Don’t forget the Referendum on 23 June 2016
JUNE 2016
Hello and welcome to the June edition of the magazine.
There are three events this month that I hope you will be keen to attend. On the 11 June there isa Race Night with a Buffet Supper; the one we held two years ago was well attended and great fun. On the 14 June the Ladies Club are holding their now famous Strawberry Supper with entertainment by an Abba Tribute Band. On the 18 June there will be a walking Treasure Hunt culminating in a Barbecue at the Village Hall. For more information and how to book your tickets please find the relevant details inside this magazine.
Welcome to any new comers to the village, we hope that you will enjoy living in our midst. You will find lots of information about what is going on inside this magazine and at the back of it you will find most of the important telephone numbers.
invite you to their ever popular
Tuesday 14th June
with entertainment from an
Abba Tribute Band
7.30pm start in
Stickney Village Hall
Tickets are £6.50 each
available from Sue Peall 01205 480876
and Pam Digby 01205 480430
NB: entrance is by ticket only.
(Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))
Toddler Group 9.30am – 11.30am (YC)
Ballet & Tap Dance Class 4.00pm - 6.00pm (YC) 01205 480851
Ages 3 –10 years07496 305167
Disco Dance Class 5.00pm – 6.00pmas above
Senior Ballet (Point work) 6.00pm – 7.00pmas above
Ladies Club 7.30pm(2nd Tues in month) (YC) 01205 480292
Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH) 01205 368077
Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802
(4th Tuesday in month)
Short Mat Bowls 1.00pm - 4.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Table Tennis 7.30pm(winter months only) (YC) 01205 481212
Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC) 01205 480802
(1st Thursday in month)
Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC)01205 270352
(First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.20pm)
Cash Bingo, eyes down 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802
30 MayPrize BingoDoors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm
MondayProceeds to St Luke’s Church
18 JunePrize BingoDoors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm
SaturdayProceeds to Cancer Research UK
Any donations of prized would be much appreciated.
25 JunePrize BingoDoors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm
SaturdayProceeds to Bliss
Donations of prizes to Bev Gosling (480641)
“Cast ne'er a clout 'til May be out!” the saying goes. Someone asked “Does it mean May blossom or the month of May?” This year definitely the latter: after a few days of heat and summer clothing I've returned to jumpers in the middle of the month.
Rev Fran nearly completed her SPONSORED WALK over the early May Spring holiday: strong winds and blistered feet called a halt just a few miles from home and she plans to finish this short distance over the late May holiday. Total of monies raised for Stickney Church Cluster will be given next month.
Bev Gosling and Angela Brady are running a SQUARES COMPETITION for Church Cluster Funds. 90 squares at £1.00 each with 3 prizes. The squares are filling up so get in touch if you are interested.
We had a good PRIZE BINGO on 02 May raising £321.80p for Stickney Church and thank you for all the support. We hope to do well at the next PRIZE BINGO on 30 May, start time 7.30pm in the Youth Centre.
Our CYCLIST FRIENDS in LYCRA will be coming on Saturday02 July and we plan to give them a good welcome at St. Luke's Church. Likely time of arrival should be between 11.30am and 12.30pm. This is also
St. Luke's GIFT DAY and your Church will be open from 10.00am to 1.00pm to receive envelopes with your donations and to offer free light refreshments.
Our BINGO FOR CANCER RESEARCH UK will be held on Saturday
18 June at 7.30pm in Stickney Youth Centre and the proceeds will be presented to the cyclists on their sponsored ride from Nottingham to Skegness. We will be grateful for any donated prizes.
CONCERT in St. Luke's Church on Saturday 04 June at 7.00pm. LINCOLN DIOCESAN LADIES CHOIR arecoming to sing to us. The special acoustics of a Church like St Luke’s promises quality sound. Tickets are £8.00 (£6.00 concessions) available from Rev Fran or ask your Churchwardens. Do come along.
Don't forget your entries to the PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION. Entries should be given to Rev Fran by 10 September2016. Categories: Local area --- Local Church at work --- It's a wonderful world ---- My pet and other animals --- Celebration --- Still life. The photographic exhibition and launch of the 2017 calendar will be in November.
CHERISH YOUR CHURCHYARD: A special effort will be made on Thursday09 June at 6.30pm to clear undergrowth etc. from the Churchyard. Please come along to help – many hands make light work! Refreshments will be available. If wet the event will take place on Saturday 11 Juneat 10.00am.
Rural Dean: Canon Peter Coates01790 752526
Parish Priest and
PCC Chairperson:Rev’d Fran Jeffries01205 481183
Church Wardens :Mrs A Brady01205 480661
Mrs B Gosling01205 480641
PCC Secretary: Mrs M Weston01205 480127
Treasurer (General
Funds):Mrs D Cooley01205 480397
Treasurer (Fabric
Fund):Mrs B Gosling01205 480641
Sunday 0511.15amGroup Holy Communion at
New Leake
Sunday 12 9.30amMorning Worship
Sunday 1911.15amAll Age Worship
Sunday 2610.00amBenefice Holy Communion
6.00pmFarewell to Rev Cheryl Hilliam at
South Ormsby
Sunday 0311.15amGroup Holy Communion at
Every Thursday 9.30amMorning Prayer followed by the
Coffee Morning at 10.30am
Last Thursday of each month the Parish Council Chairman and Clerk will be available at the coffee morning on St Luke’s.
