PACK 205 (
Pack 205 thrives due to the enthusiastic support shown by our Leaders, Parents, and Community. As we begin the 2009/2010 Scout Year (Scouting’s 100th Year!), we would like to detail what financial commitments the Scout parents should expect.
There are three types of expenses:
- Annual Pack Dues–annual dues of $140 are paid for each boy registered in Pack 205. Specifics on dues and pack expenses are detailed below. In addition, first time Scouts, regardless of age, are required to pay a one-time $20.00 fee to register your son with the BSA District.
- Activity Fees – fees paid to offset costs for specific activities the parents and boys decide to do during the year, such as Scouting Night at the Duck’s, our trip in 2009 to the Vanderbilt Planetarium, etc. For the 2009/2010 Scouting year, you will have a multitude of activities (some free and some at cost) that will contribute to your son’s (and your) Scouting experience!
- Friends of Scouting is another integral part of the Scouting picture. These are the people who run Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts for our division (Sagtikos Division), and organize all events and training courses to ensure the volunteer Cub Leaders are prepared to provide the best possible Scouting experience for your boys. Friends of Scouting exists solely by donations, and volunteers will visit all the Packs to educate on the importance of donating, and how this money is used. This donation is completely voluntary, with each family donating what they can if they choose to do so.
At the beginning of each school year dues are collected from each Cub Scout to offset very specific expenses. For the year 2009/2010, the annual dues will be $140 per boy, and is requested in two installments (the first half no later than October 2009, and the remainder by November 2009). Dues may be paid in one installment, but we ask that all payments be completed by November. Dues may be paid directly to your Den/Patrol Leader, or the Pack Treasurer. Our goal is that most, if not all the dues money raised is used by the Pack by the end of that year.
These funds are vital to help sustain Pack 205, andall the money is used for our Pack. The Pack Committee would like to help you understand where these monies are spent:
Den Activity Funds – Each Den or Patrol Leader receives a fixed amount per boy for use towards activities (crayons, glue, paper, kits, etc) they do at den meetings. All of our Leaders are VOLUNTEERS, so it is unfair to expect them to fund these expenses, donate their time, and pay dues for their boys (which they are required to do). This allocation ($40 per boy) is given at the beginning of the school year and is expected to last the entire Scouting year.
Pack Administration – Pack 205 has expenses specific to running the Pack, including:
- Annual Registration and Pack Re-Charter – paid on behalf of each Scout to the Boys Scouts of America, which also includes an annual subscription to Boy Scout Magazine(mailed directly to your home).
- Licensing and updates to BSA Packmaster, the software used to track each boy’s achievements.
- Advancements - all badges, patches, beads, awards, etc., which are awarded monthly at our Pack meetings.
Specific Pack events are also paid, either partly or in full, out of the dues:
- Blue and Gold Dinner – although parents are asked to contribute to offset the cost, typically some portion of this event is funded by the Pack.
- Summer Picnic – free to all Pack families, and a great way to celebrate the year’s accomplishments!
- Pinewood Derby – Scouts are provided car kits and trophies. Refreshments are sold at a nominal fee to help offset the costs to the Pack, maintenance for computer systems, and tracks used to keep the event running smoothly each year.
All of our Leadership positions are filled by volunteers. We all do it because we think that Cub Scouts is a great experience for our boys. It teaches wonderful things like friendship, leadership, compassion and teamwork. It’s a brotherhood that creates a special bond between the boys that will continue as they grow. All are welcome (and encouraged) to join the Pack 205 Committee to see what goes into running our pack. We meet once a month and are there to help. If you would like to speak to any of our Committee members please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours in Scouting,
Mike Arens – Cub MasterDonna Polidoro - Committee ChairLarry Grey – Treasurer
WHERE DO OUR DUES GO 10-04-09Page 1Updated: 11/7/2018