Parent/Student Handbook
Thinking, Learning, and Growing with Excellency
Alonzo J. Brown, Principal
Dr. Lyne Ssebikindu, Assistant Principal
School Information Page
Letter from the Principal and Staff………………………….……….5
Beliefs Statements………………………………………….7
School Motto and Slogan…………………………..8
Title I Information
Elementary and Secondary Education Act…….. 9 - 10
School Compact……………………………………………11-12
Family Engagement Plan...... 13-16
General Information…………………………………………………....……17-28
Visitors……………………………………………...... 17
Admission and Enrollment...... 18-19
Dress Code Policy………………...... …20
Cafeteria Procedure …………………………..21
Federal Nutritional Guidelines…………………………………….……..22
Grading System Policy……….………………………………...... 23
Office Hours and Procedures………………………25
Student Code of Conduct…………………………..26
Handling Concerns……………………………….. 27
Dismissal call Times ……………………………….28
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
Alonzo J. Brown
Dr. Lyne Ssebikindu
Assistant Principal
Gwendolyn Ingram
Title I PLC Coach
Ashley Owens Davis
Guidance Counselor
Simone Smith
Financial Secretary
Gloria Crawford
Attendance Secretary
Myrtle Winfield
Kids House, School Age Child Care Coordinator
Betty Lee
Family Service Specialist
Lenetrice Johnson
Cafeteria Manager
Linda Powell
Building Engineer
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
Parent-Student Handbook
Your Parent-Student Handbook provides you with information about your school. We feel that through helping parents and students become better acquainted with mission, vision, beliefs, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, codes of conduct, and school operations, we enhance each child’s opportunities for success in school. Your signatures will denote the receipt of the Crump Elementary School Parent Handbook. Please know that it is your responsibility to read and have knowledge of the contents provided in the handbook.
Today the faculty and staff stand committed to all of the parents, guardians, and community stakeholders of students at Crump Elementary School. We are thankful that you have allowed us the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life. Today we make a commitment to all of our students. We will do everything in our power to make sure that our students develop into lifelong learners and productive contributors to society. We believe that we can accomplish our goals with the dedication and support of parents, students, staff, and community stakeholders all working together in harmonious relationships.
***** Information in this Handbook is subject to change and does not exclude adherence to the SCS Handbook**********
Dear Parents, Students, and Community Stakeholders
Welcome to Crump Elementary! It is our pleasure to have you as members of the Crump
Family. The entire staff and I really want you to know that we are totally dedicated to a very high quality of education for each and every student. With parents, teachers and community working together in a spirit of mutual respect, open communication, and cooperation, our students will have the best opportunity to achieve success.
Parents thank you in advance for your continued strong support through the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). We desire to see 100% parent – teacher participation this year. Please contact Ms. Betty Leeat 901-416-5940 for any questions concerning the PTO. Also, boys and girls, remember that we expect you to always show your best behavior. Again this year we urge parents and students to become actively involved in the many extra-curricular activities that are designed for personal growth, development and enjoyment. We certainly always appreciate all of our community stakeholders and the loyal support you provide.
The information in this booklet will help us attain our goals and will serve as a guide and source of information for you. Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference.
Alonzo J. Brown
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
- Preparing all students for success in learning, leadership and life.
- Crump Elementary School is a place where teaching and learning produce well-rounded, high achieving students.
- Maintain a positive, safe and respectful environment for all students and staff.
- Accelerate and celebrate the academic performance of all students.
- Sustainand create an accountability system that evaluates the academic, operational and fiscal performance of our school...
- Build and strengthen family and community partnerships to support the academic and character development of all students.
- Support a school community that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of a diverse population.
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
- We Believe that meeting the teaching and learning needs of our students is our primary function.
- We Believe that students learn best when engaged in a positive challenging learning environment that is managed by caring and competent adults.
- We Believe that significant sustained achievement gains are made through the use of research based best practices, professional learning communities and faculty/staff proficiency in all professional development.
- We Believe that the utilization of proactive, prevention and intervention measures are essential elements for improved self- esteem, self- actualization and self-discipline for students at Crump Elementary School.
- We Believe that meaningful collaborations, responsiveness, sensitivity and high expectations among all stakeholders are vital to advance the mission and to fulfill the vision at Crump Elementary School.
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
Royal Blue and Silver with White
I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me too. If it is to be, it is up to me. It begins with me.
“Where the Best Achieve Excellence”
(To be repeated in assemblies, cafeteria, classrooms, etc.)
