Sligo Public Participation Network (PPN)

March E Bulletin 2017


Funding 3

Communities Integration Fund 3

Dormant Accounts Fund, Measure 1 Social Enterprise 3

Applications open for Older Persons’ Fund 5

Criteria & Eligibility 5

Health Charities Invited to Make Funding Application 6

Arts Council Funding 6

Call for Applications: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2018-2020 7

Enterprise Ireland Innovation Vouchers 7

The Ray Murphy Fund for Leadership 7

Community Foundation of Ireland, Grants Fund for Mergers 9

EIL: Seed Fund Micro Grant Scheme - Now Open Until March 10th! 10

Heritage Councils Grant Schemes now open for applications 10

CFI, Leadership for Ethnic Minorities, Social Change Grants 11

The Heritage Council's Community Heritage Grant Scheme to Open 12

EU Funding Action Grants 14

European Programme for Social Change and Innovation (EaSI) 14

Horizon 2020 15


Creative Europe 16

Local Opportunities and Events 17

European Volunteering Capital 2017: Be inin this years St. Patrick's Day Parade 17

European Volunteering Capital, 2017: Come and join us for Volunteer Voices 17

Foróige’s Big Brother Big Sister Youth Mentoring Programme Seeks Volunteers 18

Enjoy Nature for Heritage Week 2017 18

Sport Ireland Yeats Tour of Sligo 19

Enniscrone Community Walking Group – STRIDERS 19

East City Community Walking Group 19

Sofa to Saddle with Bike for Life programme 19

Sligo Mens Shed Meet and Train Archery Programme 19

Yeats International Summer School 2017 20

Sligo Field Club, Monthly Lecture 20

‘Three Village’, St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2017 20

New Sensory Room at Ballymote Family Resource Centre 21

Adult Learners Coffee Morning and Tour 22

Sligo Intercultural forum: You are invited to two upcoming events in the SIF calendar! 22

Dromore West St. Patrick’s Day Parade 22

Calling All Photographers! 23

Dromore West Tidy Towns 23

Networking for Nature, Tidy Towns Event 23

Sligo Historic Graveyard Training Project Begins 24

Social Dancing in Carraroe Community Centre : 26

Safe Talk Training/GAA Health and Wellbeing Committee 26

Events in Easkey for March 2017 26

Local news 26

The Whole Parish of Easkey Can Take A Bow 26

Minister Humphreys presents Hidden Heritage Award to LEAP Project Easkey 27

Courses 28

Certificate in Irish Wild Flower Identification (Online) 28

Future Learn (online courses) 29

Surveys and Community Consultation 29

Feed into an Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for Sligo City 29

Irish Rural Link Erasmus + MICRO Project, Survey for craft and micro enterprises 30

National Initiatives/News 30

Travellers Formally Recognised as an Ethnic Minority 30

Heritage Week - Event Organiser Training Day 31

Safe Home Ireland 31


Communities Integration Fund

Mr. David Stanton, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality with responsibility for Integration, Immigration and Equality has announced that applications are now invited for funding under the Communities Integration Fund.

The Communities Integration Fund will fund actions by community organisations to promote integration in their local communities.

The intention is to provide funding and support for communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting integration by providing practical support to facilitate social inclusion among the migrant population.

A total amount of €500,000 will be made available in 2017 to local community based groups to promote integration in their area e.g. local sporting clubs, faith-based groups, theatrical and cultural organisations.

Grants/funding may be provided up to a maximum of €5,000 depending on the size and nature of the project.

Activities may include, for example:-

· activities aimed at introducing newly arrived migrants to the community
· measures to encourage migrant participation in local civil and cultural activities (and complement existing programmes and activities)
· measures to encourage involvement in local sports clubs, theatre groups, youth clubs, after school clubs, scouts, dancing troupes, choirs, drama/theatre groups, parent& child groups, etc.
· measures to link migrants with opportunities in the community (including employment)

“New Communities” Integration Fund announced yesterday – check

Dormant Accounts Fund, Measure 1 Social Enterprise

The Dormant Accounts Fund is a scheme for the disbursement of unclaimed funds from accounts in credit institutions in Ireland. The fund is administered under the 2001 Dormant Accounts Act, together with the Unclaimed Life Assurance Policies Act 2003 and the Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Act 2012 and is under the statutory function of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs from July 2016.

