Industrialization & Services (Chapter 12)

Field Note: Branding the Backboard

  1. How many people who work at Nike’s headquarters in Beaverton, OR are directly involved in manufacturing shoes?
  1. Describe the types of jobs performed by employees at Nike’s headquarters.

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin, and how did it diffuse?

  1. How did the merchants of Europe lay the groundwork for Europe’s colonial expansion and the European dominance of industry?
  1. Which four technological advances transformed industrialization in England?
  1. What criteria determined the location of manufacturing in England?
  1. Describe the pattern of diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe.
  1. How did Paris and London become major manufacturing centers despite their lack of proximity to coal and iron?

How do location theories explain industrial location?

  1. How does friction of distance influence industry location? Distance decay?
  2. Describe Weber’s least cost theory.
  1. Transportation
  2. Labor
  3. Agglomeration
  1. Describe Hotelling’s locational interdependence theory.
  1. How was Lösch’s model different that Hotelling’s and Weber’s theories?
  1. Before 1960, manufacturing belts were located close to...?
  1. What are the four primary industrial regions?
  1. How did colonial empires help European countries industrialize?
  1. Where is Europe’s greatest industrial complex located? Why is it located there?
  1. What kind of industry is located in Saxony?
  1. Who are the two largest coal producers?
  1. Where are US steel mills located? Why?
  1. What was the impact of WWI and WWII on US manufacturing? European manufacturing?
  1. What factors made the American Manufacturing Belt the early center of US industrialization?
  1. Identify the five (5) other major industrial regions of North America.
  1. Nizhni Novgorod is known as….
  2. Describe the development of the Volga region beginning in the 1930s.
  1. Why was the Ukraine valuable to Soviet industry?
  1. Identify three limitations on Japan’s ability to industrialize.
  1. How was Japan able to industrialize despite these limitations?
  1. What are the two largest industrial complexes in Japan, and why are they located there?
  1. Japan’s post-WWII success was largely attributable to what factors?

How has industrial production changed?

  1. Describe Henry Ford’s innovation and the Fordist system.
  1. Describe the post-Fordist system.
  1. Describe three examples of space-time compression.
  1. What is just-in-time delivery?
  1. Describe the global division of labor, including the involvement of the core, semi-periphery and periphery.
  1. How do intermodal connections affect the location of industry?
  1. How has the container system affected shipping?
  1. The WTO promotes free trade by discouraging what two things?
  1. How has the role of energy supply as a factor in industrial location decision changed over time?
  1. Describe US oil production vs. consumption.
  1. Why do countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq occupy a special position in the global economic picture?

Where are the major industrial belts in the world today and why?

  1. What two major industrial zones have become deindustrialized? What can the regions do to alleviate unemployment?
  1. China’s industrial heartland is located where? Where is the 2nd largest industrial region?

What is the service economy, and where are services concentrated?

  1. How has the development of the service sector changed since the beginning of the 20th century?
  1. Where are service sector jobs concentrated?
  1. How have the core industrial regions retained their dominance in the 21st century?
  1. Describe the combination of secondary and tertiary sectors found in the Sunbelt.
  1. Describe the location factors that are important to tertiary services.
  1. How are the locational influences on quarternary services different?
  1. Describe the locational influences on quinary services.
  1. What locational factors influenced Silicon Valley?
  1. What are the pros & cons to high technology industries?
  1. Think about it… what type of company would consider locating in Katy, and why?