The Be Rules
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be Helpful
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Our school is a federally funded school wide Title I school. Title I requires thatschools create a positive, supportive learning environment that results in high levels ofachievement for all students. Funds areavailable for academic programs andstrategies, additional teachers and otherpersonnel, staff development, materials, supplies, technology, and parent training.We look forward to working with you and your childto make this a rewarding year.
Elementary and Secondary Education ActElementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Parents’ Right-To-Know
All parents have the right to request the following:
- A teacher’s professional qualifications, which includes: state qualifications, licensure, grade/s certification, waivers
- A teacher’s baccalaureate and /or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, previous teaching experience
- A paraprofessional’s qualifications
- An assurance that their child’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released to military recruiters
- Their child’s level of achievement in each of the state academic assessments
- Their option to request a transfer to another school within the district if their child is the victim of a violent crime at school
- Their right to timely notification that their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified
Derecho De los Padres de Familia a saber
Todos los padres tienen derecho a solicitar lo siguiente:
- Las calificaciones profesionales de un maestro, que incluye: Calificaciones del Estado, Licenciatura, graos de la certificación, Renuncia a derecho
- El Bachillerato a Titulo de graduación del maestro, campos de especialidad, experiencia previa
- La calificaciones del profesional
- Garantía que los datos de su hijo como nombre, dirección, numero de teléfono, no se entregan a los reclutadores militares
- El nivel de rendimiento de su hijo en cada una de las evaluaciones académicas del estado
- Su opción de solicitar un traslado a otra escuela del distrito si su hijo/a es victima de un crimen violento en la escuela
- Su derecho a aviso con tiempo anticipado que su hijo/a ha sido asignado o ha estado bajo la enseñanza durante cuatro semanas consecutivas o más, de un maestro que no está altamente cualificado
The compact has been jointly developed and agreed upon by Crump Elementary School, parents, students, and school staff.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
I will promote my child’s learning by monitoring my child’s attendance, homework completion, and television watching.
Attend family literacy, math and curriculum events
Communicate with the teacher on an ongoing basis regarding my child’s progress.
Support my child’s learning by volunteering in my child’s classroom to observe classroom activities.
Participate in decisions relating to my child’s education.
Be responsible for supporting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
Parent’s Signature______
Student Agreement
It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
Obey all rules of class/school conduct.
Complete and return homework assignments.
Attend school each day with pens, pencils, paper, and other necessary tools for learning.
Exhibit respect for others, myself and school property at all times and refrain from bullying behaviors.
Student’s Signature______
Teacher Agreement
It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
Provide frequent reports of your child’s academic progress.
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
Allow students access to a variety of resources such as technology, texts, and manipulatives.
Hold parent and teacher conferences to discuss school-parent compact as it relates to student achievement
Teacher’s Signature______
School Responsibility
I, the undersigned, partner in the education of children at Crump Elementary commit to the following:
Provide an environment that encourages positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student.
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
Hold parent and teacher conferences to discuss school-parent compact as it relates to student achievement
Parents will be given reasonable access to staff, to volunteer, participate and observe in their child’s class.
Principal’s Signature ______
Crump Elementary School
Este Pacto ha sido desarrollado, conjuntamente por la escuela, los padres, los estudiantes, y el personal de la escuela.
Yo, el socio abajofirmante procuraré hacer lo siguiente en la educación de mi hijo/a.
Promoveré aprendizaje de mi hijo por la supervisión de mi hijo asistencia, cumplimiento de deberes y viendo la televisión.
Asistir a eventos familiares de alfabetización, matemáticas y curriculum
Comunicarse con el maestro de manera continua sobre el progreso de mi hijo.
Apoyo mi niño está aprendiendo como voluntario en el salón de mi hijo para observar las actividades del aula.
Participar en las decisiones relativas a la educación de mi hijo.
Ser responsable para apoyar el uso positivo del tiempo extracurricular de mi hijo.
Firma de los Padres ______
Es importante trabajar en lo mejor de mis habilidades. Por lo tanto, procuraré hacer lo siguiente:
Obedecer todas las reglas de conducta de la clase de la escuela.
Tareas completas y retorno.
Asistir a la escuela cada día con bolígrafos, lápices, papel y otras herramientas necesarias para el aprendizaje.
Muestran respeto por los demás, yo mismo y propiedad de la escuela en todo momento y abstenerse de conductas de intimidación.
Firma del estudiante ______
Yo, el socio abajofirmante procuraré hacer lo siguiente en la educación de su hijo/a en la escuela Coleman:
Proporcionar frecuentes informes de progreso académico de su hijo.
