September 1, 2017
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September 1, 2017
Dear Special Education Local Plan Area Directors:
Enclosed is the application package for the Part C, Early Education Program grant under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (as enacted in Title 14 of the Government Code, sections 95000 et.seq.) for fiscal year 2017–18.
The following documents are enclosed:
1. Funding Application and Budget Summary Forms for the Part C, Early Education Program Grant
These forms must be completed and returned to the California Department of Education (CDE) no later than October 31, 2017, to ensure timely release of funds. Grant funds will only be released after receipt of the completed Funding Application and Budget Summary forms for the 2017–18 fiscal year.
2. Interim Expenditure Report for the Part C, Early Education Program Grant
Please delineate your actual expenditures from July 1, 2017, through January 15, 2018, and your projected expenditures from January 16, 2018, through June 30, 2018. This report is due to the CDE no later than February 2, 2018.
Please note, if your actual expenditures reported on the Interim Expenditure Report show that the first
payment of 50 percent has not been fully disbursed, you are required to remit any interest greater than $100 earned on the advance. Additionally, the amount of your scheduled second payment of 25 percent will be adjusted to reflect the amount of undisbursed funds.
3. Guidance for Part C, Early Education Program Funds
This document provides guidance on federal requirements for Part C, Early Education Program funding, supplemental and increased costs for the use of Part C funds, and general infant funding and grant information.
Process for Requesting Additional Part C Funds
If a special education local plan area (SELPA) is required to expend funds in excess of the current year allocation and wishes to request an additional grant award for 2017–18, the SELPA should consult the Guidance for Part C, Early Education Program Funds, and prepare an application requesting additional funds. The CDE must receive the application no later than April 13, 2018. Please send the request to the address below. Requests received after this date will not be considered.
Please note that the request for additional funds must be made each fiscal year. If approved, the annual Part C allocation is not automatically adjusted for subsequent years.
All forms, requests, and reports, with the exception of the Grant Award Notification, should be submitted to:
California Department of Education
Special Education Division
Alexa Slater, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
1430 N Street, Suite 2401
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Alexa Slater, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Special Education Division, by phone at 916-322-0581 or by e-mail at .
Kristin Wright, Director
Special Education Division