WHS Boosters Monthly Business Meeting

Wednesday June 20, 2010

WHS Patio

Meeting Called to Order by Beth Lippold at 7:20pm

Attendees: Beth Lippold, Linda Adams, Joyce Carbonneau, Stella Khowry, Ellen Lagos, Robin Cino, Bridget Swift, Laurie Liddy, Holly Breton, Heather Edelstein, Calice Doucy, Renee

Meeting Minutes

May business meeting minutes were approved

Beth will start posting minutes on the website

Minutes will also continue being sent to officers

Bill Raycraft

Couldn’t be here tonight

Beth updated us

Fall registration has started- registrations slow right now

Beth will talk to returning students to make sure they re-register

Scoreboards/solar issue- still up in the air

Treasury- Joyce Carbonneau

We have $18,000 in bank

$4,000 going to golf tournament

$1,750 in Jagwear sold at 8th grade graduation


Beth did inventory count

Atkinson Graphics designed new yoga pants

Our store will be gone in Fall- business/marketing classes taking over

Beth asked advisors to not duplicate our clothing sales

We will still use rolling cart for “Jagwear Wednesdays”

Football Duffles- XL for $35- $5 for last name

Orders for duffles must be placed before 7/14/10

Spirit Wear for girls will be in actual girls sizes this year

There will be varsity oxford cotton gray shirts and shorts

The Varsity W will be on all

Spirit packs are optional

Beth will get Booster Spirit Pack forms to coaches


Robin and Beth will meet soon


John Carpenter not present

He does have new membership forms done

Everything goes live tomorrow

John also sending letters out to members who have not re-joined yet


Coaches did a great job

News orgs using it

Hits up by 200

Total hits now 26, 079

Spring Sports Night

Very successful

Will take a look at this program in the future

Strawberry Festival

Very successful

Got faces out there- gave back

Golf Tourney

3 Executive Sponsors so far ($2,000 each) – real estate company, Thompson Air Quality, and Tuscan Kitchen (Faro’s Restaurant)

Sharon went out 30 letters- so far, the following businesses have responded with donations: Lobster Tail, Fan Zone, and 1 other

Some prizes have come in

Biggest need: Hole sponsors $150

Sponsors will get lots of publicity- i.e. website, fall program book, flag at hole, etc

Message is- our group is only focusing on 3 major fundraisers/year- tourney in fall, Jammin Jaguars in Winter and Comedy Night in Spring

Focus is to keep athletes from having to can

Other sponsorship opportunities include cart sponsors, dinner sponsors

Beth sending Holly forms for papers

Calice suggested having alcohol donated

Linda and Beth said Joanne’s club is private and they have strict rules associated with this

Linda will check with Joanne

Cash/check only

You can print up forms on website and mail in with payment

Joyce suggested putting form in papers that can be cut out

Holly will get prices from the papers

Laurie suggested reaching out to upcoming 9th graders- Beth looking into getting a parent list

Thank you list will go in papers after, on programs and website

Drive-In Movie Nights

4 Saturdays in August

All at Rockingham Park

Volunteers needed- each shift will be 4:30pm-10:00pm

Bill wants to get teams involved

Beth said it is a no brainer as Rockingham donated glow sticks for us to sell and they do all clean up

Beth will get kid tattoos, etc

We just show up and man the cash and snacks and sell Jag Wear

Someone asked why kids can’t get community service hours- Beth will ask again

Laurie volunteered to help and Ellen and Bridget did too

Friday Night Under the Lights

Beth said we are looking for lights to be donated

6-8 sets of lights needed

WMUR is kicking off the season with us on Friday 9/3

Linda will ask Tom McPherson

Renee said we need an auxiliary lighting truck

We will sell concessions and Jagwear

Beth said she will do an interview with Holly for the papers and share our wish list- such items on the list will include concession refridgerators

Homecoming 9/17 and 9/18

Beth is waiting to hear from student council to see what they will be doing

She would like to have each team do a different them basket to be raffled off

Stella has worked on baskets and can help coordinate that

PA system may have to be donated to the school for now- Beth will look into this

Beth suggested half time activities during football and soccer games

We can further discuss at next meeting

Homecoming Meeting

This will be a separate committee and meeting


They need to be held now as it is the end of our year

Vice President

Holly nominated Linda Adams

2nd by Joyce

All voted yes

Director of Membership

Robin nominated John Carpenter

2nd by linda

All voted yes


Holly nominated Heather Edelstein

2nd by Beth

All voted yes

Liaison Coordinator

Linda nominated Robin Cino

2nd by Holly

All voted yes

Jag Wear Coordinator

Beth nominated Bridget Swift and Linda Bresnahan

2nd by Laurie

All voted yes

Laurie suggested adding the Scholarship Committee Chair

Beth agreed but said we need to wait until our by-laws are revised to include this position

Beth also suggested adding a Webmaster


Calice offered to do further research on this

Next Meeting on Thursday 7/29 at 7:15pm

Group agreed to have meetings on the 2nd Thursday of the month at WHS Room 227 at 7:15pm

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm