
Providing access to safe water and sanitation is essential to anyhumanitarian response; its provision being a fundamental human right. When given alongside hygiene education it is keyto reducing deaths from water related diseases.We have developed these materials to improve access totechnical training materials, with the aim of increasing thenumber and competence of trainedWASH specialists availablefor future emergencies.Effective training and capacity building within ourWASHcommunity will ensure a more predictable, timely and coherenthumanitarian response.

Course Objectives

We developed these emergencyWASH technicalresources to helpimprove the quality of responses inemergencies and to increase thecapacity of local organisations.One of our fundamental aims is to enable more people tocarry out technicalWASH work inresponse to a disaster. The materials have beendesigned to allow for local trainers torun courses in response to the needs ofan organisation or participants.The particular benefit of thesematerials is they can be used to trainlocal people who will already be on theground when a disaster occurs, therebyhaving an effective impact inimproving relief efforts.

Who are the Materials for?

TheWASH technical training materialsare aimed at field basedWASHprofessionals from national and localgovernments, international and localNGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescentmovement and other humanitarian organisations.

Participants on any courses you run with these materials are expected to alreadyhave a grounding inWASH but thematerials also account for a range ofknowledge levels. We hope that courses you run willbuild their capacity to implement orsupportWASH responses which are ofan acceptable standard, sensitive tothe local context and which have consideredrelevant cross-cutting issues.

About the Materials

This training has been designed so thatit can be used at field level during theearly stages of an emergency, and onan ongoing basis during longer or chronic emergencies. Wheretraining can be given prior to anemergency event, disasterpreparedness is reinforced. It shouldalso be possible to provide the trainingin the lead up to an expected slowonset emergency, such as a drought.

The materials are made up of thirteen training modules, each containing anumber of individual sessions whichallows you to design a trainingcourse ranging from one hour upto one week.

They are available on the website or as a CD.If you or your organisation is interestedin receiving a CD pack pleasecontact: .

How to use the Materials

The materials have been designed tobe flexible and to be adapted by you, thefacilitator, to meet specific needs.There are four core modules whichcover the essentials ofWASH and nine supplementary modules for specifictechnical areas. By selecting acombination of modules you cancreate a course to meet the needs ofyour participants and your emergencycontext.

About the Modules

The materials produced for this training cover 13 modules that can be taught independently or together. They are comprised of key learning points, sessionplans, PowerPoint presentations and supporting handouts. There is flexibility foryou to draw on local examples for the case studies and modify thepresentations according to the context.

The fourWASH essential modules can be used to provide:

• An overview for those managing, training and co-ordinatingWASH staff

• An opportunity forWASH trained staff with limited emergency experience toadapt their skills to the situation

• A learning environment for technical field based staff where they can discusslocally sensitive solutions

• Consideration of cross cutting issues as well as the longer term implications andimpacts.

The nine technical modules will build on existingWASH skills to developknowledge in more specialised areas.

The table which follows lists each session below a module summary and should be enough information to begin to compile a course from them.

