The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Welton Room, Welton Village Hall on 18th May 2015.

Present:Cllrs D Pikett (Chairman), Mrs M Chapman,E Reall, Mrs K England,Mrs P van Gelderen, A Lowen, Mrs S Watson, Mrs T Scott & G Watkin

Also present: County Cllr Mrs S Rawlins, District Cllr Mrs D Rodgers and 11members of the public

Clerk: Mrs Julie Murray

15/05/16 Election of Chairman

On a proposal from Cllr Reall, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Pikett be elected Chairman of the Council. Cllr Pikett signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

15/05/17 Election of Vice-Chairman

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was RESOLVED following a majority vote (6 for, 1 abstension) that Cllr Greenway be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council.

15/05/18 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to themeeting. He wished to place on record the Council’s sincere condolences to the family of Mike Holdich who passed away recently, Mike had been a Parish Councillor and served the community well. He was always willing to help with village events and will be sorely missed.


On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Powell and Greenway having considered and accepted their reasons for absence. District Cllrs England and Parishand the Police also sent their apologies.

15/05/20 Co-option

Two applications for co-option to the vacant seats have been received. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote that Tina Scott and Gary Watkin be co-opted to the Council. They duly signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office.

15/05/21 Disclosure of pecuniary interests


15/05/22 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was unanimouslyRESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meetingheld on 13th April 2015were approved and signed as the minutes.


15/05/23Clerk’s Report

Highways & Utilities Committee - the next meeting will be on Tuesday 23rd June

Beal Homes – a further informal meeting has been arranged for 24th June

Clerk - I will be on holiday on the 26th & 27th May


WLDC – Post Elections Matters information

Aon Insurance – Insurance renewal quotes

Mrs M Parker – Letter of thanks for War Memorial Flower Fund grant

WLDC – Declaration of Result of Poll in respect of Parliamentary & District Council elections

15/05/25 Financial Matters

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Geldren, it was RESOLVED following a majority vote (8 for, 1 abstension)to accept the accounts presented for payment.


15/05/26 Planning Matters

  • Applications received for consultation:

132761 – Mr G Beese – 6 Sudbeck Lane – To erect two storey extension, double garage and associated car port

132686 – Mr R Ridge – The Pony Paddock, Market Rasen Road – Construction of a 40 x 25m manege in relation to the existing equestrian use of this site

132327 – Mr M Wright – Hill Top Garage, Market Rasen Road - To reinstate an existing workshop

132812 – Mr G Fox – The Old Forge, The Green, Manor Lane – To erect extension and the renewal of existing render to part of rear elevation

132820 – Mrs M Dawson – 40 Vicarage Lane – To erect conservatory to the side

131940 – Welton & Jays Ltd – Land at Hackthorn Road – Erection of up to 151no. dwellings, landscaping and open space, including the demolition of the Jays. Access to considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – application now amended as follows: public open space, 0.3ha, safeguarded for potential medical centre and financial contribution towards health infrastructure, in lieu of on-site medical centre-D1 and associated parking

  • No Observations/Comments on:

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVEDfollowing a vote that no commets are to be made on planning applications 132761, 132686, 132327, 132812 and 132820.

Observations/Comments on:

131940 – Welton & Jays Ltd – Land at Hackthorn Road – Erection of up to 151no. dwellings, landscaping and open space, including the demolition of the Jays. Access to considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – application now amended as follows: public open space, 0.3ha, safeguarded for potential medical centre and financial contribution towards health infrastructure, in lieu of on-site medical centre-D1 and associated parking

A draft response was circulated and it was agreed that Cllr Greenway and the Clerk will finalise this following the receipt of comments from Cllrs on 19th May.

8.01pm Meeting adjourned to allow a member of the public to speak

61 houses had been mentioned for rental, a minimum of 15%, maybe 20% will be allocated

8.03pm Reconvene

8.10pm Meeting adjourned to allow a member of the public to speak

Public can email WLDC with their comments on this application

8.14pm Meeting reconvened

  • Planning Permission Granted on:

132121 – Mr S Kelly, Bishop Burton College – New Riseholme Campus, Land adj Lincolnshire Showground – Construction of Phase 2 comprising Food, Nutrition, Health and Sports Science Centres and 2no. student accommodation blocks

132355 – Mr & Mrs Parsley – 37 Westhall Road – First floor extension to side

  • Neighbourhood Plan – Following the Health check it is expected back next week.