New call for applicationsfor Measure 1 Social Enterprise

Pobal, on behalf of the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs invite applications for funding from eligible organisations under the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF) Measure 1: Social Enterprise.

The aim of this funding is to support social enterprises that provide services to, or employment opportunities for, disadvantaged people, particularly in rural areas.

Organisations can apply online for funding to cover capital costs and capacity building costs.

The closing date for applications is 1pm on Wednesday 15th March 2017.

Full details of the measure are outlined in the DAF Applicant Guidelines document which is available here

Please ensure that you read the applicant guidelines carefully prior to deciding whether to apply for support under the Measure.

Applications can only be made via the online application form (Pobal Website)

The online application form can be accessed via the DAF portal here. A technical support guide to assist applicants with the online application process is also available here

A word version of the DAF application form, and other templates to be completed, can be accessed here

Word version of DAF Application form

DAF budget template

Co-funding template

Partner funding commitment letter template

VAT recoverable template

Applications open for Older Persons’ Fund

The Older Persons’ Fundat The Community Foundation for Ireland is now open for applications. All applications are online and the closing date is4.30 p.m. Thursday 23March 2017.

Why an Older Persons’ Fund?

It is estimated that by 2041, people aged over 65 will account for 22% of the population in Ireland, compared to some 11% today.

TheOlder Person’s Fundseeks to realise the benefits of this changing demographic by building a long term sustainable fund to support older people’s voices at a local and national level and their capacity to engage fully in all strands of society. In line with this goal, the mission of The Older Persons’ Fund will be to support strategic community based and national activities promotingOlder People as Active Citizens and Advocates– including influencing policy, community decision-making processes, leadership, negotiation and other ways to give greater“voice”to Older People.

TheOlder Persons’ Fundhas been set up with an initial investment of €3m provided byus(€1m)and The Atlantic Philanthropies(€2m). We are targeting an additional €1m to be raised and allocated to the fund between now and 2018, as well as on-going fund development in the longer term.

Criteria & Eligibility

This year there are two categories that you may apply for a grant under:

A. Inclusion of older people in active citizenship roles- Grants of up to €7,500 will be available to organisations working towards inclusion of older people in active citizenship roles

B. Supporting older peoples’ voices at local & national level- Grants of up to €7,500 will available to organisations working towards supporting older peoples’ engagement in advocacy.

Please seeherefor information and how to apply to each category

(Source: The Wheel)

Health Charities Invited to Make Funding Application

The Hospital Saturday Fund, which makes donations to hospitals, hospices and medically associated charities for research and care and to individuals whose health problems have caused severe financial stress, is now inviting applications from Irish charities and individuals.

The Hospital Saturday Fund was founded in 1873, at a time when poverty, overcrowding and ill-health were prevalent and little help was available for those needing costly hospital care.

Applications from Organisations

The Grant Making Committee (GMC) meets quarterly. Applications should be submitted online by close of business on the following dates:

GMC5 June 2017
Standard Grants of £2,000 or €2,700 – deadline 8 May 2017
Large Grants of up to max £10,000 or €13,500 – deadline 10 April 2017

GMC14 August 2017
Standard Grants of £2,000 or €2,700 – deadline 17 July 2017Large Grants of up to max £10,000 or €13,500 – deadline 19 June 2017

GMC6 November 2017
Standard Grants of £2,000 or €2,700– deadline 9 October 2017
Large Grants of up to max £10,000 or €13,500 – deadline 11 September 2017

Applications from Individuals

Individual applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis. See the guidelines on our website for further information.

Visit the Fund website here > (Source: The Wheel)

Arts Council Funding

All upcoming funding opportunities with the Arts Council are listed at

Call for Applications: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2018-2020

The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth or contributing to one of the Jacobs Foundation’s thematic priorities.

