Riverside School – activities in Play Place through STAR

Hazards & RISKS(significant hazards and assess the risks) / Children getting lost on large site
Accidents, trips and spills
Working with external provider
Unfamiliar staff/adults on site
Health needs unknown for visitors
Exposure to busy lunchtime environment in busy canteen; playtime with main school
Event specific factors may include – use of ICT equipment, use of small scale art and craft equipment inc scissors, use of batteries, motors etc, physical movement and role play
Control Measures(reasonable practicable precautions)
Visitors escorted to venue room and given local briefing. On no account should visiting pupils return through school without an adult
Toilets as part of the room being used – self contained facility
Riverside School staff briefed to expect and facilitate visitors. Riverside pupils also expected to facilitate and be ambassadors
First aid facilities in Play Place
Telephone comms through to School Office
All visiting and Riverside staff wear ID badges
All visiting pupils escorted by staff/volunteers from own school, who carry responsibility for those pupils, apart from where explicitly discussed with Riverside School who may take on this role from time to time
All providers are DBS checked at central agency used. Visiting providers are not left with pupils without school/visiting staff present
Visiting staff must carry any medication required by their pupils including inhalers etc
Visiting schools are responsible for completing their own permissions with parents (though Riverside provide a template) and for completing their own online notification through Evolve
At lunchtime, a designated area is provided for visiting pupils
At playtime, Riverside staff should be supplemented by visiting staff. The school has an inner fenced area which is clearly identified to pupils as where they can play
All staff should closely supervise their pupils as activities evolve during the day, for example supervising EY/KS1 pupils when using scissors. Staff should be aware of appropriate adjustments that individual visiting pupils may require and should discuss pupil needs either in advance with Riverside School, or on the day with the Provider.