Who is the author of "Chomp"?
What hit Mickey Cray on the head?
How had the iguana died?
How much did the dead iguana weigh?
What did Mickey's son use to weigh the iguana?
What effect did the injury have on Mickey?
How many pounds did Mickey lose?
What was the name of Mickey's son?
Who was Wahoo named after?
What else did Wahoo share his name with?
What did Wahoo do with the iguana?
What animals were in the Cray's backyard?
How had the Cray's gotten the bald eagle?
Where was Mrs. Cray going?
How long would Mrs. Cray be gone?
What did Mrs. Cray teach?
Who normally hired Mrs. Cray?
What was one of the employees attempting to tell a government minister?
What did the employee actually say?
Who was Alice?
How big was Alice?
What had Alice been filmed for?
What was the troublesome howler monkey's name?
Who was Jimmy Stigmore?
Where did Donny Dander smuggle the tree frogs from?
How many tree frogs did Donny attempt to smuggle?
Where did Donny hide the frogs?
How did Donny get caught?
How much was the TV show that called going to pay Mickey?
What had Mickey Cray been doing before the iguana knocked him stiff?
Where was Wahoo told to relocate the surviving iguanas?
Why were the iguanas so far north?
Who were Gary and Gail?
How did the Cray's get Gary and Gail?
What had Mickey done to help Gary and Gail survive the big freeze?
Who was Derek Badger?
What was being delivered from a ranch up in Highlands County?
Who was the woman at the door?
Who was Raven Stark?
What did Raven's hairdo look like?
Who had ignored Wahoo's warning?
What did Tingley do?
What did Mickey tell Tingley's parents?
How much did Alice cost per foot?
How much did Alice cost in total?
How much did Raven pay as a deposit?
What had scattered many pythons and boa constrictors across South Florida?
How long was the python?
How much did the man who found the snake sell it to Mickey for?
How much was Raven renting the snake for?
What hand was missing a thumb?
What was Wahoo doing when he lost his thumb?
How did he lose his thumb?
Where was Mr. Badger?
When did "Expidition Survival!" air?
What was Derek Badger's real name?
What had been Derek Badger's previous career?
Why did Derek quit dancing?
Who did Derek meet in the emergency room?
Why was the talent agent in the emergency room?
Where did Derek fly to audition?
Who did Derek copy his australian accent from?
Where was the first episode of "Expedition Survival!" staged?
What happened on the second day?
Where was Derek rushed to for rabies shots?
Who was Julie?
Where was Julie?
What were the grades on Wahoo's best report card?
What class did Wahoo get a C in?
What was the natural home of pythons?
In the book Chomp, how did "Derek Badger" enter the show?
What kind of gun did Tuna's dad own?
What is the name of Tuna's "magic" pink pills?
Who replaced Derek Badger on the show?
What was Jared Gordon's nickname for Sickler?
What is the name of the vampire movie Derek Badger loves?
Gerry Germaine drives what kind of car? Extra Points What color is it?
Who is Expedition Survival's biggest sponsor?