Global History 9R, 9H and 10R Summer Reading Assignment

A Current Events Portfolio

Task: Students entering Global History 9R, 9H and 10R classes will follow/read about the global issue of CLIMATE CHANGE over the course of the summer. Over the summer, students must create a portfolio that consists of summaries of four (4) news articles on CLIMATE CHANGE. During the first week of school, students will engage in a class discussion and take an assessment.

Rationale: Encourage students to stay abreast of current events and issues and also advance the goal that they be informed citizens. By reading nonfiction/informational texts and responding to issues in the news, students will strengthen their reading, writing and thinking skills – all goals of the Common Core Learning Standards.

Portfolio Requirements:

·  Select a minimum of four (4) news pieces (include a mix of news articles, opinion pieces, editorials and cartoons) from reputable NEWS periodicals. You may read the news periodicals via print or online access. The Garden City Public Library offers options for reading news periodicals. Acceptable news periodicals include (but are not limited to): The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, U.S. News and World Report, The Economist

Article topics that might relate to climate change may include (but are not limited to):

ü  a major weather event

ü  an environmental disaster (recent or updates on earlier events)

ü  industrial pollution or disasters

ü  environmental policies

ü  alternative energy sources/innovation

ü  articles that support/refute climate change (or the causes of climate change)

·  Cut out/print the article (indicate the source and date of the news piece on the summary sheets provided).

·  Do NOT select encyclopedia entries on the topic. Do NOT select news pieces that are news summaries.

·  Use the attached summary sheets to write a summary of each news article you select. Make sure that all of your writing is in your own words. Any plagiarism will result in a zero.

Class discussion:

Be prepared to participate in a class discussion about the issue – be prepared to answer questions, ask questions, share your informed opinions, etc.


Your summer reading quiz grade will be based on the portfolio, participation in the class discussion and a written assignment to be administered on September 4th.

Grading Rubric for Current Events Assignments

90-100% / 80-90 % / 65-79% / 0-64%
Quality of Current Events Assignment /   Clearly and thoroughly summarizes four articles
  Reaction clearly and thoroughly provides your analysis of the article/issue
  Articles attached and properly identified on summary sheets /   Adequately summarizes four articles
  Reaction addresses some of the issues but is not well supported
  Articles attached and properly identified on summary sheets /   Superficial summaries of four articles
  Reaction is somewhat limited and has little supporting evidence
  Articles attached and properly identified on summary sheets / Summaries are unclear or incomplete
Reactions are unclear or incomplete
Articles not attached
NOTE: Any plagiarism will result in an automatic zero

Social Studies Summer Assignment Name ______

A Current Events Portfolio News Summary Sheet

(Complete one summary sheet for each of the four news pieces in your portfolio. Staple the article to this sheet.)

News piece # _____1


Publication Date

Type of news piece (article, op-ed, editorial, cartoon, etc.)

Summary of the news piece (Include the who, what, when where, why, how of the piece; if it is an opinion, piece include the author’s opinion.)

I already knew… but I was surprised to learn…

Social Studies Summer Assignment Name ______

A Current Events Portfolio News Summary Sheet

(Complete one summary sheet for each of the four news pieces in your portfolio. Staple the article to this sheet.)

News piece # ___2______

Source ______

Publication Date ______

Type of news piece (article, op-ed, editorial, cartoon, etc.) ______

Summary of the news piece (Include the who, what, when where, why, how of the piece; if it is an opinion, piece include the author’s opinion.)

I already knew… but I was surprised to learn…

Social Studies Summer Assignment Name ______

A Current Events Portfolio News Summary Sheet

(Complete one summary sheet for each of the four news pieces in your portfolio. Staple the article to this sheet.)

News piece # _____3______

Source ______

Publication Date ______

Type of news piece (article, op-ed, editorial, cartoon, etc.) ______

Summary of the news piece (Include the who, what, when where, why, how of the piece; if it is an opinion, piece include the author’s opinion.)

I already knew… but I was surprised to learn…

Social Studies Summer Assignment Name ______

A Current Events Portfolio News Summary Sheet

(Complete one summary sheet for each of the four news pieces in your portfolio. Staple the article to this sheet.)

News piece # ____4______

Source ______

Publication Date ______

Type of news piece (article, op-ed, editorial, cartoon, etc.) ______

Summary of the news piece (Include the who, what, when where, why, how of the piece; if it is an opinion, piece include the author’s opinion.)

I already knew… but I was surprised to learn…