Note of a meeting of the Healthwatch Swindon patient participation group forum held at Sanford House on 3 February 2016
From patient participation groups (PPGs) (S= staff member):Harry Dale(North Swindon/Homeground),Susan Camburn (Phoenix), Felicity Cobb, Rachel Monniot, Monique Watkins(Lawn), Moya Pinson, Paul Greensmith(Ashington House), Rosemarie Phillips, Marian Ricks, Sylvia Kopijka, Shella Hollister (S) (Priory Road),Stephanie and Brian Burrows, Norma Thompson(Eldene Surgery), Angela Brunning (S), Sandra Hope (S) (Hawthorn), Paula Cooke (S) (Merchiston), Sue Barnes (Moredon), Sue Bradford, Richard Fuller (Old Town), Sally Marchant, Tanja Robinson (S) (Ridgeway View), Ian James (Westrop), Judith Hawkins, Linda McCartney (S) (Hermitage).
Jo Osorio(Healthwatch Swindon), Robin Butcher (NHS Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group)
Eleven PPG members, one practice manager and Sue Carvell (NHS Swindon CCG)
1 / Introductions and welcome
Jo introduced and welcomed everyone including, in particularthose attending for the first time.A list of attendees/apologies had been circulated.
2 / Notes from 8 December 2015 forum
  1. The notes had been circulated. There were no amendments. Discussion followed about the value of National Association for Patient Participation(NAPP)membership and the use and value of Friends and Family Test (FFT);
  2. whether practices encouraged FFT take-up;
  3. whether practices post up information for patients in response to FFT comments (eg You said...We did)
  4. whether people are “over surveyed” generally;
  5. use of Mjog as a mechanism for follow-up to surgery visit and as a request for FFT response (positive feedback from Ridgeway View Surgery);
  6. use of Monkeywellbeing - aimed at younger patients (being used at Old Town Surgery).
  7. Homeground/North Swindon Practice had achieved significant returns (with an FFT form on chairs in waiting room).
  8. The January 2016 Joint Primary Care Committee agenda was circulated with details of FFT returns (for September 2015) highlighted. See Paper E pages 7-9 of this document.
  9. Post meeting note: This is a link to the November 2015 returns (for England) and this is a separate spreadsheet for Swindon and Shrivenham + Ramsbury (for Wanborough))
  10. The National GP survey published in January 2016 was completed by nearly 3000 Swindon patients. Here are links to apdf to open and readand herea set of Powerpoint slides.

3 / Review of terms of reference for the forum
It had previously been agreed that the terms of reference should be reviewed in January 2016. Participants discussed pre-prepared questions in groups. Revised (draft) terms of reference are attached to these notes.
a / Overview and purpose
Our current terms of reference have 11 “tasks” listed. Which of these tasks should be included in future/which should be excluded/what is missing? Generally felt all to be appropriate though there was some discussion about No.8. (see draft revised terms for detail)
b / Membership
  1. Healthwatch Swindon will continue to support and provide administration for the forum but
  1. Do you think there should be an appointed/elected chair?Generally felt best to continue with Healthwatch Swindon facilitator.
  1. Do you think there should be an appointed/elected steering group?Agreed Healthwatch Swindon would invite offers from patients on current mailing list to join small steering group.
  1. Invitations are extended to interested patients at practices where there is no PPG yet. Should we continue to do that?Agreed this should continue.
  1. Should the forum always be open to a number of patients and staff? Agreed yes.
  1. How many of each?Mix of views but generally agreed maximum 4 including one member of practice staff.
  1. NHS Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group needs to be involved in the forum. Who should be invited to attend? Some discussion about why they need to be involved followed by general agreement; and CCG propose headof engagement (Robin Butcher) and primary care manager (Sue Carvell)
  1. Who else should regularly be invited (as opposed to a speaker on a specific topic)?General views about who is relevant for any particular meeting eg Swindon Borough Council, local charities or voluntary organisations.

c / Frequency of meetings
  1. If it continues as a large meeting, how often should the forum meet?General view that about every three months for an open forum of the current size (25-35 people).
  2. If it meets as a smaller group with a less frequent larger meeting, how often should they each meet?Agreed steering group to be formed. Will meet as frequently as required to undertake the task (eg help define agenda, and ensure follow up action).

d / What are your views about the current administrative arrangements?General view that these are satisfactory with Healthwatch Swindon continuing its role.
e /
  1. What are your views about our current venueAgreed good (though subject to numbers attending might need to expand into larger venue).
  2. What are your views about the timing of meetings?Agreed good whilst recognising daytime meetings exclude some people. Steering group could review.

f / What are your views about accountability and reporting arrangements?
At present, agenda and notes are circulated to every PPG member whose contact details have been provided to Healthwatch Swindon and to practice managers or relevant staff. What is your view of this arrangement? Generally agreed to be satisfactory.
4 / Next meeting.
New steering group will meet and fix suggested date for an April forumat Swindon Advice and Support Centre, Sanford House, Swindon SN1 1QH.

Jo Osorio/

8 February 2016/PPG/PPG forum notes 3 February 2016 draft