1) All rates are for two people per site. Any overnight guests will be charged $3.00 per day per person.

2) All extra overnight vehicles will be charged $3.00 per day per vehicle. This includes boats, cars, trucks, ATV’s, etc…only one vehicle parked at your site. Do not park or drive on the grass.

3) Log trucks or any commercial vehicles must be pre-approved by the owner before parking inside the park. There are only a few sites available to accommodate these vehicles.

4) Showers are available for use by paying campers only. There is a $10.00 charge for all non-camping customers. We remodeled our bathrooms in 2005 and we try hard to keep the bathrooms clean, we expect you to show courtesy to others and clean up after yourself on a daily basis.

5) We have a laundry room for your use; it is a $2.00 per load for washers and $2.00 per load for the dryers. We are on an honor system here and there is a pay can on the office porch. Again, we expect our customers to clean up after themselves, and any misuse of the laundry room, we will lock it and you will need to contact the owner for its use.

6) This use to be a dog friendly RV Park. Dog urine kills my grass,it seems that people think it is ok for their dogs to pee on and kill my grass. If you are a seasonal camper, you must feed your dog Grass Saver at least 1 month before your arrival. This means overnighters, or weekly campers need to leave their dog at home!

7) Please Do Not throw your cigarette butts on the ground, throw them in the garbage, also, Do Not spit your chewing tobacco out in the shower, that’s gross.

8) Quiet time is 10 pm and most campers would appreciate it if the morning noise was kept to a bare min until 8 am. Please do not drive out of the park on the owner’s mobile side before 6 am.

9) This is mostly a quiet park. Please be respectful and also tolerant of others. Be in control of your kids, their friends, your friends and your dogs. Common Sense goes a long way folks!

10) ATV‘s, & motorcycles, please stay off the grass, keep the noise down, drive slow to end of park, cross the ditch, and follow the trial, cross Hwy 89, and ride forever.

11) If you ruin a picnic table, it will cost you $300.00 ASAP…No BBQ’s on picnic tables.

12) I recycle all alum & plastic, CRV only, see 55 gal drums by wood shed.

13) Most people come here because of my nice green grass! Please use common sense while enjoying my grass. I spend a lot of time, energy and money to keep it nice. If you can’t do that, then find another park to destroy!

14) The only reason I have these rules, is because some dumb ass who has no common sense, nor any respect for my property, myself, or other campers, was a moron! Consequently, they are not here anymore!Can’t fix stupid! Don’t be one of them!