WaterOrtonPrimary School

Whole School Curriculum Planning 2014/15

Reception Year 1 and Year 2 Rolling Programme 2014/15

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Title / My Family / Party Time / Weather and Seasons / Are we nearly there yet? / Pets / Space
Theme or context / Myself, growing and changing / Light and Dark / Weather around the world
Seasons and change / Travel – vehicles old and new
Countries around the world / Caring for animals
Variation / Materials and their properties
Visit/ Visitor/
Stimulus /
Enterprise/ Links / Nurse, Doctor, Health Visitor / Planning a Christmas party / 365 penguins, A little bit of winter, Percy the park keeper / Trip to the Transport Museum - Coventry / Pet Day / Whatever Next
Q Pootle
Bob the Space Man
Communication, Language and Literacy
(EYFS) / Main teaching in reception
Learn letters and sounds
Hear and say rhyming words
Talk about how we change over time
Describe an object using senses
Introduce the format of a list
Make a label
Give meaning to marks they make
Write own name / Main teaching in reception
Listen and respond to poems about fireworks / dark poems
Use onomatopoeia to describe fireworks
Give verbal instructions using simple commands
Write a letter to Santa
Continue to learn letters and sounds
Write a list – presents
Continue a rhyming string
Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning / Main teaching in reception
Can talk about activities they can do at specific times of the year – sledging, jumping in puddles, play in paddling pool
Write a caption
Listen to stories and ask relevant questions
Follow instructions involving several actions
Winter poems
Use phonic knowledge to decode regular words
Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds / Main teaching in reception
Label a picture using phonic knowledge
Look at features of fiction and non-fiction texts
Use key vocabulary to describe things they see and experience
Identify rhyming words when listening to poetry
Write a letter
Listen to and appreciate poems on a similar theme
Write some common irregular words / Main teaching in reception
Write instructions
Introduce question vocabulary
Write a question and find out the answer
Descriptive writing about a chosen animal
Identify rhyming words
Use past, present and future forms when talking about familiar events
Read and understand simple sentences
Read some common irregular words
Write simple sentences which can be read by others / Main teaching in reception
Become familiar with stories using different settings
Use story language to retell familiar stories
Oral story telling with actions
Begin to write simple sentences about their favourite story
Develop own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or event
Demonstrate understanding when talking about what they have read
Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible
English / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Traditional stories 3 weeks
Poetry – patterns on the page – 2 weeks
Dictionary/alphabetical order – 2 weeks
Other opportunities for literacy
Listening to and orally retelling stories – plays and puppet shows
Instruction writing
Labels and captions
Lists / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Instructions weeks
Diaries and letters – 2 weeks
Other opportunities for literacy
Newspaper reports / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Stories with familiar settings 3 weeks
Poetry – really looking – 2 weeks
Other opportunities for literacy
Listening to and orally retelling stories
Labels and captions
Recounts / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Explanations, letters recounts and diaries 3 weeks
Stories with familiar settings 2 weeks Stories in Fantasy settings
Other opportunities for literacy
Listening to and orally retelling stories
Instruction writing
Labels and captions
Non chronological reports / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Different stories by the same author 3 weeks
Non fiction texts – 2 weeks
Poetry – Silly stuff - 2 weeks
Other opportunities for literacy
Listening to and orally retelling stories
Labels and captions
Non chronological reports
Riddles and rhymes / Main teaching year 1 and 2
Extended stories (year 2) Linked stories (year 1) 3 Weeks
Non chronological reports 3 weeks
Other opportunities for literacy
Listening to and orally retelling stories
Labels and captions
Newspaper reports
(EYFS) / Main teaching in reception
Say number names in order and recognising numerals
Match sets of objects to numerals
Pictogram and tally chart
Times of the day
Positional language e.g. above, below, under, on, in, next to / Main teaching in reception
Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns using real objects
2D & 3D shape names, sorting, matching
Use language taller, shorter
Begin to relate addition to combining two sets.
