MINUTES of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 25th January 2016

at 1900hrs in The Hytte, Bingfield

PRESENT: Councillor S Gregory Chairman

Councillor E J Tiffin

Councillor P Martin

Councillor A Williamson

Councillor C Edy

Councillor R Arthur

Also present: Mrs M Senior – Clerk

1111. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – County Councillor Mrs V Jones

1112. MINUTES of the meeting held on 24th November 2015 having been circulated were taken as read and confirmed as a true record.



15/02380/FUL / The Whiggs / Construction of replacement agricultural building / GRANTED
15/03993/FUL / West Clarewood / Proposed creation of garden room with external balcony, replacement of 1no existing outbuilding and conversion of 1 no outbuilding to provide accommodation, provision of detached garage and covered parking with extended driveway / No objection to the application.
15/04158/FUL / Land west of Rose Hill / Construction of 10no proposed detached dwellings, detached garages and private access road.
Cllr Mrs V Jones to support comments of PC / Comments to be submitted.
15/04228/FUL / Miller’s Lane / Conversion of existing farm buildings to 2 no residential dwellings, comprising 1 no 4 bedroom unit and 1 no 2 bedroom unit. / Comments to be submitted
15/01511/FUL / Land west of Briar House / Change of use of agricultural land to residential, construction of new detached garage and landscaping works. / Previous comments still stand.


Northumberland County Council / Grass cutting / 168.96 / 28.16 / 140.80 / 010593
Mrs A Senior / Salary / 140.00 / 140.00 / 010594
HMRC / PAYE / 35.00 / 35.00 / 010595
Great Whittington Village Hall / Rental / 60.00 / 60.000 / 010596

1116. NEIGHBOURHOOD/COMMUNITY PLAN. The Parish Council had submitted the application to Northumberland County Council. The Planning Authority will commence a 4 week consultation once the application has been accepted. A response should be received within 6-8 weeks as to whether the plan can be created. A steering committee will need to be established and involve the whole of the Parish. The Chairman of the steering committee would report to the Parish Council on progress and keep them fully informed. A member of the Parish Council will sit on the steering committee. Cllrs S Gregory, R Arthur and P Martin are to inform the residents of Bingfield and Hallington and canvass interest for them to join the steering committee. A preliminary meeting will be held in approximately 6 weeks. The committee needs to be representative of the whole Parish including local businesses, residents, landowners and farmers. David English, NCC recommended that there should be 10 members on the steering committee. Grants are available of up to £7000 and funds can be drawn down in minimums of £1000. The committee will be able to apply for the grant once permission for the plan to go ahead has been received from NCC. It was noted that all meetings need to be recorded and the Parish Council kept fully informed.


1117. COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT. Councillor Mrs V Jones was unable to attend the meeting however had sent the following information.

a)  No 74 Bus Service. This service is to continue due to funding by the affected Parish Councils.

1118. GREAT WHITTINGTON VILLAGE HALL. Building work has started and there will be no access to the Village Hall for at least 3 weeks.


a)  Pot Holes. The pot hole outside New Bingfield had been reported by Cllr R Arthur.

b)  Flooding. Flooding had been occurring just before the Matfen road as the gulley was full of silt. This had since been cleared.

c)  Parked Vehicles. BT vans parking at the top of the village by the BT exchange were blocking the road and farm vehicles were having difficulty getting through. A letter will be sent to Openreach requesting drivers be more considerate as to where they park their vans.

1120. TO CONSIDER DRAFT BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017. A draft budget had been prepared and was duly noted. It was agreed to levy a precept of £4350 for the year 2016/2017. No increase on last year.

1121. CORRESPONDENCE. All correspondence received since the November meeting had been listed on the agenda and was duly noted.

1122. NORTHUMBERLAND FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE WORKING TOWARDS 2020. Proposed changes to services delivered by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service would assist the Service in making cuts of £500,000 by 2016/17. Consultation on the proposed changes will conclude on 15th February 2016. Further details can be found on Northumberland County Council website.

1123. FUTURE AUDIT ARRANGEMENTS. The Government is in the process of reforming the local government audit system. Changes are planned for 2017-18. All Parish Councils must decide whether to join the new arrangements which are being planned nationally by 31 March 2016. It was agreed that Whittington Parish Council would use the arrangement procured by SLAAA/NALC.

1124. BOOK BANK PROVISION AT BRING SITES/HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECOVERY CENTRES. It was noted that the book bank provision had been withdrawn at Wentworth Car Park, Hexham and the Village Car Park, Corbridge..


Copies of all information items are available from the Clerk on request.

a)  Campaign to Protect Rural England – Countryside Voice Winter 2015

b)  Northumberland County Council – Winter Services Leaflets

c)  NALC – eNews December 2015

d)  War Memorial Trust – Bulletin November 2015

e)  Community Action Northumberland – Email alert – January 2016

f)  Community Action Northumberland – CANNY News December 2015

g)  Avonline Broadband – leaflets

h)  LCR – Winter 2015

1126. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 22nd March 2016 at 19:30 in Great Whittington Village Hall.
