Spanish Literacy

Activity Handouts

Selecting Priority Vocabulary

Topic: Friendship

Grade 2

Which words would you focus on? Some of them? All of them?

Which ones?

Discuss how you would decide on what to do if you were faced with this

list of words.















Frayer Model Activity

Conceptualizing the Word Concept

Semantic Word Mapping

CSSR Practice Paragraph

A Self-Sufficient People

Since most people lived far from each other, they had to develop the knowledge and skills to provide for themselves. The people became very self-sufficient, that is, they took care of themselves rather than depending upon others for most of their needs. For example, not only did they raise their own food, but they wove cloth to make their own clothes. They made their own medicines, built their own homes and barns, and made their furniture and tools. They took the surplus produce from their farms and traded it for goods they could not make.

From We the people…do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. Calabasas: Center for Civic Education, 1988, p. 36.


CSSR Chart

Steps / What to do / What to think about
Context / read to the end of the sentence / Are there meaning clues in the sentence? Are there meaning clues in other parts of the paragraph or story up to this point? Use these clues to figure out what the word means. Does the meaning make sense? If so, go right on reading. If it doesn’t make sense, check . . .
Structure / look at parts of the word for meaning clues / Do you recognize any roots or prefixes you know? Do any endings help? Combine this information with the context clues. Does the meaning make sense? If so, go right on reading. If it doesn’t make sense, check . . .
Sound / try to pronounce the word and check for meaning / You might recognize the meaning of a word when you hear it. Do you know this word? Use this information in the context of the sentence. Does it make sense? If so, go right on reading. If it doesn’t make sense, check . . .
Reference / use a reference source / Are there any margin notes to help explain the meaning? Does the glossary in the text define the word? Look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone. Combine that information with the information from the context. Does it make sense? Go right on reading.



Texas Education Agency



Texas Education Agency

Four Levels of Comprehension

Window Pane

Factual / Interpretive
Applicative / Transactional

The Real Pirates of the Caribbean

It was a heated evening as the unsuspecting visitors arrived in Cozumel for what they thought would be the start of a new vacation adventure. The night air was still and the little resort quiet as they checked into their bungalow.

In the morning, Mike and Cindy were off on their first Mexican trek as they boarded a ferry that would take them to Playa del Carmen for an exciting tour of underwater caves and snorkeling. All was a buzz on the ferry as they were seated in an enclosed seating area. The doors were locked and the windows pulled up. Little air circulated the overcrowded room and all were instructed to remain seated for the duration of the trip to the mainland. The heat was unbearable and people began to grow restless until finally, they had arrived.

As it turned out, Mike and Cindy were the only visitors arriving in Playa del Carmen from Cozumel for the underwater adventure. As a result, the party that was to meet them in Playa del Carmen departed for the adventure without them, mistakenly assuming that Mike and Cindy were not going to arrive after all to join them

Cindy and Mike worked diligently to find a way to catch up with the party. Luckily, there was another person left behind from one of the hotels in Playa del Carmen who had already been in the process of trying to get in contact with the tour group. A shuttle was already on the way to help them get caught up with the tour.

Once Mike and Cindy arrived to meet the group, all of the other tourists appeared to be amazed that they had decided to come on the tour. “We thought you weren’t coming after what happened last night. Didn’t you notice anything strange? Didn’t you watch the news?” That evening, eight pirates had boarded a ferry from Cozumel to Playa del Carmen for the first time in 200 years. They sought out a gentleman who was on board and in possession of over $250,000 worth of jewelry and cash. They singled out the man, took him outside, shot him dead, and threw his body overboard. They then vacated the ferry into the darkness. “They are looking for the pirates. No one knows if they will try to board a ferry again. Everyone is afraid. Didn’t you notice that they aren’t letting anyone sit on the upper, open-aired deck of the ferry? Everything is locked and closed. They are keeping heavy guard against further attacks.” Mike and Cindy were dumb-founded. They had no idea that any of these things were going on.

The day was wonderful as they enjoyed the tour with all the mystical pools of water that seemed to have been made just for them to enjoy and explore. Cindy and Mike hated the thought of having to leave these waters of paradise and hated the idea of boarding another ferry back to Cozumel even worse. But the time had come. A shuttle dropped them off at the pier where they were to proceed to stand in line to board the ferry. But, no one was around. There was no line. There was only a ferry sitting in the water. Mike and Cindy boarded the ferry and looked around. There was a coffin in the enclosed area where they had been just been that morning on the trip over to the mainland. Mike asked if it was alright to sit up on the open and upper deck of the ferry. The ferryman nodded, and so Mike and Cindy climbed up to find rows and rows of benches, empty with no other travelers around.

About ten minutes later, two other men boarded the ferry. They saw Mike and Cindy and started to roll with laughter. “You have no idea what is going on, do you? They caught four of the pirates! They are getting ready to board them on this ferry to take them back to Cozumel. It is believed that the other four might try to come and rescue them, so everyone is afraid to take this ferry!” Just then, a man with a very old shotgun boarded the upper deck. He looked around and waved down below. “They’re coming!” quipped one of the gentlemen with Mike and Cindy. “Didn’t you see the coffin down below? It has the body of the man that they killed! They are all being returned to Cozumel!” All of the sudden, four men in chains around their hands and ankles boarded the upper deck. They were seated directly in front of Cindy and Mike. The other two men, sat behind Cindy and Mike, snickering at what had just happened. Cindy was silent. Mike chose to act as if nothing was going on and proceeded to carry on a conversation with the two gentlemen sitting behind.

The trip back to Cozumel was the adventure. Over ten other law enforcement officers were on board the ferry, scouting out, watching for anything unusual there on that upper deck. Upon arrival in Cozumel, the two gentlemen were directed to disembark the ferry first. Then Mike and Cindy were directed to go next. Last, the four prisoners were directed to leave behind Cindy. All came off of the ferry on a long ramp that reached from the upper deck to the pier. A crowd of news journalists and spectators anxiously awaited the arrival and the spectacle that was to unfold. Cameras flashed and the crowd roared as all eight passengers walked the long plank. Once the two gentlemen and Cindy and Mike reached the pier, they were asked to step aside. The coffin was brought up from the lower deck and preceded the four prisoners as they took a walk of shame into the crowd with their victim.

Mike and Cindy looked at each other and thought, “So, this is day one!”

It’s An Autograph Party!!!!!

Find individuals who match each of these facts.

Autograph Party
One sign-off per person please!
Fact / Sign-In Area
Has taken 6+ Traits of Writing
Participated in the New Jersey Writing Institute
Uses the Writing Process
Has conducted training in effective writing instruction
Has a secret writing tip to share
Has high writing scores in their district

Bloom’s Two Dimensional Taxonomy

Two-Dimensional Bloom’s Taxonomy Table
Dimension / The Cognitive Process Dimension
1. Remember/
Recall / 2. Understand /
Comprehend / 3. Apply / 4. Analyze / 5. Evaluate / 6. Create /
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001, p. 28)



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