Notes and reports from the following Committees were received:

Planning & Neighbourhood Plan Committee held on 22nd April 2015

Environment Committee held on 6th May 2015

15/05/28Council and Committees

  • A review of current Committees was undertaken and on a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that there are no current requirement to change these.
  • New Committees –Cllr Mrs England flagged up that some Council’s have a PR Committee – it was agreed to place this on the next agenda in order that members could give it some thought.
  • Committee Structure for 2015/2016 will be:

Councillor /
/ Highways
& Utilities / Library / Planning & Neighbourhood Plan / Playing Fields & Recreation / Publications
& Heritage
CHAPMAN, M (Mrs) / X / X / X / X*
ENGLAND, K (Mrs) / X / X*
GREENWAY, A / X / X* / X* / X
LOWEN, A / X / X / X
PIKETT, R / X / X / X / X / X / X
POWELL, M / X / X / X
REALL, E / X* / X
SCOTT, T (Mrs) / X
Van GELDEREN, P (Mrs) / X / X
WATKIN, G / X / X / X
WATSON, S (Mrs) / X* / X / X
  • Chairmen of Committees:
  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Mrs Chapman be elected Chairman of the Publications & Heritage Committee.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Mrs Watson be elected Chairman of the Environment Committee.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Reall be elected Chairman of the Highways & Utilities Committee.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Greenway be elected Chairman of the Playing Fields & Recreation Committee.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Reall, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Greenway be elected Chairman of the Planning & Neighbourhood Plan Committee.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Mrs England be elected Chairman of the Library Committee.
  • Terms of Reference:

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the Terms of Reference for all Committees and delegation arrangements including those to the Clerk without any amendments.


  • Representatives on local groups and organisations:.

On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Representatives on Local Groups and Committees for 2015/2016 will be as follows:

  • Welton/Monce Family Twinning Group – elected Cllrs Mrs Chapmanand Powell
  • Christ's Hospital Endowment Trust– elected Cllrs Reall, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Watson
  • Village Hall Trust– elected CllrPikett
  • P3 Co-Ordinator – elected Cllr Mrs Watson
  • Tree Warden - elected Cllr Powell
  • Welton Events Group – elected Cllr Lowen
  • The Lancaster Community Development Project– elected Cllr Lowen (Member of Committee)
  • Allotment Tenant’s Representative - elected Mr C Partridge
  • NALC Representative (Voted at LALC) - Cllr Greenway
  • Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessments were reviewed and on a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that no amendments were required at this time.
  • Assets Register – On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote that the Assets Register is up to date.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs England, seconded by Cllr Watkin, it was RESOLVED following a majority vote (8 for, 1 abstension) to confirm the Council’s insurance requirements as stated on the schedule until 2018.
  • Memberships of other bodies:

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to renew the following memberships:

  • Council – Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC & NALC), Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) and Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association.
  • Clerk – SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks)
  • Complaints Procedure – On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that no amendments need to be made.
  • Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts – On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that no amendments in respect of the Council’s procedures for handling requests are required.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that no amendments are required in respect of the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Reall, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote that no amendments are required to the Council’s current policies nor any new ones required.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, the following members were appointed to the Grievance, Complaints and Appeals Panels:
  • Grievance: Cllrs Mrs van Gelderen, Reall and Pikett
  • Complaints: Cllrs Mrs Chapman, Greenway and Lowen
  • Appeals: Cllrs Mrs Watson, Mrs England and Watkin
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to agree the meetings schedule as presented for July – December 2015.

15/05/29Local Council Award Scheme

The Clerk will prepare a spreadsheet showing the criteria for each category and relevant fees for the next meeting. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to defer to the June agenda.


15/05/30LALC County Committee

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to elect Cllr Greenway is the Council’s representative on the Association’s County Committee.

15/05/31Parish Plan

The Clerk will update the Action Plan – defer to June meeting.

15/05/32Councillors’ Reports

  • Cllr Watson reported that the Beck is now walked monthly by the Environment Agency
  • Fridge/freezer on Cliff Road – The Clerk has reported this to WLDC as fly tipping

15/05/33Exclusion of Public and Press

On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following staffing matter:

15/05/34Staffing Matters

A request had been received from the Village Hall Trust Committee for our Facilities Team to carry out contract work. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to advise thenm that we are unfortunately unable to assist on this occasion as the staff are already fully committed.

The nextmeeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 8th June 2015

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regardedas the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting