Who Am I Project?
Who are you? What do you believe in? What do you value? Write a 4-6 paragraphs [or you could create a poem of 4-6 stanzas] explaining who you are and what you believe, using examples from your life.
Brainstorm a list of poems, pictures, and songs that help to describe who you really are.
Create a powerpoint that includes one paragraph/stanza per slide. Use music clips, poem quotes, and pictures to help illustrate your writing.
Example Poem:
I am the young girl on the shore at dusk listening to the lapping of the waves
And calling to the mermaids to take me home
But I am also the girl afraid to be alone in the deep end of the pool.
I am the young girl who ate supreme pizza and drank Dr. Pepper while snuggling with her Mom
While watching Dallas,
But afraid that her stepfather would come home drunk and beat her mother up again.
I am the girl who told the truth,
but wasn’t believed and lost everything.
I am the teenager who had no home,
but moved in to too many houses.
I am afraid of older men.
I am the teenager who held on to school as the last bastion of sanity and a way to a better life.
and I am known as the girl who was always smiling – the yearbooks all say so –
even as I drenched my stuffed bear in tears at night.
I am the young woman who loved deeply and truly
But was only ever the loyal friend whose heart was on her sleeve.
I am the young woman who held on to her boyfriend even when he became
I am the woman who was strong enough to say love by itself was not enough
And had the courage to find someone who loves and cherishes me.
I am the young woman who decided to teach teenagers so that there
Would be someone who understood, who saw people.
I am a reader who is strong in my stories even when I am timid in life.
I am a woman who still struggles with self-esteem even
As I become a leader and speak tough truths.
I am a teacher who loves her students even when
I have to be tough. I will drag my students to graduation if I must.
I am the girl who was raised Southern Baptist
But later saw the web and wheel of life.
I am a woman who detests prejudice and hypocrisy,
Who fears the masses even as I believe in the ability to be a better person.
I am the young girl who picked peaches with her grandmother
And I am a mother who takes her own children berry-picking every year.
I am daughter, granddaughter, wife, mother, teacher, friend.
I believe that we can be better than where we came from, that we can be stronger
For all that we have suffered, that we have the ability to reach a hand out to others
In perfect love and perfect trust.
4-6 stanzas that clearly show some value and include personal experiences
Each slide includes the stanza AND a picture/song/quote
Each stanza is grammatically correct
Content / 5-6 stanzas that clearly show some value and include personal experiences / 4+ stanzas that clearly show some value and include personal experiences / 3-4 stanzas that include personal experiences and an implied value / 1-2 stanzas that include personal experiencesMedia / 5-6 slides that contain picture/song/quote / 4+ slides that contain picture/song/quote / 2-4 slides that contain picture/song/quote / 1-2 slides that contain picture/song/quote
Grammar / 0-2 grammar/spelling mistakes / 3-4 grammar/spelling mistakes / 5-6 grammar/spelling mistakes / 7+ grammar/spelling mistakes
20-19 points / 18-17 points / 16-14 points / 13-10 points