Fellowships are awarded to the most highly talented and innovative young scholars and mid-career researchers working on child and youth development. Funds from Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships are awarded directly to the Fellow’s institution and may be used over a three-year period by the Fellow to partially cover the Fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the Fellow’s research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.

Scholars who engage in interdisciplinary work on individual development and learning of children and youth, and who seek to combine genetic, epigenetic, neurobiological, behavioral and social levels of analysis, are particularly encouraged to apply.

For further information and to submit an online application, please click here. Deadline for Applications is 31st Mar 2017.

Enterprise Ireland Innovation Vouchers

The Innovation Voucher initiative was developed to build links between Ireland's public knowledge providers (i.e. higher education institutes, public research bodies) and small businesses.

Innovation Vouchers worth €5,000 are available to assist a company or companies to explore a business opportunity or problem with a registered knowledge provider.

Find our more at

The Ray Murphy Fund for Leadership

Ray Murphy worked for the Mott Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies and was instrumental in helping us get established in our early years. When he passed away in 2007 our board established a 10 year fund in his memory focusing on an area of particular interest to him – leadership in the not for profit sector.

The fund is aimed at Chief Executiveswithin the community and voluntary sector. The fund will support CEOs to reflect on their leadership role within the community

Grants from this fund will provide CEOs with the opportunity to access leadership-related mentoring or coaching.

The Fund will make grants to build leadership within the community sector over 10 years, 2008 – 2017.

It is with regret that we cannot accept applications for courses which are not centrally focused on leadership-related mentoring or coaching. The fund will not cover regular leadership courses,degrees or post-graduate courses.

Grants of up to €2,500 may be awarded.

Who can apply
Chief Executiveswithin the community and voluntary sector.

How to apply

ContactAdele Mc Namara: to determine suitability.Ifsuitable, the criteriaand an application form will then be sent for you tocomplete. Return your completed application form as per the instructions outlined on these documents.

Assessment of Grant Recipients

To ensure that funds are being allocated and used correctly we continuously and randomly assess various projects that have received funding through us. This allows us to give a high level of commitment to all our donors that their funds are being used in an appropriate manner and are also having the impacts that they want.

Outcome Reports

All grantees are required to provide an Outcome Reportsixmonths after their grant has been awarded.

Find out more at

Community Foundation of Ireland, Grants Fund for Mergers

In the face of current challenges facing the Irish Community and Voluntary sector, all organisations are looking at ways of working differently. In certain limited circumstances some organisations may see benefit in exploring merging permanentlywith another organisation, or consortium of likeminded organisations. We have a small fund which might allow such organisations or consortiums to explore this. It is for the facilitation of early stage discussions and negotiations, and not the process of merging in action.

Grants of a maximum of €8,000 will pay for associated costs such as hiring an external facilitator, room hire, travel costs etc.

The fund is not for collaborative working or strategic partnerships

Who can apply

Organisations/bodies and consortiums of organisations/bodies in the Irish Community and Voluntary Sector.

How to apply

Interested bodies and/ or consortiums should email Helen at in confidence to discuss the suitability of submitting an application to the fund. Please only send a brief introductory paragraph setting out the proposed activity and level of funding required. There is no application form available and potential applications must be discussed in advance with us.

Applications will be considered as and when received; there is no specific closing date.

Any approach or enquiries will be held in the strictest confidence.

Suitable applications will be assessed by one of the Grants staff and the Chair of Grants Expert Panel. Following the process those involved will be asked to report their learning about the process to us with a view to this helping other groups.

We do not take a view as to whether any organisations should merge.

Find out more at

EIL: Seed Fund Micro Grant Scheme - Now Open Until March 10th!

It can be challenging when we have returned from oversea projects to continue to support worthy causes such as the ones we encountered abroad. There are many ways we can promote and highlight the issues and injustices witnessed.

On a long-term basis, an effective way in which volunteers can truly make a difference is to educate others about global justice, the Global Goals and the lives of ordinary people in the global south.