Chapter 19
- Who was the author responsible, according to Abe Lincoln for the Civil War?
- What was the name of the book responsible for the start of the Civil War?
- What is wrong with the derogatory saying in the African-American community, “Your just an Uncle Tom”?
- What other trouble-brewing book appeared in 1857 that stated the non-slaveholding whites were the ones who suffered most from the millstone of slavery?
- Who was the author of the book in #4?
- Where did the “border ruffians” come from which poured into Kansas in 1855?
- What was the purpose of the “border ruffians”?
- Which man will be responsible for the Pottawatomie Massacre on May 24, 1856?
- This document said people could vote against slavery, but one provision stated that slave owners were permitted to keep their slaves, which they already possessed.
- Was this document passed? How successful was it?
- Who will be known as the “Little Giant” and supporter of popular sovereignty?
- Why was Congressman Preston S. Brooks known as “Bully Brooks”?
- Which presidential candidate will be known as “Old Buck”?
- Which presidential candidate of 1856 was known as “The Pathfinder”?
- What was the Republican platform in the 1856 presidential election?
- What was the Democrat platform in the 1856 presidential election?
- With the influx of immigrants from Germany and Ireland during the 1840s, what political party will be formed?
- What will be the nickname for the political party described in #17? Why?
- Why did John C. Frémont lose the presidential election of 1856?
- What was the principle of the lawsuit brought by Dred Scott in 1857?
- Why did the Supreme Court rule against Dred Scott?
- What were the consequences of the Dred Scott decision?
- Who will be known as the Illinois Rail-Splitter?
- What famous question in the Lincoln/Douglas debates did Lincoln ask Douglas concerning popular sovereignty and the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott?
- What was Douglas’s answer to Lincoln? What did his answer come to be known as?
- Who eventually won the Senate seat in Illinois between Douglas and Lincoln?
- What eventually will happen to John Brown after he is captured by US Marines at Harper’s Ferry?
- Which Democrat will the Southern “fire eaters” regard as a traitor in the presidential election of 1860?
- What two other Democrat candidates ran in the 1860 presidential election?
- Which state will be the first to secede from the union following the election of 1860?
- Which six states will secede in early 1861?
- Who will be elected the president of the South?
- What will be the last failed compromise before the Civil War broke out?
- What did the compromise say?
- Was Lincoln in favor of this compromise?
Chapter 20
- Why did the new capital of the Southern Confederacy give cause for alarm in the North?
- Which four Border States will remain with the Union when the Civil War breaks out?
- What State will later secede from a Southern strong hold to become another border state?
- War?
- What advantages did the Confederacy have at the beginning of the Civil War?
- This legendary Confederate general lost his life as a result of accidental injuries he suffered in the Battle of Chancellorsville—GREAT loss for the South and possible reason for loss in the Civil War?
- What was the major disadvantage which the South faced?
- What advantages did the North have at the Outbreak of war in 1861?
- Why did the Union go to great lengths to keep Britain happy during the Civil War?
- What would be the first major crisis with Britain during the Civil War?
- Who were the “Green Shirts” who invaded Canada in 1866 and 1870?
- When the French installed Maximilian as emperor of Mexico what Doctrine did they violate?
- What eventually happened to Max?
- What did Congress pass for the first time on a nationwide scale to increase the size of the Army?
- Who were the “Three-hundred-dollar men”?
- How did the phrase “a rich man’s war, but a poor man’s fight” get started?
- What would be the current value of $300 today?
- How did women contribute to the North’s victory?
- Who were the two most famous nurses during the Civil War?
Chapter 21
- By 1862 what was the paramount struggle in the Civil War according to Lincoln?
- Describe the six components of the Unions plan for Total War.
- Who had the idea for the sixth component of the Unions plan for Total War? Why was this necessary?
- What was the name of the pivotal battle of 1862, which will allow Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863? Why was it pivotal?
- How many Confederate and Union soldiers were lost in twelve-hours of fighting at Antietam Creek?
- Which slaves did the Emancipation Proclamation free? Why not all?
- What did the Proclamation give to the Union?
- What regiment will consist mainly of Colored Men who fought in the Civil War?
- Who becomes the saving grace for the Union army? What was Lincoln’s reaction to hearing that this general had a drinking problem?
- Which battles are considered the turning point for the Union in 1863? Why?
- What famous speech by Lincoln finished, “that these dear shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.”?
- Which Union General will be place in charge of splitting the Confederacy into two?
- What will this Union General be best remembered for?
- Which member of Lincoln’s cabinet will express public criticism of his running of the Civil War?
- Who were the “Copperheads” in the North?
- Who did Abraham Lincoln choose as his Vice-Presidential candidate in the election of 1864 to help balance the ticket? Why?
- Who was Lincoln’s Democrat opponent in the election of 1864?
- It was after these two battles that Grant will get his nickname “Blood and Guts” and “Grant the Butcher”
- At what courthouse will Lee and Grant finally meet on April 9, 1865 to end the Civil War (not far from the first Bull Run Battle field)?
- What was unique about the day that the Civil War ended at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865?
- What generous terms did Grant give the Confederates?
- What tragic event will take place on April 14, 1865? What Christian holiday was April 14th, 1865?
- Who will assassinate Lincoln?
- Where will the assassination take place?
- What did the assassination do for the North in relation to the South?
- How many men lost their lives during the Civil War?
- What two issues will be laid to rest because of the Civil War?