1,000 Books Before Kindergarten


Where do I get the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten App?

It is a free app that you can download from Google Play or the Apple app store.

Do I need to visit my library to use the 1000 Books before Kindergarten app?

You do not need to visit the public library in order to use the 1000 Books app. However, please visit the library at every 100 book milestone to get a small prize and record the date in our log at the front desk.

Can I start using the app even though I’ve started recording titles on a paper log through an established library program?

You are welcome to use the app to continue recording the books on your 1000 Books journey.

Can I use the mobile app for 1000 Books without an internet connection?

The 1000 Books app does require an internet connection in order to view your child’s reading log.

Can I upload my child’s photo to their profile?

Yes, when you first register to use the app, you can select either a default photo of an owl, our reading helper, or you can upload a photo of your child from your phone or tablet’s camera roll. Simply press and hold your child’s icon and select “change photo.”

Where is the data stored? Is it safe?

The books you record for each child is stored in secure cloud storage at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. If you uploaded an image of your child, the image is stored locally on your phone or your phone’s cloud storage.

How do I retrieve my child’s reading record if I can’t see it in the app when I’m logged in?

Try closing out the app completely and opening it back up. Verify that your phone or tablet has internet access.

Can multiple care givers use the app to add books to my child’s reading record?

Yes! For instance, if you and your babysitter all read to your child, you can all record the books read on the app. You will need to share your email address and the password you chose when signing up for the 1000 Books program.

I don’t remember my password. How can I reset it?

The 1000 books app automatically keeps you logged in so you don’t have to remember your password, but if you want to obtain it, you can always reset it. From the main screen where your child’s icon is, click on Account Settings and then select “submit a new password.” From here, you can also log out of the app. Alternatively, at the start screen where you registered for the program, click “Forgot Password?” and we will email you a link to change your password.

I’d like to share my child’s reading progress with my friends on Facebook, how do I do that within the app?

You, too, should be applauded for reading to your child and helping them reach this magnificent milestone. You can share your child’s reading progress by clicking the share button and select Facebook.

Can I remove a child from the app?

Yes, simply press and hold the default image or custom image of the child and then select “remove” when prompted. Please note this function cannot be reversed. Your child’s reading record will be deleted from the system.

Can I search for a title I have already added to my child’s record?

Yes, simply click in the search bar of your child’s reading record and type in the title or author’s name.

Can I add a title again that I’ve read to my child in the past?

Yes, search for the title in your child’s reading record and then click, “tap to add again.”