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Lilydale Farmers Produce Market

A project of the Rotary Clubs of Lilydale & Montrose


Business Name
ABN (if applicable)
Contact person
Will you be attending the market?
If not, who and why?
Email: (please print clearly &
update regularly!)

The Lilydale Farmers Produce Market (Organised by the Rotary Clubs of Lilydale & Montrose)is particularly interested in stall holders whodemonstrate

the following in their business/produce/product.

For any statement that applies to you, please briefly describe how:

1. Excellent taste; balance, origin and complexityYES / NO

2. Small-scale or handmade method/productionYES / NO

3. Specific cultural, community or varietal heritageYES / NO

4. Natural ingredients i.e. no chemical enhancers, preservatives or artificial colouring


5. A positive affect/effort towards environmental sustainabilityYES / NO

6. No genetically modified ingredientsYES / NO

7. A healthy respect for fair prices, animal welfare and people involved in the

production of goods and servicesYES /NO


Please answer as best you can all sections that apply to your business.

Feel free to attach extra pages for our information. Your answers and these details

may assist the Lilydale Farmers Produce Market in publicising your enterprise.


Please give details of the range of products, varieties and seasons of produce:
Do you grow/produce your own goods/produce entirely? / YES / NO
Are you certified organic? (please show certification) / YES / NO
If not, please outline your chemical regime?
Are any of your goods value added/processed?
Do you do this yourself? If not, who does?
Please complete section 2 and/or 3


Please list in detail the range of products you propose to bring
What proportion of your ingredients do you grow? (0%-100%) / %
Where do you source any other ingredients?
If details are available please provide an ingredients list and details of suppliers of produce that you do not grow.
If you do not grow your ingredients, what other reasons would justify your products being sold at a farmers’market? / Other stallholders: %
Growers in your area: %
Wholesale market: %
Interstate or imported: %
Is your packaging/tasting equipment as minimal and environmentallyresponsible within health regulations ? / YES / NO


What do you propose to sell?
Do you grow any and if so what ingredients?
If no, where do you get the ingredients and who supplies the produce?
Will you use produce from other stallholders and if so what?
What packaging and serving receptacles do you intend to use. Are they environment friendly?


Do you intend to be involved on a -monthly,- seasonal, -casual,- or -some other basis?

Monthly/Seasonal/Casual/Other. ______


Do you require access to power? / YES / NO
Please detail equipment & amps required. All equipment must be tagged & tested.
Do you have a generator? / YES / NO
Is it silent? / YES / NO

*Power will only be made available if required to meet health regulations or is mandatory for operational requirements.


Do you require a vehicle* onsite? / YES / NO
Please provide details of vehicle, including dimensions and why you need it.

*Vehicles may only be kept onsite if they are required to meet health regulation or are really necessary.
For reasons of safety, vehicles may not move within the market area 15 minutes prior to

and until 15 minutes after the advertised trading hours of operation.


Are your Food Premises, Food Vehicle and/or Temporary Structure registered under the Food Act? / YES / NO
Do you have product and public liability insurance? / YES / NO

Please provide with this application a copy of current insurance with clear reference to

public liability and specifically for markets.


Do you participate in other farmers’ markets? / YES / NO
Which one/s?
Will you be able to continue if you are accepted by Rotary Farmers’ Produce Market / YES / NO


The information I have provided is true. If I/We am/are accepted as a stallholder for
the Lilydale Farmers Produce Market I/We will:

  • comply with all directions and instructions made by market personnel.

embrace and promote the values of theLilydale Farmers Produce Market

Organised by the Rotary Clubs of Lilydale & Montroseas well as meet

the onsite health and safety issues as directed by the Shire of Yarra Ranges, the market management or other responsible authorities.

  • clearly display all prices.
  • display my certified organic status and not use the term otherwise.
  • not pre-package in plastic bags (unless for health regulations).
  • not supply new plastic bags for customers.
  • only sell produce and products that are GM free.
  • sell loose/in bulk quantities wherever possible.
  • will follow the rules referred.
  • maintain good relations between all parties concerned with the successful operation of the market.

I/We further agree and understandthat the market is an event from month to month

and in the unlikely occurrence that a market is cancelled, or in the event that the

stallholder is unable to attend a market as previously communicated, the party cancelling

or unable to attend will act in good faith towards the other and give to the other as soon as

possible notice of the same and that in these circumstances neither party will be entitled to

or will claim loss or damage from the other. I/we further agree and understand that
the requirements and rules requiring me/us toembrace and promote the values of the

the Lilydale Farmers Produce Marketmay change from time to time and that I/we will be

notified accordingly.

Signed ______

Date ______

Check List:

Application form for Lilydale Farmers Produce Market

  • addressing the criteria and outline of your proposal
    (use additional pages if necessary)with a cheque attached for $40.00
  • Copy of current Certificate of Insurance or evidence of your product andpublic liability cover
  • Application for theShire of Yarra Ranges with a cheque attached
    written out to the Shire of Yarra Ranges. (see their rates on the application form)
  • P O Box 105 Lilydale Vic 3140 Ph 1300 368 333 Health Dept

MARKET SITE - Cnr Akarana & Swansea Rd Lilydale 3140

8am to 1pm 1st Sunday of each month

Return all applications completed and with the relevant cheques to:-

Lilydale Farmers Produce Market

P.O Box 557 Kilsyth Vic 3137

Eva Anderson Mob:- 0425 222 550


A Project of the Rotary Clubs of Lilydale & Montrose