White Mountain Research Center, University of California
Mini-grant Application, 2018
The White Mountain Research Center (WMRC) is pleased to offer modest mini-grants in support of original graduate student research during 2018. Grants of $500 to $1000 will be awarded on a competitive basis to offset the cost of meals and lodging at one or more of the WMRC research stations (Owens Valley, Crooked Creek, Barcroft). No travel funds are available. Prior awardees are eligible but proposals must define progress to date.
The single pdf application should include the completed two-page application form and two letters of recommendation by the student’s advisor and one other qualified scholar. The e-mail subject line should be the Applicants First and Last Name, and the words 2018 Mini Grant (i.e., Jan Smith2018 Mini Grant). The entire application should be submitted as a SINGLE PDF e-mail attachment and sent to Glen MacDonald at: by January 31, 2018. Awardees will be notified in March of 2018. Further information is available from Denise Waterbury at:
1. Applicant Name:
2. University and Department:
3. Postal Address:
4. E-mail Address:
5. Project Title:
6. Principal Advisor:
7. Research Location:
8. Total Budget Request to WMRC:
9. Total Days at WMRC Station (specify station):
10. Other Support Anticipated:
Note 1: If you propose using human or animal subjects, or collecting specimens on lands within the National Forest system, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, you need to obtain permits from the appropriate agencies. Copies of all permits must be submitted with your final WMRC User Application. WMRC will not schedule users lacking such permits.
Note 2: At the conclusion of the project, please submit a one-page report, plus a relevant photograph or graphic, for use on the WMRC website/newsletter. Publications resulting from the study should acknowledge WMRC support.
Note 3: Please base your application for 2018 on WMRC daily rates for Bed and Board for 2018 (see WMRC website; we will adjust any rate revision in the award; CAPA - persons from California public universities and colleges; OA - persons from other non-profit universities and colleges). Bed & Board offers dormitory bed, breakfast, packed lunch, dinner, and lab access.
Station CAPA Bed & Board OA Bed and Board CAPA Bed only OA Bed only
Owens Valley, Bishop (OVS) $45 $55 $25 $30
1220 m, 4000 feet
No. days needed: ------
Crooked Creek (CCR)
3110 m, 10,200 feet $50 $60 not available
No. days needed: ------
Barcroft (BAR) not available
3800 m, 12,470 feet $50 $60
No. days needed: ------
Project Description and Research Plan, 2018 Season
Investigator Name: Project Title:
Describe the project’s goals, significance, scientific background, methods, plan, and anticipated results on this one page.