Begin to know the days of the week in order. Use time related vocabulary eg. yesterday, today, tomorrow
Order and sequence familiar events / Main teaching in reception
Begin to understand and use vocabulary related to money, recognise coins and use in role-play
Use language ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’ to compare quantities
Using ordinal numbers
Sort familiar objects
Count how many objects share a particular property, presenting results using pictures
Recognise numerals
Use language such as more / less to compare two numbers
Find one more or one less than a number from 1 to 10 / Main teaching in reception
Addition and subtraction
Count in sets of two
Number bonds to 10
Order a set of treasure boxes by weight and size
Begin to use a number line to count and add on
Understand the language of more / fewer to compare two sets of objects / Main teaching in reception
Positional language
Halving and sharing
Count in tens from zero
Use a hundred square for reference / Main teaching in reception
Length and Size
Make a graph
Caluclating – write a number sentence using the correct signs
Describe the characteristics of 2D and 3D shapes
Cross Curricular
See MTP for other maths detail / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Geometry – Y1 position and direction: Describe position, direction and movement including whole, half, quarter and ¾ turns
Y2Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for ¼, ½ and ¾ turns (clockwise and anticlockwise)
Statistics –Y2 total and
compare categorical data / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Measurement Y1 Measure and begin to record mass, weight, capacity and volume (cooking) time – hours minutes and seconds
Y1Sequence events in chronological order using language (morning, afternoon and evening)
Y1 and 2 Money- recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes
Y2 Choose and use appropriate standard units for capacity in litres and millilitres (cooking), temperature in degrees Celsius. Use thermometers.
Y2Tell and write the time to 5 minutes including quarter past and to the hour. / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Y1 – sequence events in chronological order using appropriate language
Recognise and use the language related to dated, days of the week, months and years
Y2 -Choose and use appropriate standard units for temperature in degrees Celsius. Use thermometers.
Statistics – Y2 total and compare categorical data
Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block graphs and tables
Sort categories by quanitiy / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Y1 – sequence events in chronological order using appropriate language
Recognise and use the language related to dated, days of the week, months and years
Statistics – Y2 total and compare categorical data
Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block graphs and tables / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Geometry Y2
Order and arrange mathematical objects in patterns and sequences
Statistics – Y2 total and compare categorical data
Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block graphs and tables. / Main teaching year 1 / 2
Y2 – compare and sequence units of time
Tell and write the time to 5 minute intervals
Y1 – use the language of time
(EYFS) / People and Communities
Show an interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them – talk about their family
Show and tell about a special item from home
Find out about and discuss their own cultures e.g. Christenings, birthdays, weddings
The World
Identify and name parts of the body
Identify and describe what we could do as babies compared to now
Use senses to describe the touch, feeling, smell, sound and taste of objects / food
Notice differences between features of the school
Mouse control
Introduce ICT suite
Make a graph using 2simple, 2count
Use the iPods to enhance learning
Use the telephone in role-play areas / People and Communities
Talk about past and present events in own lives e.g. -
Bonfire / Firework night
Diwali – tasting foods and dressing up in traditional clothes
The World
Talk about why things happen and how things work
Experiment with colour and light using torches
Experience light and dark in the ‘Dark house’
Introduce a range of ‘Light’ festivals
Investigate how to make a shadow
Use the spray and shape tools in Splosh! to make firework pictures
How to dial emergency services
Use the mouse to make things happen on the screen / People and Communities
Remember and talk about significant events in their own experience -
Chinese New Year
Taste traditional foods, look at clothes, stories, chopsticks
The World
Comment and ask questions about the natural world
Talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another
Beginto understand why weather is different across the world
Begin to know what will happen in different weather conditions
Use a control program - 2Simple 2Go
Use a programmable toy –BeeBot
Use the internet to find out information / People and Communities
Show an interest in different occupations and ways of life –
Traditional types of transport in other cultures / countries (eg junk, rickshaw, camel, elephant, gondola, barge, donkeys, etc)
Look at and discuss the features of old and new vehicles
The World
Sort vehicles that travel on land, water and in the air
Experiment with ramps, tubing and guttering to make balls roll faster and further
Find out about different features of Holiday destinations and use comparative language eg desert island, cold country etc – Google Earth
