Ahobilam VSS moves from rags to riches

Ahobilam VSS of Muddanur Range is in Pulivendala Assembly Constituency is in rain shadow area with annual rain fall of 500 mm only. The Forests allotted to this VSS are highly degraded, located on steep slopes with less than 0.2 density of canopy cover and infested with xerophytic and thorny species. The soil is too degraded to support any plantation in the area.

The forest officials were at wits end for a plan to revive and improve such forests to enhance the livelihood programm to the VSS members. During Participatory Rural Appraisal, the President of the VSS Sri Valli suggested that there are a number of Gotti trees(Zizyphus xylopyrus) in the VSS area. It may be possible to take up in situ grafting on Gotti trees with the buds of commercial variety of Ber or Gangi Regu (Zizyphus mauritiana). On his own initiative he learnt the technique of grafting.

In the month of March 2003, he gave coppice cutting to 25 Gotti trees in the VSS area and in 45 to 50 days, new coppice shoots came up. He took up in situ grafting on 25 such trees by getting scion material of Ber from private farm. In the month of May-June in another 20-25 days, out of 25 buds grafted, 5 sprouted. It was great news for the forest officers because fruit of wild variety of Gotti is not fit for human consumption but only eaten by goats and some wild animals. The news spread to other VSS also. Forest Department organized a field visits and encouraged many members fromother VSSs to visit Ahobilam VSS.

Gotti – Zizyphus xylopyrus – wild variety

Initially Gotti grafting was taken up in almost all the VSS area having such trees. In some areas Gotti is found in concentrated patches. Grafting is also done in concentrated patches. In order to economise the activity further, procuring scion material from private farms has been discontinued, but the buds obtained from previously grafted stems are being used .

Proud owners of grafted gotti trees


In private Ber gardens each tree gives a yield of 20 Kgs at the age of 3-4 years. Though in market, it is sold at Rs.20/- per Kg but at farm level, it is sold at Rs.10/- KG. Due to dry conditions prevailing in the VSS forests without irrigation which is not feasible, each grafted tree may give 10Kg of fruits. Each VSS is therefore expecting a steady income of Rs. 50,000/- annually from this initiative.

Fruits of local initiative