Books and jigsaws continue to be available for 20p and 50p in St. Luke's, in the tower area.
Some people are surprised to find the Church is open daily from around 9.00am until approximately 4.00pm but it is your Village Church for local residents and visitors to visit and to enjoy. Do call in.
Mixed Fruit Ice Lollies
Fill ice lollymolds with berries, bananas and kiwi. Pour in white grape juice to fill. Freeze about 2 hours or until frozen enough to insert lolly sticks. Enjoy!
Word Search
Football Jokes! Get ready for Euro 2016 – 10 June!
Q: Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?
A: Because she always runs away from the ball.
Q: Why don’t grasshoppers watch soccer?
A:They watch cricket instead.
Q: What kind of tea do soccer players drink?
A: Penal-Tea
Q: What kind of tea do soccer players drink?
A: Penal-Tea
Q: What lights up a soccer stadium?
A: A soccer match
Q: Why shouldn’t you play soccer in the jungle?
A: There are too many cheetahs!
1Who was prime minister of the UK for most of the Second World War?
2Who was caught red-handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605?
3What did Romans use a hypocaust for?
4What is the London home of the prime minister?
5Which liner sank on her maiden voyage in 1912?
6Who was the Deputy Prime Minister in 2010?
7What did Spain send to attack Britain in 1588?
8In which country in ancient times was mummification carried out on important people when they died?
9Which city did the ancient Greeks by legend besiege for 10 years?
10How many wives did Henry VIII have?
11Which people travelled in longships and raided Britain from Scandinavia in early medieval times?
12Which king received an arrow in his eye at the Battle of Hastings?
13An act of 1864 outlawed children doing what job, for which they were often employed as they were smaller than adults and it was thought they could do a better job as a result?
14What notable event affected London in September 1666?
The Horbling Ladies:
Our next Luncheon Club will be held on Tuesday 07 June - doors open at 11.00am and lunch will be served at 12 noon.
This will be our third luncheon and numbers attending are growing each month. There is still room for you to come along and enjoy the good homemade food, good music played by John and the good company. Everyone is made welcome so come along and join us, our next menu is:
Cottage Pie (Beef) With Seasonal Vegetables
Apple Pie And Custard
Mints And Coffee Or Tea
Only £5.50 per person
Admittance by ticket, or by prior telephone booking. For more information please call Kay Digby on 01205 480769 or Sharon on 01205 481273.
Stickney Outdoor Bowls Club
Stickney Outdoor Bowls Club needs new members. There have been bowlers in the village since 1929, what a shame it would be if we have to close the club. There are more people living in the village now, children, from the age of 12 years, are very welcome to join and play for fun or as part of a team. The green is open from until early September for your enjoyment. For more information please contact: MRS S HUTTON - 01790 752996 or MR H WRAGG - 01205 481221
Prize Bingo to Raise Funds for:
Bliss is a newborn baby charity that raises money to help families with premature and very ill babies. Ashley Napier and Marcus Gibbons are fundraising for Bliss as part of Prudential Ride London 100 - a 100 mile cycling sportive around London and Surrey in July 2016.
If you are able to donate any prizes, please contact Bev Gosling on
01205 480641.
The Longest Day of the Year
Thesummer/winter solsticeoccurs when the tilt of a planet, in either northern or southern hemisphere, is most inclined toward thestarthat it orbits, the Earth orbits theSun. This happens twice each year (once in each hemisphere), at which times the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the north or the south pole.
The summer solstice occurs during a hemisphere'ssummer. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the summer solstice occurs sometime between June 20 and June 22 in the northern hemisphereand between December 20 and December 23 each year in the southern hemisphere. The same dates in the opposite hemisphere are referred to as thewinter solstice.
The term midsummer refers to the day on which the summer solstice occurs, this day has the longest period of daylight.
Solsticeis derived from theLatinwordssol(sun) andsistere(to stand still).
Gardening Tips for June
June, marking the start of early summer, is a landmark in the new season, a signal to celebrate the first tastes of success as spring-grown crops reach the edible stage and reward all our earlier efforts. There are signs too of future successes as you notice the flowers on the strawberries and the rows of nearly mature carrots. Also available now will be the juicy radishes, spring onions, baby beets and of course outdoor lettuces and other leaf crops.
Enough, however, of resting on our laurels; let’s see what we can do to ensure success going on through the Summer and into Autumn with our 'jobs for the month'.
1. Don't forget to weed ruthlessly and water regularly to give your plants their best possible chance to thrive.
2. This month you can test to see if early potatoes are ready by pulling back some of the earth which must be replaced to prevent the potatoes from going green. Continue to earth up main crop potatoes and water copiously at this stage.
3. Keep a careful watch for slugs, snails, blackfly, cabbage white caterpillars, carrotfly and other harmful insects. I have found that cabbage white butterflies can penetrate even the 1cm net covering, so use something like 'insect net' sold by Marshalls {other products are available!} fine old net curtains can also be useful as a barrier.
4. Net peas and fruit bushes against hungry birds.
5. Continue to sow beetroot in June - successive sowings will ensure a steady stream of young tender beet well into Autumn.
6. French beans are ready for a second sowing this month. Sow seeds in staggered rows at a depth of about 2" and at intervals of 6"-9" and keep them well watered.
7. Young courgettes are thirsty plants and need regular watering. A good tip is to heap a little soil around the stem to reduce the chance of water logging and mulch to retain moisture.
8. Thin vegetable seedlings sown in spring to give the other plants room to develop.
9. Tomatoes should be supported and tied in, while side shoots should be pinched out as they appear between the main stem and leaf branches.
In conclusion, a word from an appositely named writer, Richard Gardiner, who in 1533 wrote:
"Sow carrots in your garden, and humbly praise God for them,
as for a singular and great blessing."
Happy Gardening!
Stickney Bus Service!
The market day service is available on 08 and 22 June and 06 and 20 July. The cost of the service is £5.00 per person. You can book your seat by phoning 01205 480241.
Mobile Library Visits
The mobile library visits Stickney on MONDAY’S at the Youth Centre, Hall Lane between 10.15am and 11.15am and at Horbling Lane between 11.30am and 12.00noon. The next visits will be 13 June and 11 July.
Stickney Primary School
Our pupils break up on 27May for half term and return to school on 06June.
Look out forStickney Primary School Dance Troupe! They will be performing at the Lincolnshire Show on Wednesday 22June and also as part of the Lincoln Children’s Festival in Lincoln High Street on Tuesday 28June.
Stickney Primary School PFTA Annual Summer Fair
Friday 01July 2016
5.00pm and 7.00pm at the Primary School
Our theme this year is the Seaside!
Lots of Stalls, Fun & Games, Refreshments, Raffle, Tombola etc
All Welcome – come along and enjoy the fun!
All proceeds to
Stickney Primary Parents, Friends & Teachers Association
Donations for prizes, tombola etc. gratefully received at the school office.
Emergency services must be able to locate your road and property name or number in order to provide the service requested.
On many occasions we are not able to find a property due to the name or house number being obscured from easy view.
Take this simple test:
Stand on the roadside and see if you can clearly see your house name or number
If not, valuable time could be wasted if the emergency services have to drive up and down your road trying to locate the correct house name or number. This is particularly important if you are a single occupant and have not got a relative who can stand outside and flag down the emergency service.
It is good practice to have a house name or number located at the boundary of your property ie on your fence or drive way entrance and then another located on or near your front door. Try to have the letters or numbers as large as your fixing location will allow.
Think! - if you can’t see your house number or name then the emergency services won’t see it either.
Stickney Show 2016
(16 July at the William Lovell Academy)
Sausage & Mash Supper with Auction of Pledges
This event, held in the Village Hall, made a fantastic profit of £1092.19! A huge thank you goes to Mr Gareth Evans, our Auctioneer for the evening, and to Mr Mark Handson of Handson Butchers at Mareham, for supplying, cooking and delivering the sausages which were one of the main talking points of the evening! Thanks also go to the donors of the pledges, those of you who bought tickets, those of you who contributed to the bidding, numerous friends for help and support and to the Jubilee Committee for their hard work, Harry & Isabel Dodds
The last two fund raising events will be held this month, we hope you will come along and support the efforts of the Jubilee Committee.
11 June
Family Buffet Supper andHorse Race Night!
Another night out for all the family!
£5.00 adults, £3.00 ages 5–11 yrs and U5’s free.
Please book your tickets with Mrs Margo Bolland on 01205 480015.
There will be a buffet for the adults and one for the children too!
18 JuneA Walking Treasure Hunt using the public footpaths
inthe village, this will start and finish at the Village Hall from 1.30pm.
Participants will be given a list of clues to solve whilst walking around the footpaths in Stickney - a good way to learn a bit more about the village and perhaps notice things you hadn’t done before!
There will be a barbeque back at the Village Hall.
Sheets will cost £2.00 each and there will be a power
S T I C K N E Y S H O W 2 0 1 6
What’s Onthis year?
This year theStickney Show has grown with many more things to be seen and to do. All this is due to the sponsors of the Show who have donated money to enable the Jubilee Committee to book more attractions, purchase prizes for competitions and to hire marquees. The Sponsors will be listed in glossy programme that will be available on the day to all who attend the Show. This will also have times of events in the ring and guidance on where to find the things that may be of interest to you on the day.
There will be some changes to the above items, probably with more additions! The items above are definitely booked, so please come along to support this ever-growing venture in Stickney.
There will be more details in the July edition of Stickney News, but for now put the date on your calendar and in your diary so you do not miss this great day out – on your own doorstep!