Proporcionar alta calidad currículo e instrucción en un ambiente de aprendizaje eficaz y solidaria.
Permitir el acceso de los estudiantes a una variedad de recursos como tecnología, textos y manipulativos.
Mantenga conferencias de padres y maestros hablar de escuela y los padres como se relaciona con el logro estudiantil
Firma del Maestro/a ______
Yo, el socio abajofirmante procuraré hacer lo siguiente en la educación de los niños en la escuela Coleman:
Proporcionar un entorno que fomenta la comunicación positiva entre el docente, padres y estudiantes.
Proporcionar alta calidad currículo e instrucción en un ambiente de aprendizaje eficaz y solidaria.
Mantenga conferencias de padres y maestros hablar de escuela y los padres como se relaciona con el logro estudiantil
Los padres se dará acceso razonable al personal, como voluntario, participar y observar en la clase de su hijo.
2015-2016Family Engagement Plan
Our Family Engagement Plan was developed jointly with our parents, agreed on with parents, and distributed to parents. This plan will be made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of the parents and the school.
Crump Elementary will encourage parents to become meaningfully involved and promote the capacity for strong parental involvement in the following ways:
- Notify parents of the school’s Title 1 Family Engagement Plan in an understandable and uniform format provided in a language the parents can understand.
- Provide information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents in a format and language parents can understand.
- Provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a format and language parents understand.
- Convene an annual meeting at flexible times (mornings and evenings) and to inform parents about the school’s parental involvement programs and right of parents to be involved; invite all parents to attend in order to receive information about school programs, school’s Title 1 status, the requirements of Title 1 and the parents’ right to be involved in the school.
- Provide parents with the opportunity to submit parent comments on the school-wide program (TSIPP) if it is not satisfactory to the parents when the school makes the plan available to the school district. Parents can submit their comments via e-mail, in writing or in person to the Title 1 Parent Counselor.
- Provide opportunities for regular and flexible meetings (morning and evening) such as P.T.A. meetings, Site-Based Decision Making Council meetings, Parent/Teacher Conferences and Family Nights.
- Provide parents (based on parent request)an opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible
- Parents, or representation of parents, are involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and joint development of the school-wide program plan (TSIPP).
- Parental involvement strategies are coordinated and integrated with parent involvement strategies under other programs such as our State-run preschool program and Title III language instructional program.
- Staff will be educated with the assistance of parents in the value and contributions of parents, and in working with parents-how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, build ties between parents and the school.
- Provide parents with timely information about school programs under NCLB section 1118.
- Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum the school uses, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
- Assist parents in understanding topics such as the State’s academic content standards, State student academic achievement standards, State and local academic assessments, how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve student achievement.
- Materials and training will be provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster parental involvement.
- Provide support for parents per parent request.
Parents can do the following to ensure academic success in the lives of their children:
- Participate in parent-teacher conferences.
- Attend parent meetings and workshops.
- Serve on committees and participate in the decision -making process.
- Serve as volunteers in the classroom, on field trips, in the cafeteria, and in other areas as needed.
- Respond to memos, surveys, express ideas, voice concerns, and provide feedback.
2015-2016Family Engagement Plan Spanish
Nuestro Plan de Participación de la Familia ha sido desarrollado conjuntamente con nuestros padres, consentimiento de los padres, y se distribuye a los padres. Este plan será puesto a disposición de la comunidad local y actualizada periódicamente para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de los padres y la escuela.
Crump Primaria a los padres a convertirse en una participación significativa y promover la capacidad de una fuerte participación de los padres en las siguientes formas:
1. Notificar a los padres del título de la escuela un plan de participación familiar
en un formato comprensible y uniforme, siempre en un lenguaje que los
padres puedan entender.
2. Proporcionar información relacionada con los programas escolares y los
padres, reuniones y otras actividades se envían a los padres en un formato y
lenguaje que los padres puedan entender.
3. Proporcionar oportunidades para la participación de los padres con dominio
limitado del Inglés, padres con discapacidades, y padres de niños migratorios,
incluyendo la provisión de información e informes de la escuela en un formato
y lenguaje que los padres entienden.
4. Convocar una reunión anual en horarios flexibles (mañana y tarde) y para
informar a los padres sobre los programas de la escuela participación de los
padres y el derecho de los padres a participar, invitar a todos los padres a
asistir para recibir información sobre los programas escolares, escuela de
Título 1 de la condición, el requisitos del Título 1 y el derecho de los padres a
participar en la escuela.
5. Proveer a los padres la oportunidad de presentar sus observaciones de los