Title/ Length / Code / Session title
Water / WASH Essentials
Covering need assessments, water quality, water treatment options, operation and maintenance, this module gives a firm grounding in water in emergencies. Both immediate and medium term responses are considered. There are also sessions on local regulations and contexts, which help to make this module applicable to any location.
1 hour / W0 / Introduction
30 mins / W1 / Water Supply Linkages
1hr 15 mins / W2 / Water Needs
45 mins / W3 / Local regulations, cultural norms and good practice
45 mins / W4 / Water Sources, treatment and implications
1 hour / W5 / Assessments, prioritisation, monitoring
30 mins / W6 / Meeting immediate water needs
45 mins / W7 / Medium term responses
45 mins / W8 / Case study
1 hour / W9 / Water facilities and good pracitce
2hrs 30 mins / W10 / Operation, Maintenance and Sustainability
1hour 15 mins / W11 / Water Context
2hrs 45 mins / W12 / Site Visit
Vector Control / WASH Essentials
This module looks at vector control from three angles: disease, vector and prevention methods. The module will enable participants to understand the prevention and control tools used for vector borne diseases in humanitarian crises and understand the advantages and disadvantages of these.
45 mins / VC0 / Introduction
60-90 mins / VC1 / Vector Control by Disease (Malaria, Leismaniasis, Dengue, Schistosomiasis)
60 mins / VC2 / Vector Control by Vector (Fly borne, Mosquito borne, Rodent borne, other arthropods)
90 mins / VC3 / Vector Control by Prevention Method (Introduction, Information Education Communication, Larviciding, Net distribution, Insecticide treated, Residual spraying)
Excreta Disposal / WASH Essentials
Looking at sanitation solutions based on best practice, the material can be adapted to consider locally appropriate solutions and local regulations. It explores both short and medium term solutions and includes training on operation and maintenance.
30 mins / E0 / Opening
30 mins / E1 / Cluster Approach
30 mins / E2 / Sanitation Linkages
45 mins / E3 / Sanitation Assessment
45 mins / E4 / Immediate Sanitation Solutions
30 mins / E5 / Local regulations and best practice
45 mins / E6 / Short Term Solutions: Case Study
45 mins / E7 / Medium term solutions
30 mins / E8 / Operation and Maintenance
45 mins / E9 / Institutional sanitation and sewerage
60 mins / E10 / Medium Term Solutions: Case Study
30 mins / E11 / Workshop summary and conclusions
Disaster Waste / WASH Essentials
With a specific emphasis on protecting public health and supporting early recovery this module will enable field practitioners to improve the timely handling of waste arising from disasters. It focuses on identifying different types of waste and goes on to look at handling it using a variety of methodologies and technologies.
15 mins / DW0 / Introduction
1 hour 15mins / DW1 / What is Disaster Waste
1 hour 45 mins / DW2 / Handling Disaster Waste
45 mins / DW3 / Case Studies
15 mins / DW4 / Resources
Disposal of Dead Bodies / Technical WASH Modules
The aim of this short module is to put the issue of dead bodies into a public health perspective (including psychosocial aspects) and understand the basics of managing dead bodies in the first phase following a disaster.
1 hour 30 mins / DB / Disposal of Dead Bodies
WASH Related Diseases / Technical WASH Modules
Building on the ‘Vector Control’ module, the focus here is on the links between diseases and specific types of disaster. It goes into significant depth on a number of diseases such as typhus and shigellosis and uses interactive sessions and role-plays to examine the risks posed by the key WASH related diseases. For key prevention and control stategies please refer to the vector control module.
35 mins / D0 / Introduction and Pairs Exercise
30 mins / D1 / Environmental Burden of Disease
30 mins / D2 / Public Health Impact of Selected Disasters
1 hour 35 mins / D3 / Categorisation and Transmission
1 hour 40 mins / D4 / Group Work -Cholera, Shigellosis and Typhus
Groundwater Development and Drilling / Technical WASH Modules
Building on the basic module on water, this module introduces the subject of groundwater as an alternative to surface water for emergency situations. The sessions take the participants through the characteristics of groundwater systems, their identification and onto their development and protection.
1 hour / GWD1 / Groundwater Occurrence
1 hour 45 mins / GWD2 / Characteristics of Groundwater Systems
40 mins / GWD3 / Indentifying Potential Groundwater Sources
1 hour 45 mins / GWD4 / Developing Groundwater Sources
1 hour 10 mins / GWD5 / Protecting Groundwater Sources
Groundwater Pumping / Technical WASH Modules
This module outlines the different categories of hand pumps and motorised pumps, including appropriate selection of technologies. There are also sessions on adapting these devices for solar power and further sessions on distribution options for groundwater once it has been raised.
30 mins / GWP0 / Opening and Introduction
1 hour / GWP1 / Handpumps
1 hour / GWP2 / Motorised Pumps
1 hour 35 mins / GWP3 / Pump Selection
40 mins / GWP4 / Water Distribution
WASH Strategy / Technical WASH Modules
This module goes through the process required for planning a WASH response strategy. It includes detailed information on contextualising the process and a case study is used to teach the process in a practical way.
30 mins / S1 / Opening and Introduction
1 hour / S2 / Planning in Context
2 hours 15 mins / S3 / Strategic Planning Process
1 hour / S4 / Monitoring and Review
Urban Floods / Technical WASH Modules
Outlining the importance and need for a considered WASH response in urban environments, participants learn how to design and execute a specific response in the context of flooding.
30 mins / UF0 / Introduction
1 hour 15 mins / UF1 / Significance and Context of Urban Floods
1 hour 30 mins / UF2 / Rapid emergency WASH Assessment
3 hours / UF3 / Plan and Response to Urban Floods
High Water Table - Sanitation / Technical WASH Modules
The importance of sanitation is highlighted and the module enables participants to deduce the problems a high water table could cause in providing sanitation. It also outlines the technical options, the advantages and disadvantages of these, and how to choose the most appropriate solution.
35/50 mins / WTS1 / Introduction
1 hour 15 mins / WTS2 / Technical options for high water table sanitation
1 hour 15 mins / WTS3 / Case study(s) – putting it into practice.
Needs Assessment / Technical WASH Modules
Participants learn how to gather appropriate needs assessment data and turn it into meaningful information for use in project proposals. It also outlines methodologies for collecting such data in different WASH-related emergency situations.
30 mins / NA1 / Opening & Introduction
1 hour / NA2 / Information needs and assessment design
1 hour / NA3 / Generating meaningful information
2 hours / NA4 / Evidence based proposal development
Drainage / Technical WASH Modules
After the importance of drainage is outlined, this module moves on to explore designs and solutions for a variety of situations and site conditions.
10 mins / DR1 / Introduction - Reasons for Drainage
30 mins / DR2 / Strategy
30 mins / DR3 / Site Conditions
50 mins / DR4 / Drainage Solutions Exercise
50 mins / DR5 / Drainage Design
10 mins / DR6 / Key Points Summary