“All about Me” Language Booklets

Over the summer, students often forget many of the words and skills they have learned in Spanish and French. In order to maintain language acquisition, students in grades K-4th will complete a booklet about themselves in both languages.

Booklets must be cut, colored, and stapled together before returning to school in September. The pages should be cut in half. The top pages are in French to create the French booklet. The bottom pages are all in Spanish to create the Spanish booklet. Pages are numbered and instructions have been included for each page.

Students should use words they have learned in their language classes to complete each page of the booklet. A list of helpful words is included to help children complete the booklets in both Spanish and French. Spanish and French dictionaries can also help students express themselves. Be creative! We can’t wait to learn more about you!

Have a great summer!!!

The Language Department

Page 1: Soy yo… / C’est moi...

Students draw and colora picture of themselves on the page and write at least three phrases to describe their physical appearance and personality.

Useful words / Spanish words / French words
Tall / alto/alta / grand / grande
Short / bajo/baja / petit / petite
Short hair / pelo corto / cheveux courts
Long hair / pelo largo / cheveux longs
Curly hair / pelo rizado / cheveux bouclés
Straight hair / pelo liso / cheveux droits
Wavy hair / pelo ondulado / cheveux ondulés
Funny / gracioso/graciosa / comique
Creative / creativo/creative / créatif / Créative
Athletic / atletico/atletica / athlétique
Kind / amable / aimable
Smart / inteligente / intélligent / intélligente
Shy / timido/timida / timide

Page 2: Yo tengo…/ J’ai…

Students write how old they are using the Spanish and in French number words. This page should also be colored/decorated.

Useful Spanish words / Useful French words
cinco (5) / cinq (5)
seis (6) / six (6)
siete (7) / sept (7)
ocho (8) / huit (8)
nueve (9) / neuf (9)
diez (10) / dix (10)
once (11) / onze (11)

Page 3: Celebro mi cumpleanos…/ Je célèbre mon anniversaire en…

Students write the month of their birthday in Spanish and in French. This page should also be colored/decorated.

English words / Spanish words / French words
January / enero / janvier
February / febrero / février
March / marzo / mars
April / abril / avril
May / mayo / mai
June / junio / juin
July / julio / juillet
August / agosto / aout
September / septiembre / septembre
October / octubre / octobre
November / noviembre / novembre
December / diciembre / décembre

Page 4: Me gusta el color…/J’aime la couleur ...

Students write their favorite color in Spanish and in French. On the page, students draw pictures of things that are their favorite color.

English words / Spanish words / French words
Red / rojo / rouge
Blue / azul / bleue
Green / verde / verte
Yellow / amarillo / jaune
Orange / anaranjado / orange
Purple / morado / mauve
White / blanco / blanche
Black / negro / noire
Pink / rosado / rose
Brown / marron / marron

Page 5: Me gusta comer…/ J’aime manger…

Students write theirfavorite food/foods in Spanish and in French. On the page, students draw pictures of their favorite food/foods.

English words / Spanish words / Useful French words
Macaroni and cheese / macaroni y queso / macaroni et fromage
Pizza / pizza / pizza
Chicken / pollo / poulet
Spaghetti / espaguetis / spaghetti
French fries / papas fritas / frites
Hamburger / hamburguesa / hamburger
Cookies / galletas / biscuits
Ice cream / helado / crème glacée
Hot dog / perro caliente / hot dog
Fruits / frutas / fruits
Vegetables / vegetales / légumes
Seafood / mariscos / fruits de mer
Candy / dulces / bonbons

Part 6: Me gusta…/ J’aime…

Students write at least 4 activities they like to do in Spanish and in French. On the page, students draw pictures of their favorite activities.

English words / Useful Spanish words / Useful French words
To swim / nadar / Nager
To draw / dibujar / Dessiner
To paint / pintar / Peinturer
To play sports / jugar deportes / Jouer aux sports
To play videogames / jugar videojuegos / Jouer aux jeux videos
To skate / patinar / Patiner
To watch t.v / ver la tele / Regarder la télé
To watch movies / mirar peliculas / Regarder des films
To play with toys / jugar con juguetes / Jouer
To read / leer / Lire
To run / correr / Courir
To ride a bike / montar en bicicleta / Faire du vélo