Use digital camera to take photos
Use the telephone tin role-play areas
Use Google Earth to show different parts of the world / People and Communities
Learn that some animals have become extinct and other endangered species Looking after wild animals
The World
Show care and concern for living things and the environment
Talk about things they have observed
Sort creatures by given criteria
Look closely at animals patterns on coats
Find out about animals and their young
Look at how animals have adapted for different environments and habitats eg polar bear, African zebra, British rabbit
Use the internet to find out information about animals
Log onto network using correct logon
MathsCity– shopping
Use interactive whiteboard
Use Smart Note book / People and Communities
Recognise and describe special events for family or friends – listen to family members talk about the first moon landing and space travel
Listen to stories set in space
Make up own planet and ‘aliens’
The World
Talk about similarities and differences in relation to materials
Test materials for different purposes
Talk about properties of materials – e.g. a coat needs to be waterproof, wellies needs to be strong, a space suit needs to be heat proof
Talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another
Show skill in making toys work by pressing parts to achieve effects – operate programmable toy
Select and use technology for a particular purpose
ORT Talking Stories
Use interactive whileboard
1/2 / Key Science skills
Observing closely, gathering and recording data
Humans and other animals
Name main parts of the body
Know humans need food and water to stay alive
Human life cycle
Senses – use the senses to compare texture, sound and smell
Basic human needs – food, water, air
Growing, baby, toddler, teenager adult / Key science skills
Performing simple tests
Light and dark
Explore sources of light and how we sense it- focus light, dark, shadows and reflections, sources of light
Observing shadows / Key Science Skills
Recording information
Using observations to suggest ideas and answers
Observe changes across the seasons
Observe and describe the weather associated with the seasons and how the day length varies / Key Science skills
Performing simple tests
Observing closely
Using simple equipment
Using observations to suggest ideas
Everyday materials
Identify what objects are made from
Identify and name a variety of materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock
Describe the simple properties of materials
Compare and group materials based on their properties / Key Science skills
Identifying and classifying
Observing closely
Animals Including humans
Identify and name a variety of animals
Identify animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals
Notice that animals have babies that grow into adults
Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals / Key Science skills
Performing simple tests
Observing closely, using simple equipment
Using observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Materials and their properties
What is the best material to make a spacesuit?
Describe the simple properties of materials
Compare and group materials on the basis of their properties
Identify and compare the suitability of everyday materials for particular uses
1/2 / We are Celebrating
Make a digital passport
Use Technology to purposefully create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.
Log on
Internet safety
Take and import a photograph or themselves.
Type key words and manipulate font, size and colour.
Position and manipulate key objects on screen
Use comic life / We are Game Testers
Computational Thinking
Create own Christmas themed game on the ipad
Log on
Internet safety
Recognise common uses of IT beyond school
Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes / We are Collectors
Finding images on the web
Make a 4 seasons picture collage
Log on
Internet safety
Use Technology to purposefully create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. / We are Painters
Illustrate an e book. Make a fact book / brochure on comic life.
Position and manipulate key objects on screen
Log on
Internet safety
Recognise common uses of IT beyond school
Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes / We are Detectives
Communicating clues
Word processing, communication and collaboration. Make up a riddle about an animal
Log on
Internet safety
Use Technology to purposefully create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. / We are Astronauts
Use scratch, robots, space hops, jumps
Log on
Internet safety
Recognise common uses of IT beyond school
Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes
1/2 / How have I changed?
How has school changed?
Historical skills
Identify ways of finding out about the past – photos and word of mouth
Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time
Changes within living memory
How children have changed since they were babies
What was it like to go to school in Victorian times? / Bonfire Night
Remembrance Sunday
Historical skills
Know about the chronology related people and events studied
Ask and answer historical questions
Significant events beyond living memory
Bonfire night – the life of a significant individual – Guy Fawkes / Travel in the past
Historical skills
Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods
Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time
Lives of significant individuals
Christopher Columbus
Wright brothers
Henry Ford
George Stevenson
Events beyond living memory first aeroplane flight, first train journey