2nd July
11.00 am Commemoration of Battle of the Somme, St Andrew’s, Kingham
3rd July
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew's Kingham
10.45 am Morning Service, All Saints' Churchill (Activities for children)
10th July
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP),All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am Holy Communion,St Andrew's Kingham(Activities for children)
17th July
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45 am Holy Communion, All Saints’ Churchill (Activities for children)
followed by Bring & Share BBQ
24th July
9.00 am HolyCommunion (BCP), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am HolyCommunion, St Andrew's Kingham (All Ages Included)
31st July Benefice Service at 10.45 am St Mary's, Chipping Norton
July Prayer Meetings
Weekly prayer meetings at 7am on Tuesday mornings in St Andrew's Kingham 4.45pm on Wednesdays in All Saints' Churchill
Prayer meetings will stop for August but the churches will be open.

Churchill PCC will be on 4th July, venue tbc
Kingham PCC 7th July 7.30pm at Hayes House, Church St, Kingham

AUGUSTCHURCH NEWS. Please send your contributions to
Belinda Armstrong ythe 15th July.

J U L Y 2 0 1 6

We All Benefit From Our Differences, Working Together

As I write this, I’m enjoying the recent memory of some super village events: in Churchill for the Champagne Reception for the Queen and the Car Show, and in Kingham for the Street Party. In both places what was abundantly clear was how well it works when people with very different skills work together for the good of all. Thank you to all those who contributed in so many different ways.
On Monday evening between those two weekends I attended a debate on the EU Referendum. It was lively but polite and we considered some very important aspects of this complicated decision. The vote itself is still ten days away as I write, but it’ll be behind us by the time it’s printed. What strikes me now is that however the vote goes, we will still need to work well together to turn that decision into an action plan for our country within the world, and our villages within our country. The show of hands in the Kingham debate was balanced and it seems the referendum could go either way.

It seems to me that if Remain have the result they wanted and we continue as a member of the EU, there’s a whole lot of work to be done to make sure that the EU works well for the UK and for all the countries who are part of it, and even that the EU plays its full part in the well-being of the global community. We will need the instincts of the Leave campaigners to raise the issues of sovereignty and democracy again and again and to ensure that EU membership doesn’t become an exclusive club which works against our other friends in the Commonwealth and their neighbours.

On the other hand, if we set our course to leave the EU there is also a big job to be done: to bring hopes of international trade agreements into reality, for example. We will certainly need the experience and enthusiasm of those who have worked on similar agreements as part of the EU to use their skills to represent ‘the UK in the world’. There will be so much other change going on that we must also be particularly attentive to those in need around us, who otherwise may be forgotten in the melee.

I was pleased that so many people attended that debate. It’s clearly a very important question and I hope that you have now taken the opportunity to cast your vote. Now that the referendum itself has past, whatever the result, the work begins to make the best of the opportunities that arise from our decision. I hope that, just as we do for a Car Show or a Street Party, we all use our skills and experience for the good of everyone, locally and globally.
Revd David Salter

TGI FRIDAY - Thank God It's Friday – end of term BBQ & games

Come & join a Friday evening of fun & games for all children in school years 3-6 (ages 7-10). Next meeting Friday 8th July at6.30pmALL SAINT’S CHURCHILL contact Sally/David Salter on 658852 for details.


SPARK - Agroup for boys at secondary school aged 11-18 meets Wednesdayevenings/term time 7.15-8.30 pm atThe Mill, Sarsden Halt, Churchill. Please contact Jonny the benefice youthworker on

TAKE A HIKE – Boys Hike & Breakfast Saturday 9th July. Meet at 9am in Chipping Norton School Car Park ends 12noon at Parish Rooms, Chipping Norton.

IMPACT, our group for girls in school years 7-11 meets6-7.30pm on Sunday evenings in term time, led byKatie Lowe: .


The Tuesday fellowship groupmeets on the 5th & 12th Julyfrom 10-12 noon at 2 Blacksmith Court, Kingham, home of John & Brenda Ingram.
NEW HOMEGROUP - A new weekly homegroup has started at the home of Mark & Kathie Burbridge 8 William Smith Close, Churchill OX7 6QS. Tel: 01608 659998 We meet onThursday evenings 7.30-9pm. All welcome.


Kingham Lunch Clubwill be at 12.00 noon onThursday 21st July. Contact Lesley Sutherland 01608 678991 for further details.

Churchill & Sarsden Luncheon Club meet onTuesday26th July at 12 noon for sherry with lunch to follow at 12.30pm in the meeting room of All Saints' Churchill. Please book with Joyce Woods (658738).


Meet on Tuesday5th July at 2.30pm when a service of Holy Communion will be led by Rev David Salter. For further details contact June Berrett on 01608 658310.


Saturday 16th July Men’s Breakfast 8.30am–10am Parish Rooms Chipping Norton. Speaker Chris Mitchell. To book contact David Bishop


The Kingham Events Committee are looking for helpers in the Tea Tent &/or to bake cakes. If you are able to help there are sign up sheets at the back of All Saints St Andrews or call Sam on 01608 658852/

Sunday 5th June Car Show & Flower Show

Thank you to all those who helped out at the Churchill Car ShowFlower Show. Thanks to Louis Moss, Jonny Moss and Mark Burbridge for their wonderful music during the flower show in church. Thank you also to the flower arrangers who created such a wonderful show to reflect 'All Creatures Great and Small', we had arrangements celebrating Bees and even Dinosaurs!

SUMMER CLEAN @ All Saints' Churchill on Saturday 11th June

SUMMER BBQ - Sunday 17th July, All Saints' Churchill

After the 10.45am service on Sunday 17th July we are having a Bring & Share BBQ which will be a lovely opportunity to sit and chat in the sunshine and catch up with friends old and new. All welcome from both Kingham and Churchill.

Battle of the Somme Service

There will be a service on Saturday 2nd July at 11 am at St Andrew's, Kingham to commemorate the Battle of the Somme. All Welcome.

FROM THE REGISTERS - Churchill & Kingham

Shirley Floyd was buried at St Andrew's Kingham on Wednesday 8th June. Her funeral was in Moreton-in-Marsh.
On Saturday 11th June we interredAlex Percival’s ashes in Churchill graveyard.
Melodie Webb was baptised at St Andrew's on Sunday 12th June.


We apologise for having to cancel the service on 26th June and also the bookswap-coffeeshop on 27th June.
Our regular Chapel services continue at 11 am as usual this month

July3rd our service will be led by Miss Mary Newman
July 10th the service will be led by Rev John Taylor
July 17th Rev Soba Sinnathamby will lead a service of Holy Communion
July 24th the service will be lead by Mr David Lunn and on
July 31st Mr Martin Hannant will lead the service.

Craft Fellowshipwill meet on Tuesday 5th July at 2.30 pm, and
Bookswap Coffeeshop will be on Monday25th July from 10 –11.30am.

Everyone is welcome to all these events