WHS Athletic Booster Meeting

Thursday February 18, 2010

WHS Room 225

Officers in Attendance:Beth Lippold, Linda Adams, John Carpenter, Joyce Carbonneau, Holly Breton, Brenda Golden, Ellen Lagos, Marion Alberico, Bill Raycraft

Meeting Called to Order by President Beth Lippold at 7:07pm

Michelle Farrell, candidate for School Board, introduced herself to the group and talked about why she thinks she is the ideal candidate

Membership Update- John Carpenter

We are up to 176 members!

John’s membership blast brought in an additional 44 members- press, and 120 letters sent out

Registration on-line, per Beth is flawed- there is a system bug that Beth is working on

Spring registration still going on

Team membership contest winner- Girls Swim team

Board voted for winner and they will be given a pizza party

Beth will make a manual to help coaches and student athletes navigate the website including the registration process

Treasury- Joyce Carbonneau

$7,600 in bank

All bills have been paid

Joyce said we can take credit card payments by taking people’s information and entering into the website later

If we want a terminal, it will cost $300 and then extra fees later on. We would also need a phone line

We agreed to take info and process on website later for now

Joyce also questioned profitability of apparel

Beth said we have a lot of inventory right now and that is why those numbers are skewed

Athletics- Bill Raycraft

Spring coaches all hired-very happy with choices

Pre-season meetings will take place after Feb vacation

He has done a soft push for sign-ups

Softball a little low

Track and Lacrosse are showing strongest numbers so far

Bill will have a push after vaca including in the newsletter

Schedules are done for next two years

Homecoming will be September 17th and 18th

We will be going to Pelham for their homecoming as well- 10/8 and 10/9

Thanksgiving Day Football Game also confirmed!

Some camp dates are in place

Beth will make a separate tab on website for summer clinics

Awards Night

March 9th- Ice Cream Social starts at 6pm in the café

7pm presentations start in Auditorium

Spring Coaches Meeting


Jagwear- Marion Alberico

Marion will design flyer for papers announcing open hours of school store/to purchase Jagwear

Comedy Night- Heather Edelstein

16 tickets sold so far

Sharon Masse soliciting business donations

Several businesses have already donated- including, but not limited to: Klemm’s, Cobbetts Pond Pizzeria, Walmart, Shabby Chic, Woof Woof, Flex Appeal, Delahunty, Chatterbox Café, Sportzone, Simply Wholesome and Windham Beauty Shop

Holly will continue to do press releases and coordinate food donations for that evening

She will solicit help from Jane Higgins with food drop offs

Sports Recognition Night Details

Expecting 200 athletes with parents

Beth will ask Waterhouse for a few drums of ice cream- we have 5 left from Fall Recognition Night

Beth will also get some toppings and bowls- we are all set with utensils

Plan is to have each team provide two cases of water again

Donna Miller suggested a slideshow

Beth will talk to Scott Lagos for help with a smart board

Varsity Jackets

Kids have been asking for them

Bill getting some pricing samples

Golf Tournament- Linda Adams

No date yet

Beth suggested last week of August

Linda putting together committee

Volunteers thus far include: Donna Miller, Sharon Masse, Pam Begin, Holly Breton

Tournament proceeds will go specifically to our scholarship fund

Corporate Sponsorships

John put together a package

Beth wants to continue his work

Several businesses showing interest

Board needs to decide different levels and what businesses will get for different levels of sponsorship

Jaguar Unveiling

Jaguar will make his first appearance during the Sports Recognition Night

After this, there will be a contest at WHS to name this mascot

There will be a vote box in Advisory

Tryouts to be on the mascot team will happen after the name is chosen

Boosters Scholarship

Committee will determine rules and eligibility

The group will set guidelines/requirements for consideration

Develop form, set deadlines and consideration dates

Lori M will chair this committee.

Others who volunteered as well are Donna Miller and Robin Cino

Booster Funds

Beth and Bill working on deciding how to disperse booster funds

Relay for Life

Group approached Beth again to see if we would like to put together a team

We decided to table this decision until next meeting/after Comedy Night

Bruce Breton- Candidate Running for Selectman

Introduced himself to group

Shared some networking suggestions/ideas for corporate sponsorship

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm