May 5, 2016


Members Present

Janie Nuanes, Coordinator of EL Instruction and GATE

Karina Hartl, Director of Special Projects

Josie Cruz, Assessment Center

Eduardo Armenta – Assessment Center

Guillermo Garcia –Phelan School

Jenny Garza –Sorensen School

Morena Hernandez –Jackson School

Marilu Cano –Jackson School

Vivalda Cortes –West Whittier School

Diana Torres –Jackson School

Rene Torres –Jackson School

Braulia Ortiz –Jackson School

Margarita Rivera –Longfellow/Dexter Schools

Martha Gonzalez –Sorensen School

Margarita Avalos –Longfellow School

Ricardo Pajuelo –Andrews School

Tania Maguiña –Andrews School

Maria Vasquez –Hoover/Edwards Schools

Elizabeth Marquez –Sorensen School

Alma Gutierrez –Longfellow School

At 9:02 am Ms. Janie Nuanes welcomed parents present. The agenda and the minutes were handed out to be read. Vice President Guillermo Garcia asked those present whether they agreed to approve minutes; Ms. Martha Gonzalez, made the motion to approve the minutes and the agenda, seconded by Ms. Morena Hernandez.

Ms. Karina Hartl began with an activity that had each parent priortize expenses at home, with the aim of having the attendees realize how difficult it is to prioritize spending on the various important ítems. That is the same way the LCAP program works, it’s very difficult to prioritize expenses.

Ms. Hartl stated that before the recession of 2007, there were funds to work with but after that year there were many cuts made to the budget. All areas were affected; now the district is seeking to restore the situation and provide schools with much needed money; she stressed the importance of participation from parents in the various meetings regarding school’s and the district's budget. It’s important that they give their suggestions and ideas to improve programs and have a high academic level.

She also stated that in May 2017 the budget will be presented for the school district for the period 2016-2019, where 4 new teachers will be hired, adding to the 7 that are already working at different schools. Other expenses were the roofs and fences at some schools and the hiring of more janitors.

One of the parents asked a question to; who makes the decisions done in regards to the budget? Information is obtained as results of surveys or meetings, iand is then brought to the board and the board presents to the public at its board meeting where a vote is taken. Tania Maguiña said ultimately, the decision is made by the parents when they respond to surveys, attend meetings, and reflect.

Ms. Nuanes asked the parents present if they wanted to move "Lesson plan used during the English development" for the next meeting and continue with school reports and potluck because that needed at least 20 minutes, to which the parents decided to hear her presentation and shorten the potluck.

For this lesson, an exercise was conducted with parents so they could experience what their students (English learners) experience in the classroom; she spoke entirely in English, at a level for children in 3rd and 4th grade, and explained how they are gradually introducing them to the English language and how they learn high-level words.

Janie Nuanes said the importance of training teachers was to eventually have the students move up a level. Parents asked who observes/evaluates the work of teachers? Mrs. Nuanes replied and said she visits and observes once a year at each school to evaluate and offer suggestions. The presentation ended at 10:30 where the meeting continued with ELAC school reports. Phelan schools, Sorensen and Longfellow shared their reports. Ms. Tania Maguiña provided information to the parents about the summer program called Chinese-Mandarin Academy Ni Hao, which is to be held at Whittier College, she also mentioned that Whittier City School District will be giving away 3 scholarships per school site.


Longfellow School – We met with Dr. Torres, she discussed English learners and parents felt they had learned to help their children. We had two events, Literacy Night and Science Night.

Phelan School - Principal Rodriguez invited us to visit the classrooms where students are receiving RTI. Parents were very happy to see this occurring in the classroom, and how it applies to students.

All parents could see what level their child is reading.

The ELAC meeting scheduled for April 27, 2016 was canceled and rescheduled for May 11, 2016.

Sorensen School – The preliminary budget for the next school year was presented, Dr. Vargas explained that there may be changes. She went over the agendas for May and June. Dr.Vargas asked parents for three good things that happened this school year, and she asked for an additional three things that they would like to see happen next year.

She spoke a little about reclassification and asked what parents liked and also about what additional information they needed.

Jackson School - Academic support for a group of 2nd grade students is being implemented with the help of Ms. Ehlers.

Parents were invited to participate in Teacher Appreciation week to show appreciation to our teachers.

Plans are being made for parents who are interested in visiting some classrooms to see academic progress and to see how English Learners are being helped and how they are using the AVID program.

Andrews School - Our ELAC committee met on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 8:00 am, we had about 15 parents were involved because other parents were on a field trip with their children.

A dynamic motivational speaker spoke to parents and the parents were able to share their experiences of how they spend quality educational time with their children after school and shared tips and techniques that others can do.

Mrs. Aguado spoke about reclassification and with the help of Mr. Eddie Armenta who translated into Spanish, was able to answer some questions from parents about the amount of reclassifications, the parameters for reclassification and other topics.

Parents spoke about participation in the last DELAC meeting and shared information that was provided at the meeting. In addition, we announced our participation as presenters representing Whittier City School District at the Annual CABE Conference in San Francisco.

Raffle prizes were awarded to participants to encourage their involvement and attencance. We had participation of a new parent at our school, Tony Yuan (Chinese) who was very pleased with the welcome he received.

We had a planning meeting with Principal Aceves for our next ELAC meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday 18 May, which will include a potluck.

At 10:50 Ms. Martha Gonzalez made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ms. Laura Camacho. At 10:50 the potluck began.