aural skills needed for exams.Currently we do not have ensembles for guitar.

Availability of places

Offers of lessons for each new school year will be sent to those at the top of the waiting lists at the end of Term.The deadline for returning the 2 weeks from receipt of the offer letter, after which any places not accepted will be re-allocated.

Dear parents of ______


Instrumental lessons have been arranged for your child on the ______.

The lessons will last ______minutes and be individual /shared*.

The cost is based on 33 lessons per academic year. Half a term’s notice in writing is required to discontinue lessons.

To: The School Office, re: Instrumental Music Lessons

Pupil’s name ______

Date of Birth ______Class ______

We wish to accept the offer of ______minute ______(instrument)

lessons to start as soon as possible.

We understand that tuition is based on 33 lessons per year and that lessons missed by the pupil are forfeited.

We understand that half a term’s notice in writing must be given to the school office in order to discontinue lessons.

We understand that lessons must be paid for in advance for the term, paid by the first day of the term, and that a late paymentfee of an additional £10 is payable if the fees are not paid within 14 days of the start of term.

We understand that progress is dependent on regular practice and that children may need adult help with this.

We understand that, when appropriate, players are expected to support school ensembles and take part in concerts that may be in or out of school, and during or after school.

Signed ______parent / guardian

Part 2.Musical Instrument Hire


The Abbey School owns a selection of musical instruments which can be hired out. At the Head teacher’s discretion, fees may be reduced or waived.

The aim of this policy is to:

  • Ensure a high quality of service to parents/carers and pupils.
  • Protect the musical instrument assets of the School to maintain them in good working order for all pupils wishing to learn to play an instrument.
  • Provide a fair loan service to enable pupils from any situation the opportunity to learn to play an instrument.

Hire Contract

Hire Rates areas follows from September 2015/16:

Band / Instruments / Termly charge
Violin / 20
Guitar / 20
Cello / 30
Bass / 30

These rates will be reviewed by the Governing Bodyat the start of each academic year. The School will notify the Hirer in writing of any rate increases.

The hire charges do not include replacement of consumables such as reeds, strings, rosin, valve oil, etc., which are the responsibility of the Hirer.

Allhire rates are payable per school term at the start of each school term and for an initial hire period of 1 year (unless otherwise agreed). At the end of this period the Hirer will return the instrument to school (see below) or a second period can be entered into, if agreed by Abbey School.

Discounts may be offered to parents/carers of pupils at the discretion of the Head teacher, if the pupil is perceived to have a musical talent that will flourish if given access to an instrument for tuition.

Hire Contract Terms

  1. Instrument issue

Instruments hired on a Hire Contract will only be issued to a parent/ carer of the pupil who will be using the instrument. On collection of the instrument the parent/carer will sign the hire contract, which is a legally binding hire agreement, taking full responsibility for the instrument and payment terms. Instruments will always be in full working order when issued,in line with the School’s commitment to service the instrument set out below.Any previous minor damage (small chips, small dents) will be noted on the hire contract. Instruments are not insured by the School;it is the Hirer’s responsibility to insure it or pay the repair/replacement costs as necessary. All instruments have a serial/identifying number on the instrument, case and any other separate parts; please ensure you have the same instrument issued to you, especially after group practice sessions.

  1. Instrument return

Instruments must be returned to the school office at the end of the rental period (which unless otherwise agreed will be the last week of the academic year) and a member of the office team must be notified that the instrumenthas been returned to a pre-agreed place in the School; the instrument must be signed back in and checked for any damage. The instrument must be returned in the condition in which it was issued and in working order.Abbey School will not accept instrument/ cases/ separate parts not issued to you.

Instruments must immediately be returned

  • if the pupil leaves Abbey School;
  • if the pupil stops having music tuition; or,
  • if applicable, payments are in arrears by two terms.
  1. Hire charges

Parents/carers will be charged the hire rates, as detailed above, on a termly basis for the hire period of one year. After this time the instrument will be returned and loaned to another pupil if there is a waiting list, or you may enter into another hire agreement if agreed by the school.A combined payment for hire and tuition is payable termly in advance.Payment is due by the first day of term; a late payment fee of £10 will be added to the invoice if not paid within 14 days of the start of term. The invoice will be issued at the end of the previous term and payment should be made through the SchoolComms gateway.

  1. Cancellation

If a parent/carer wishes to cancel a contract then the instrument will need to be returned as in paragraph 2. No refund will be given with respect to that term’s payment.

  1. The instrument is lost, stolen or broken

The parent/carer has full responsibility for the instrument and is advised to include the instrument on household or specific insurance to protect from loss, theft or damage, as he/she will be liable for any costs relating to loss, theft or damage.

Any loss will be charged to the Hirer at the full replacement rate for the instrument and damage at the full cost price of repair. Please notify the School immediately if anything should happen to the instrument and return it to school. The School will seek advice from an independent instrument repairer as to cost of repair. You should not undertake any damage repair without first notifying the School.

  1. Responsibilities

Abbey School will:

  • supply an instrument in good working order and good condition;
  • undertake regular servicing of school instruments on a bi-annual basis as part of its servicing commitment; and
  • provide a safe place to store instruments during the school day.

The Hirer will:

  • take reasonable care to keep the instrument in full working order and good condition at all times;
  • insure the instrument against damage and loss to the value in the table below;
  • make sure that no modifications or alterations are made to the instrument; and
  • make sure the pupil stores the instrument in a safe place whilst at school and at all other times.
  1. General

The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that:

  • the instrument shall at all times remain the property of Abbey School and the Hirer shall have no right or title to the instrument; and
  • Abbey School retains the right to inspect the instrument at any time on notice to the Hirer.

Musical Instrument Hire Agreement

This Musical Instrument Hire Agreement incorporates each of the terms of the Musical Instrument Hire Policy.

Name and address of Hirer
Name of pupil
Serial number(s) of all parts
Full replacement value of instrument
Hire cost per term
Note of any previous minor damage
Commencement date

I hereby accept the conditions set out in the Musical Instrument Hire Policy for hire of the instrument from the School and confirm that I have taken out the required insurance as stated in paragraphs 1 and 5.

Signature ______

Name of Hirer (block capitals)______


Telephone number ______

E-mail address______


On instrument return:

Signature (Hirer)______

Name in block capitals______

Signature (on behalf of Abbey School)______

Date returned______

Any damage noted______

Action required______

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