Whitworth Water District No. 2

Board Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2017

The meeting was called to order by Irene Anderson Chairperson, at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Dennis Brown, Secretary-Treasurer; Chan Bailey, Commissioner; Chris Johnson, Commissioner; Rick Koller, Commissioner; Susan McGeorge, Tom McInerney, Doug Babin, Tom Davis, Tom Haggarty Sr. and District Counsel Steve Stocker.

Chan Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes of March 2, 2017. The motion was seconded by Dennis Brown, Chris Johnson and Irene Anderson. Rick Koller abstained from voting due to his absence at the meeting.

Chan Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes of Special Meeting on March 14, 2017. The motion was seconded by Dennis Brown and approved unanimously.

Chan Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes of Special Meeting on March 16, 2017. The motion was seconded by Dennis Brown, Chris Johnson and Irene Anderson. Rick Koller abstained from voting due to his absence at the meeting.

Old Business

Spokane County Drainage/Construction Agreement – Susan McGeorge discussed with the Board the agreement between Spokane County and Whitworth Water for the drainage swale that the County is going to build on Monroe Street by Well 1. Susan discussed each detail of the easement and explained the correlating drawings that were attached to the packets. She also indicated all changes submitted back to the County from the first review of the Easement and Contract documents had been made. However, in reading over the newest version she had noticed other wording that was incorrect and showed the Commissioners where they were. The County will make those changes as well and return them to Whitworth Water next week. Chris Johnson made a motion to accept the Spokane County Drainage/Construction Agreement and the $9,000.00 for payment for the easement and to allow Susan to sign the Agreement contingent on the other changes being made. A brief discussion continued about the $9,000.00 that the County was paying for the easement. The motion was seconded by Rick Koller and approved unanimously.

New Business


Open Forum

Chan Bailey – Chan Bailey mentioned that he had received information from Jim Kuntz, the Executive Director of the W.A.S.W.D. (Washington Association of Water and Sewer Districts) about the Spring Conference in Yakima April 12, 13 and 14th.

Meeting Minutes – Page 2

March 16, 2017


1. Dennis Brown presented and made a motion to approve Payroll Vouchers 34095-34100 in the amount of $28,192.20, withholding and FICA in the amount of $10,657.35, with a net payroll of $25,187.17. The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.

2. Dennis Brown presented and made a motion to approve Expense Vouchers 34101-34133 in the amount of $53,569.89. The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.

3. Dennis Brown presented and made a motion to approve Expense Voucher 34134 in the amount of $13,133.18. The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.

4. Dennis Brown presented and made a motion to approve Construction Vouchers 1100-1102 in the amount of $11,948.67. The motion was seconded by Rick Koller and approved unanimously.

5. Dennis Brown presented and made a motion to approve Resolution 17-03 calling for the transfer of $70,000 from the Expense Account to the Construction Account and the transfer of $65,000 from the Expense Account to the Bond Money Market Account. The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.

Executive Session

At 4:42 p.m. Irene Anderson announced that the Board of Commissioners is convening to Executive Session to meet with counsel to evaluate qualifications of applicants for public employment pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g). The Executive Session will conclude at approximately 5:30.

Irene Anderson brought the Board out of Executive Session at 5:30 after discussing qualifications for public employment of applicants, and announced that Chris Johnson made a motion for Susan McGeorge to check Tim Murrell’s references, have Steve Stocker send Tim an offer letter and to have Chris Johnson call Tim to let him know that he has been considered for the position and an offer letter be mailed to him.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m. by Irene Anderson.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tom McInerney


Dennis Brown, Secretary-Treasurer